jack no 7 update in flower


were i am at the moment with my medicine any one got any oppionions plese comment 2 tents here aswel one tent is a week behind the other



Everything looks good man. What are you? About 4 weeks? Keep it going. Start checking the trichomes at 8 weeks flowering, but be prepared to go to 9-10 weeks as Jack Herer goes 60-70 days. Not sure about Jack No. 7 but my experience is nothing is done in 8 weeks. Always 9 minimum.

How do you like using the tents? I use them and like them to control the environment without taking up the whole room with my operation.


yeah 4 weeks and yeah jack no 7 apparently but it smells lemony as fuck and sticky . one tent has been veged for 2 and in 4th week of 12/12 and the other veged for 3 in week 3 of flower.im using alot of nutes so it better pay off lol im in coco aswell had to do alot of bending aswel and super cropping .

dnt know why the fuck ive gone down to a stranger .