Ursus marijanus
Some damaged individuals.... rights should be cheaper. cn
Some damaged individuals....
OK that does it. One therapeutic dose coming up. cn*feels incredibly stupid*
*feels incredibly stupid*
i.... don't care. all of the good ones are gone now anyway.
plus even before it ended up turning into a picture of chicks thread with very little substance.
really, i'm not looking for pictures anymore lol. takes too much time.
sorry ganjames, i guess i am partly to blame for turning this thread into a picture of chicks thread with very little substance.
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A thread on a marijuana website that was so awesome, so powerful, so deep, so thought-provoking that it's sheer awesomeness broke the internet and turned back the hands of time 1 month.
Yo, did you see that girl in the Rumblr thread?
Hells yeah, I'd throat fuck that bitch fo' sure!!!
by definitelynotneo on Mar 18, 2012
tags: fuck, weed, slut, awesome, eatadick
I tried to revive it. Nothing lasts forever I guess. In all honesty I don't believe we ever had a repost. I made it so that it will live on in spirit forever.
What a delightful build the fair maiden possesses.....
What a delightful build the fair maiden possesses.....