When leafs turn yellow on the edges and look dry..


Active Member
So i only use clf to grow. But have had good results before. This time i have a problem with slow grow and leafs edges turning yellow. The stems also is turning puple.. I did not use those rock lite stuff in the dirt i can't remember the name on this time..Maby that is the reason??

Thought it was nute-burn so stopped using it for a week.. Nothing changed..

Any help would be great here dudes.. :)



Well-Known Member
Yeah but once it's burnt that's it, it's not going to go away where it's already happened. I vote nute burn.


Active Member
Once the burn is there you can't reverse it... But you can stop the new growth from getting burnt. I'd cut my nute dosage in half and slowly work my way but up a little.


Active Member
Yeah but once it's burnt that's it, it's not going to go away where it's already happened. I vote nute burn.
Hmm..Got a point there.. I'll give'em som more pure water and then give it a kick of nutes again and wish for the best..thanx for the help you guys..And damn fast...I digg it :)

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Some premix soils such as maracle grow soils have slow release ferts and are to rich to grow weeds. Cut premix soil with an inert substance such as coco for example to help dilute these high levels of nutrients.