Kinda shocked


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine from high school, same age as me, told me that her little sister has been married for over a year and a half. The girl is like just about to be 18, so she got married at 16.
Would you let your daughter get married that young?
BTW, they're hmong so its socially acceptable for it, but isnt there some law against that?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
A friend of mine from high school, same age as me, told me that her little sister has been married for over a year and a half. The girl is like just about to be 18, so she got married at 16.
Would you let your daughter get married that young?
BTW, they're hmong so its socially acceptable for it, but isnt there some law against that?
It's a state by state thing. 16 in some states is the age of consent. Creepy but legal.

Pat the stoner

New Member
When I was younger I think it was 14 wth parental consent in Maryland . Not sure if thats right (Maryland) but somewhere my cousin wanted to go and marry a guy . That's just sick .

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Florida16/18 (bill pending)
Kentucky16 - [1]
Mississippi16 - [2]
New Hampshire16/18
New Jersey16/18
New Mexico17
New York17
North Carolina16
North Dakota18
Rhode Island16
South Carolina14/16
South Dakota16
West Virginia16
Puerto Rico18


Ursus marijanus
Carne, is your chart put of date? I'm getting 16 to 18 as the limits for the 50 states. cn U.S. State Age of Consent Age Gap Provision* Mistake of Age Defense** Alabama 16 Yes No Alaska 16 Yes Yes Arizona 18 No Yes Arkansas 16 No Yes California 18 No No Colorado 17 Yes No Connecticut 16 Yes No D.C. 16 Yes No Delaware 18 Yes No Florida 18 Yes No Georgia 16 Yes No Hawaii 16 Yes No Idaho 18 Yes No Illinois 17 No No Indiana 16 No Yes Iowa 16 Yes No Kansas 16 No No Kentucky 16 Yes Yes Louisiana 17 Yes No Maine 16 Yes Yes Maryland 16 Yes No Massachusetts 16 No No Michigan 16 No No Minnesota 16 Yes No Mississippi 16 Yes No Missouri 17 No Yes Montana 16 Yes Yes Nebraska 17 No No Nevada 16 No No New Hampshire 16 Yes No New Jersey 16 Yes No New Mexico 17 Yes No New York 17 No Yes North Carolina 16 Yes No North Dakota 18 No No Ohio 16 No No Oklahoma 16 Yes No Oregon 18 Yes No Pennsylvania 16 Yes Yes Rhode Island 16 No No South Carolina 16 No No South Dakota 16 No No Tennessee 18 Yes No Texas 17 No No Utah 18 Yes No Vermont 16 Yes No Virginia 18 No No Washington 16 Yes Yes West Virginia 16 Yes Yes Wisconsin 18 No No Wyoming 18 Yes Yes For some damn reason I cannot copy line breaks anymore!! I inserted three (3) carriage returns before this edit. cn . . . Text inside the pointy thingies >< doesn'tr show either. Harumph.


Well-Known Member
I just dont see (cultural issues aside) why anyone would want to get married before their mid to late 20's. You have to get your education , get your career started and just get your shit together. People go through a lot of changes from their teens into their twenties, so marrying a partner you get along with at eighteen doesn't mean you'll get along ten years down the road as you mature


Ursus marijanus
I just dont see (cultural issues aside) why anyone would want to get married before their mid to late 20's. You have to get your education , get your career started and just get your shit together. People go through a lot of changes from their teens into their twenties, so marrying a partner you get along with at eighteen doesn't mean you'll get along ten years down the road as you mature
Is pregnancy a cultural issue? (Tissue culture maybe ... ) cn


Well-Known Member
It varies by state. In Nevada the age of consent's 16. In every state contiguous with Nevada, it's 18. cn
I see we have a member of the cognoscienti invading us.

I'm pretty sure, if the parents allow it, you can get married even younger in many States.


Well-Known Member
lol she wasnt pregnant or anything, i guess she loved him and then her parents told her she could marry him, so she did.
I remember back when I was like 15 hanging out with them, they were telling me about all the girls they knew who were our age and had 25 year old bfs, and that they would problably be married soon, etc. I feel kinda bad for hmong girls, they get kinda pressed into being married and having kids with older men when they are young.
At least this girl who got married was pretty close in age to her husband

Pat the stoner

New Member
I just dont see (cultural issues aside) why anyone would want to get married before their mid to late 20's. You have to get your education , get your career started and just get your shit together. People go through a lot of changes from their teens into their twenties, so marrying a partner you get along with at eighteen doesn't mean you'll get along ten years down the road as you mature
Back then we went to work , the rich people went to college . A lot of times we worked full time from 15 on or younger , had an apartment by 16 . Marriage at 18 was more reasonable then . Now it does seem impracticle .

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Carne, is your chart put of date? I'm getting 16 to 18 as the limits for the 50 states. cn
Probably not. I was using it as an example how it varies state by state. Idaho? Hawaii? Dude we need to talk. 14? Seriously?

edit: Some of those are close in age exemptions. Normally 16 but close in age consent is 14. Yuck.


Well-Known Member
urca your thread got 5 stars, the riuocalypse has changed everyone for the better.

this is a beautiful day.


Well-Known Member
Getting married young like that beats the modern day alternative for many young american teens,they start squattin the kids out at 14,go directly to the welfare office & get on some program that pays them full welfare bennys plus insurance & food stamps to finish high school,which usualy involves welfare buying them a car to drive to school with.

Then by the time they are 22 they have 4 or 5 kids from several different babby daddys,none of which have jobs or pay more than $30 a month child support.

After the girl gets sick of all the kids running round interfering with her new mans sleep or interupting him couch riding video game sessions she dumps the kids off at grandparents homes for the weekend & splits,leaving the grandparents to take care of the kids.

Then durring her bouts of self pity we all get to hear them use noble phrases like " ill do anything for my kids " or " when I get my kids back ",then after she has exhausted all available welfare benifits we get the pleasure of paying for their stupidity for the rest of their lives after they are approved for SSI dissability for having ADHD.

I wouldnt feel sorry for them if I was you,chances are that 10 years from now they will be better off than most teen couples & will be contributing to the country/state by paying taxes from working full time jobs,all the while many many of their american counterparts end up as boat anchors for the rest of us to drag around.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Panhead.

I think it's better than having multiple partners then panicking and deciding you only want a baby when you're pushing 40.

14 is way too young, definitely a child. If the age of consent for sex is 16-18, is marriage a good idea? And would a 14 year old know who they love?

I've never has a boyfriend but I've screwed around with enough men to know I don't like the mind games, the heartbreak, knowing the other person sees you as just a temporary thing, the lack of a need for commitment, wondering if anythingwere to happen would that person still be there for you. I know marriages fail all the time and people say it's just a piece of paper, but the selfish I want to party and fuck as much as I want for as long as I want attitude...

Looking back, I wish someone would love me enough to even ask. If someone was dating me and we were really in love I'd marry them in a heartbeat.

Don't tell me I have my whole life ahead of me, what's there to look forward to? Even more years of accumulating baggage, getting emotionally screwed up and used until some other used guy has a mid-life crisis sick of playing the field and finally saying 'fine, maybe I should settle down, you'll do.

Years ago, younger people were marrying and starting a family, and a certain amount of emotional maturity and selfless effort came with that... It had to.


Well-Known Member
That was deep Kuroi.

I tend to agree with you btw, speaking as someone who has been around the block. Some people really get enamoured with the lust phase of a relationship though.

Pat the stoner

New Member
The ones from Idaho usually end up attending Bring 'em young university. ;)
I really hate the shit mormons do . When I was 16 there was a girl I liked and I got the courage to ask her out . She said she was a mormon and already to be married to a dude who was coming from Utah soon . When I saw the guy he was old as shit - looked 70 , and dude had a harem of wives with him (3) all younger 10-15 years apart . She was a sweet 16 year old kid . I hope she gave the old perv a heart attack .