your biggest problem is going to be finding someone who wants to sell you a kilo man. that's some fairly gangster shit and most dudes are gonna call you out on being a cop until you've bought some halfs and some ounces from them for a while first. if i was dealing enough to be sitting on a kilo at any given point in time, i'm gonna look at my profit margins as well. i'll make way more selling a bunch of 1/4's, halfs, and OZ's, then i will selling my whole key. that means you need to be in with a dude in the first place. in enough for him to make a special order to his dude, and in enough for him to not try and get too big of a slice of the pie himself.
good luck on your quest man because if you are asking must not be in enough with your own dealer yet, and that shit can take time. A fucking kilo!