How will I know when to trim and jar?

Ive cut her down as you can see. Now do I just let her hang dry for a few days? Ive read some site on curing and drying....not sure whats best though. Any suggestions???

After this I plan to:
1. clip the excess leaves (1-2 days)
2. clip off the popcorn (4-5 days)
3. place in Jar
4. then what?

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Its sunday. I should be ready by next Sunday :-), no?



Yes hang in absolute darkness for 3-7 days. It helps to have a small fan moving the air in the space, but not blowing directly at them, as doing that will cause the surface of the buds to dry out while the center retains moisture. dry till the stem snaps rather than bends.

To cure place in an airtight jar, a mason jar with rubber grommet is best. dont pack them in, drop them in. First day open the jar and gently agitate the buds every 6-8 hours. second day every 12 hours. after that once a day for a week or so. Later every 2-3 days if you like, but not neccesary, as moisture will have mostly left the buds. Cure is not essential to smoke but dramatically improves flavor, and promotes an even burn.


Well-Known Member
Yes hang in absolute darkness for 3-7 days. It helps to have a small fan moving the air in the space, but not blowing directly at this, doing that will cause the surface of the buds to dry out while the center retains moisture. dry till the stem snaps rather than bends.

To cure place in an airtight jar, mason jar with rubber grommet is best. First day open the jar every 6-8 hours. second day every 12 hours. after that once a day for a week or so. Later every 2-3 days if you like, but not neccesary, as moisture will have mostly left the buds. Cure is not essential to smoke but dramatically improves flavor, and promotes an even burn.
dead on!!! could take more than 7 days check the stem in more then one place to check if it snaps


Well-Known Member
stems are sponges when it comes to moisture, have the least amount as possible and trim before drying. once your stems are a bit crisp and your bud is drying, move it to a brown paper bag or a mason jar if you want think too much moisture has escaped. put a paper towel on your lid as well, check back and feel your paper towel, if it is moist put it in a wooden cigar box or a brown paper bag, then back to the mason jar when moisture has wicked out, then back to the jar, burp the jar as much as you can during the day and let new air flow in for a few minutes. after a week or so, letting it cure for a month or two is suggested, it will help the chlorophyll dry out more and make your product more smokable and smoother. if you feel you have lost all your moisture and end up with airy buds, try adding an orange peel to your jar for a day or so, the humidity will wick out of the orange peel and help rehydrate the buds.


Is it best to keep in several smaller jars or one bigger jar? I'm not sure of the science behind the volue / surface ratio etc and if it would speed it up at all? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Best advice so far. Buy some hygrometers and do it right. It takes all the guesswork and worrying out of dry/cure. Keep your ambient temps cool in the dry room. 65F is best. With rh50 ambient humidity. after a week of sweating the buds you can smoke one at about rh60 inside the jar. Lower is better and a longer cure is even better still. Some here suggested a very long dry time and that could cause buds to lose too much moisture too quickly. Moisture lost is near impossible to get back. I go by touch and feel of the buds after 4-5 days of drying. But that doesn't mean yours won't be dry sooner. Have a hygrometer/thermometer in the dry room so you don't have to guess. eBay. Look for Cal3 hygrometers. Even the cheap Chinese knockoffs I like. Not as accurate but they are way cheaper and are accurate to within 5 degrees farenheit. Jar early if in doubt. You can always remove the buds and throw them on a dry rack for another half day or a day. But watch the numbers. If the temps inside the jars are stable for a few days at 60-65 rh then only burp once a week. The longer they stay in that cure zone the better your cure will turn out.