Club 600

[video=youtube;2RMS9DJLsKc] DvjVQa1PpcFO4wqrFT8-oT7XDGvkyhoSz3X5rr19axLk%3D[/video]
You bring the Commander Much Joy Doobie.


Good morning my inter galactic pot heads, been up all night after I basically stuffed myself with pizza last night, lol....guess I shouldn't have eaten half of the wifes as well, it felt like a had a pizza delivery guy sitting on my chest all night, lol. Was a bloody great pizza though, and you know what they say, if it don't kill you it will make you stronger.

So here's something that will get all you parents a gassing. So I get an email from my Dads wife, who is a bit of a fruit loop, all be it one that is only a few years older than me, still holds her shape, and scrubs up not bad for an ex-model, but a fruit loop all the same. So she tends to drop me an email when things are going okay for her (she just got a 6 month job, she's into politics and they are arranging some shitty party that the Oz president will be talking at (these sort of things give her a real buzz! ) although not in looks, she reminds me a bit of the character Hyacynth Bucket from the BBC (pronounded Bouquet, lol).

Anyway, this lengthy email includes the fact that the wee man is becoming a teenager and they'll have him at this party serving canopés along with 4 other teenagers. Christ it makes me puke already. Her words....."we are training him". Fukking training him, the poor wee guy doesn't stand a chance, he's already got the political views of a mini bloody hitler youth member, along with being sent to a Catholic school and being taught the ideals from a women whos family are from middle freaking Earth. The sentence, "we have been busy with our party (conservative)" made me laugh. Like I didn't know her views were right wing, lol. But I guess she likes to remind me of her views from time to time.

Should parents be forcing politcal and religous views on children so heavily? I've heard some of the things he comes out with.....pretty incredible. (he bangs on about refuges, left wing government policy....incredible!) I seriously think the first time the wee man gets his trousers pulled down and his pecker kissed by a girl, there's a good chance he could turn into a right mad one...he'll wonder why he has been so well behaved.

It's interesting to see how people bring their children up is what I am trying to say I guess. I really hope I give my child (if that happens) the chance to make his own views about these things, as apposed to letting them decide what he'll have for dinner everynight, what clothes he'll wear, what chocolate biscuit they'll seem to get a gazzillion choices these days. My Mum was very much a Lefty, my Grandad was a Commie card holder, but I never got any politics rammed in my face when I was that age. I was too busy trying to get away to play football and chase girls, however, these days kids have views about refuges and labour policy...WTF!

Ok, I need a bowl.
My wife and I have had this conversation recently. we have a nine year old. We are very liberal but we send our daughter to a conservative private school. I am an atheist. Children should not be forced political views, but even if we don't like the way other people believe they still will differ from one person to another. I like to have that as an alternate view for my daughter. She remarks about some of the ultra conservative comments at her school and we discuss them and she learns from them. No matter how hard you try to let your child be "themselves" they will still grow up to be closer to an image of one or both of their parents than anyone would like to admit. It's up to you as the parent to guide your child in the direction that you believe will help them succeed in life.
Very well said Mike. :clap:

Morning DST! care for some Pizza. :spew:

2 of my 5 autos have Nuts so that Blows.

Not sure what to say about that mate. Me thinks the best thing one can do for their kid is give them the different sides of various issues. I don't think ramming any ideas down a kids throat is good for anyone. They either eat it up and are completely close minded that way, or they reject it and are close minded the other way. One of my best friends hated all religion until a couple years ago because he was forced to go to catholic school. He's kinda gotten over it now, seeing that he made up his mind based on what was pushed on him. It almost takes one's choice away when stuff is forced. About making choices when I have a kid, they will eat what we cook for dinner. If they want something special, they can cook dinner once a week. Of course my wife may have different views on this. Guess we'll see, haha.

We don't plan on having more than one TV in the house when we have a kid, so I guess about the only thing they will be forced to be around is sports... but I think that's a good thing, lol.

Speaking of kids... me and the wife are going to start looking into the adoption process. We are still trying to get pregnant as well... but it's always been my dream to adopt a little one. There are so many kids out there that would love to have parents... and we have the money and love for it to work.

I think you and your mrs would make good parents.
I knew I would get some good posts from the 6'ers. Mike looks like he got it down and too right Jig, I was made to eat whatever my Mum cooked and it turned me into a munching machine, lol. Cool on the adpotion front, sounds like a great idea. We were out with friends last night, they have been doing the IVF thing, and the girl was all prepped, been doing all the right things, took a week of work to go for the treatment, and was told, "sowwy, not enough eggy-wegs" or something like that, she was gutted!

Good luck on the rest of the plants being nutless Worm.
Isn't it fun not knowing if people "Like" you anymore, lmao.

I noticed some of my notifications had returned, and I now have 8460 unread notifications, so perhaps the "Like" is making a comeback......?!?!?!
fuck not having the like button. Sorry to keep banging on about it but it was a way i could let yall know im here and reading without having to write loads bout it. Wish i could remember what i was gonna say bout d's and doobs posts lol. I think if u are an opinionated and think that what you kno and do is the best and rightest way to live then ur gonna push that belief on ya kids. Hats off to ya jig mate, Ive always thought that about adopting, my brother adopted my niece and shes lovely altho a teen now loland not so.
there's one vote for the Like button then. Need to go and check if SoS get their site back up and running. I wonder what's going on. Database/connection error or something equally as technical that I know nish all about, hehe.
You bring the Commander Much Joy Doobie.


View attachment 2074560

I started out life as a Klingon, wild, untamed, dangerous.
I used the Vulcan philosophies to gain mastery of my mind and body before I killed someone (age 10).
After years of self discipline, I evolved into a Romulan.
Now I have some bud from my home world, hanging from the ceiling, slowly drying.
Tantalizing to the senses, it taunts me with it's nearness, laughing at my weakness, biding it's time.
Romulans are a patient lot.
Our diplomacy is a game of cat & mouse, of 4-dimensional chess.
The moment to strike is always the right moment to strike.
A quick smile, while the knife is twisted.
It all comes to plan...
Oh, by the by:

I am an adopted kid, so be careful of what you wish for.


*my mom used to "joke" that I was "Trouble", with as capital "T"!

Oh, and she thinks I'm weird, too. :-)
Sounds lovely west. Nothing like foul meat smell in the morning.

Oh, by the by:

I am an adopted kid, so be careful of what you wish for.


*my mom used to "joke" that I was "Trouble", with as capital "T"!

Oh, and she thinks I'm weird, too. :-)

You? Weird? I'm not sure about all that, lol.
The world should consider itself lucky that there was no internet when I was a kid...
