Loss Of Data

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Dear Rollitup Users,

We at rollitup would like to extend our sincerest apologies for the recent downtime you have received. An SQL injection attack hit our server early in the morning causing alot of our posts to be overwritten and the site was then redirected. As a result the complete backup that we have is from 20-2-2012 and this is what we had to restore from. We were able to however reimport all the users that have registered in the past month back into the system. But I regret to inform you that the post and threads are not recoverable.

Although we have removed the lines of code that opened us to this SQL injection it pains me to say that we lost a month out of rollitups history and I only ask that you bear with us while we recouperate.

Now you may be asking why we only had a backup from Feburary. This is a good question, with a site such as ours data is our friend but it can also be our enemy. We do not like to transport our live data through the lines of the internet for just this reason, so when we do backup our date we make sure that we only get ther pertinent information from the files before we shut the doors and lock them again. However as you can see this is a double edged sword.

As I write this letter our admin and coding team are putting together safe guards from this happening again.

I would ask that all comments and questions be limited to this thread only rather then being spread out through out he forum.

Once again I do apologize for any inconvience this has caused you and we hope that you still hold us in high regard and trust.

Best Wishes,

ok thing is i love the Riu community , but i hate shit that don't add up , so am just gonna ask an innocent Que . your site is run by vB and if some one can Sql inject you they deff can do it to almost any other Vb site right? , and me being the internet addict i am . am on a lot of Vb sites. none of them have been attacked or are experiencing any kind of problems. this means this was all directed at you. so should i be worried , i don't care why , a simple yes or no .
sorry cali , Btw i almost did . and i don't keep a plant log cuz i am on the forums , i know how much it sux. you can try it adoin with the clones you had going
i don't like the instability that's been going on lately. don't care about losing posts, pictures, whatever. i am however amazed at the number of times riu is "offline" for one reason or another. i do feel somewhat compromised. tell me to not let the virtual door hit me in the ass on the way out if you want but i for one am seriously considering jumping off the unstable boat :peace:
That's exactly how I feel, I thought about jumping ship with the other riu refugees and even created an account (in part just to reserve my name), but I didn't like the layout and they had too many sub forums, so here I am.
Guys I suggest using Google cache to recover some of your data ( especially text ). I do the same for my thread today. Any questions just PM me. Cheers!
I was thinking the same thing Mugan. There's nothing I can find on the net about a recent v bulletin attack. Although, apparently there are how-tos on youtube for hacking v bulletin. I don't know how real they are v bulletin seems kinda week if they have any relevance.
I dont see a purpose in hacking/attacking this site... Unless your trying to bust people.... fucking creepy

Could have been just a diversion to obtain info on people on Rollitup. Military does this shit all the time.
I must admit that all this shit with FDD, Kevin, this might be the time to head for the exits.
The problem is that anon. didnt get their point across i'm sure. And yeah it sucks that we lost alot of great information...all of the questions I had asked about my new grow setup are gone but text can be re-written. What we should be talking about is how to start a movement against "the man". You would think that maybe they would target communities like ours because we obviously already see past some of the feds BS laws. If you rallied up every person that smoked pot..for medical and for recreation...do you honestly think a government could stop millions of people? They wouldn't have enough jail space for us.
I don't see the point,

but the thing with SQLI attacks is that they're too easy.

Seriously, I'm not condoning it, and I haven't DONE it, but I have educated myself and found out HOW to hack into websites, and it is far too easy it's scary.

What's also bad is how easy it is to access the information related to learning how to hack into websites,

any here's hoping for a full recovery :)

I was slightly affected by the security breach as I was asking for help and advice and having a few people get back to me and they were pretty helpful, I just know there were unread posts on my threads but I did take on board everything I managed to read.
ok thing is i love the Riu community , but i hate shit that don't add up , so am just gonna ask an innocent Que . your site is run by vB and if some one can Sql inject you they deff can do it to almost any other Vb site right? , and me being the internet addict i am . am on a lot of Vb sites. none of them have been attacked or are experiencing any kind of problems. this means this was all directed at you. so should i be worried , i don't care why , a simple yes or no .

Other sites were affect as well.
It was not a personal attack against RIU.
To answer your question, no you should not be worried at all.

The loss of data is irritating of course, but if people have saved their pictures they can at least reup them.
This isn't as bad as it was in Sept of 2009 when many including my account was lost along with all of my old grow journals. Such is life.
To Admin, thanks for keeping all of us in the loop this time around. You still have the best growing forum on the net and after 5 years here, it is just another little bump in the road.
ok thing is i love the Riu community , but i hate shit that don't add up , so am just gonna ask an innocent Que . your site is run by vB and if some one can Sql inject you they deff can do it to almost any other Vb site right? , and me being the internet addict i am . am on a lot of Vb sites. none of them have been attacked or are experiencing any kind of problems. this means this was all directed at you. so should i be worried , i don't care why , a simple yes or no .

IMO YES you should
Do you REALLY think law enforcement is going to take down an entire website to get information and use it to take down a bunch of small time growers with a few plants in their closet? I don't think you have anything to worry about...if smoking makes you that paranoid it's time to set down the bong my friend.
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