Just wanted to point out a really good way to cover up smell in your room/house


I was recently having problems in room of it really smelling like marijuana.. I am vegging my plants indoors then putting them outside for the rest of their growth. It was really starting to smell like weed and i had to fix it fast.. I bought some dryer sheets (fabric softeners) and put them behind the cage of my fan i use for circulation. I cant tell you guys how great it smells in my room now, there isn't even a trace of marijuana smell in my room. Just wanted to share for the noobies out there who are starting to get some issues with smell in their rooms.


Well-Known Member
why not just use a carbon filter & fan?

mis read what you said, why veg inside and put outside? why not just keep them out there?


I want to make sure they all live. The fan is just a fan that circulates air inside of my bed room, i have a small veg grow going on inside of a old fish tank stand. They are going outside in two weeks so it will make the room smell fresh in the mean time.


Active Member

I wouldn't put them in the grow area, I don't think that would be a good idea.
I use 2 oz's of lemongrass oil in a gallon water bucket in my grow room, no problem with order.
Does this only work in veg?

Reminds me of the good old days when we would toke and then blow our hits out though a "zoob toob"
I did that a lot and got away with it quite a few times. Most of the time, someone would fuck up and forget to blow it through the tube, lol. But whatever.... being a kid was awesome.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
I don't own a carbon scrubber and grow ww
the lemongrass oil does work through the whole grow. You can tell when you need to clean it out and start fresh. Mine last at least 30 to 45 days.


Dryer sheets work great i found out gain works best. Get a hunter air purifier sold at menards plus they have carbon and use the dryer sheets in them. One word for you ona. Product is great even during flowering eliminates odor no problem ona pro gel amazon has it for sale get a gallon.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've used them all around the grow area didn't do anything to the taste of the bud...my wife is the one who figured it out.


Well-Known Member
for that same matter, an easier thing would be to just hang some automobile air fresheners in the room.

i'm interested in this lemongrass oil idea though. but not sure i want a bucket of water sitting in my grow room all the time. any humidity issues?


Well-Known Member
make your house smell like something herbal/piney all the time. aroma therapy crap. oils, potpourri's, candles. tell all your family and friends how you're just daft about this stuff, and it makes your house smell nice. cook some sauerkraut, or liver and onions, if someone is coming over on short notice. "some chitlins, Aunt Ellie?"


Well-Known Member
Dryer sheets work great i found out gain works best. Get a hunter air purifier sold at menards plus they have carbon and use the dryer sheets in them. One word for you ona. Product is great even during flowering eliminates odor no problem ona pro gel amazon has it for sale get a gallon.
Ona works but it smells like shit.

I love my carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
make your house smell like something herbal/piney all the time. aroma therapy crap. oils, potpourri's, candles. tell all your family and friends how you're just daft about this stuff, and it makes your house smell nice. cook some sauerkraut, or liver and onions, if someone is coming over on short notice. "some chitlins, Aunt Ellie?"

i heard the wicks in those scented candles can be toxic. a lot of the cheap ones use a lead core wick. lead vapor anyone?


Well-Known Member
it's an interesting idea and i'm going to check it out.

along with a carbon filter, i used to use ozium in the timer release set up. for some reason, i couldn't find any of the short ozium cans so i got some glade plug ins. i like them and they're pretty cheap. one by the front door and one by the back and i have one for the grow room that i used when my water heater burst and they were standing 6 feet from my grow while replacing it! the carbon filter is cool and all but to be effective they can get pretty loud. when someone is standing right next to the grow room door, i like the added security of something that is producing or killing odors.
Yankee candles...my house has a different smell everyday plus she gets to spend money and shop a win/win situation. Im going to try lemon grass thing.I dont allow anything in my grow area so lemon thing might work for me.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Distilled essential oil of Lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus
Can be found on line. Please make sure it's essential oil of lemongrass, not lemon grass oil. OK?
They do sell both. essential oil of lemongrass will work will work very well for you. You will love the sent!