cant grow 4 sht

need sum help wit this , after germination i put the taproot in ffof , is this soil 2 hot 2 start them out with? they do ok until there like 1-2'' , they either die or dont grow,the soil seems dry all the time, using the window deal 4 light then 26w cfl's to make up the 18/6 i wuz going 2 use 1 per plant until they got a lil bigger. the 2 that i got now r maybe 1-2'' and there not doing sht just sitting there fucn wit me. Photo on 2012-03-21 at 14.15.jpgyea i no its hard 2 c ,and there turning yellow , but anyways this is wut they look like, this 1 is 2wks old after germination, i left it in the peat cup this time 2 c wuts up the other time i took them out that turned out 2 b a fn fail this doesnt look any better . well, if ya can help thanks alot


Well-Known Member
How long after the seed cracks are you waiting to plant? they can run out of energy if planted too late, also are you planting the cracked seed below the surface? another thing ,what are the seeds? it could be poor quality seeds.


Well-Known Member
i know that pic is from a celly but come on. you should be able to change the picture size/quality or at least get closer.

when dealing with seedlings, less is more. no nutes. just light and a bit of water. the top of your soil could be dry while the bottom could be soaked. keep in mind that tap roots generally go straight down. it's when they hit the bottom and can't go anywhere else that they start to circle and shoot off side roots. if the bottom is saturated, it affects the whole plant.

i usually start my seeds in a half inch or so in dirt, in a small pot(3 inch), watered through. i generally won't water again until about 5 days after the seed sprouts. my seeds have always popped within 36 to 48 hours, but if yours take 5 or 6 days to pop, maybe you will need water a bit sooner. either way, i'm talking just a little water. no need to soak again yet. roots LOVE damp/dry soil. they HATE wet/saturated soil.


Well-Known Member
need sum help wit this , after germination i put the taproot in ffof , is this soil 2 hot 2 start them out with? they do ok until there like 1-2'' , they either die or dont grow,the soil seems dry all the time, using the window deal 4 light then 26w cfl's to make up the 18/6 i wuz going 2 use 1 per plant until they got a lil bigger. the 2 that i got now r maybe 1-2'' and there not doing sht just sitting there fucn wit me. View attachment 2080712yea i no its hard 2 c ,and there turning yellow , but anyways this is wut they look like, this 1 is 2wks old after germination, i left it in the peat cup this time 2 c wuts up the other time i took them out that turned out 2 b a fn fail this doesnt look any better . well, if ya can help thanks alot
............................cant find my glasses ;) need better pics lol :)


Well-Known Member
I water my five gal smart pots with one gal of water then I plant my germinated seed about 1/2in tap root pointing down using all of my 600watts of cfl and keep the top moist by spraying with water. I forgot I use Fox Farms Ocean soil.