GOP and the Tea Party

I was damn near in the bottom left corner.. only a notch to the right because of my answer on government prayer in school..

smack dab in the center of the upper left box. not sure how i didn't end up in the upper left corner.
you asked for the true tea partiers, i described them to you. they dumped the tea for reasons that included (primarily) taxation without representation and a monopoly on tea.

i'm no historian, this is my AP history knowledge, i could be wrong or slightly off.

jdillinger said that some people were not "true tea partiers" and I asked what was a true tea partier but I don't think he was referring to those who participated in the original Tea Party.
Ron Paul is the father of the tea party, it was started after the 2008 elections. It has since split of into two different factions.

Actually, the idea for it was born on Dec 16, 2007 in Freeport, TX. At a rally for Dr Paul, celebrating the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, there was a boat with empty 55 gal drums on the deck and they had names on the barrels like; Federal Reserve, IRS, Patriot Act, etc. and Dr Paul was photographed throwing the barrels into the water. There was a news crew from Houston there but I don't know if they aired the story.
It has split into more than two factions and I am not sure if any of them endorse Ron Paul.
My point is that the Tea Party used to stand for strict adherence to the Constitution, sound fiscal policy, non interventionist foreign policy and restoring INDIVIDUAL liberty. Now, I'm not sure who they are or what they stand for.
Actually, the idea for it was born on Dec 16, 2007 in Freeport, TX. At a rally for Dr Paul, celebrating the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, there was a boat with empty 55 gal drums on the deck and they had names on the barrels like; Federal Reserve, IRS, Patriot Act, etc. and Dr Paul was photographed throwing the barrels into the water. There was a news crew from Houston there but I don't know if they aired the story.
It has split into more than two factions and I am not sure if any of them endorse Ron Paul.
My point is that the Tea Party used to stand for strict adherence to the Constitution, sound fiscal policy, non interventionist foreign policy and restoring INDIVIDUAL liberty. Now, I'm not sure who they are or what they stand for.

Oh no, Ron Paul hates the environment because he tossed oil barrels into the water.....

Just thought I'd say it before somebody else does. :)
Which Tea Party and which Republican Party?

THE Tea Party, the one demonstrating in the streets against President Obama and I only know of one republican party, the GOP.

Actually, the idea for it was born on Dec 16, 2007 in Freeport, TX. At a rally for Dr Paul, celebrating the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, there was a boat with empty 55 gal drums on the deck and they had names on the barrels like; Federal Reserve, IRS, Patriot Act, etc. and Dr Paul was photographed throwing the barrels into the water. There was a news crew from Houston there but I don't know if they aired the story.
It has split into more than two factions and I am not sure if any of them endorse Ron Paul.
My point is that the Tea Party used to stand for strict adherence to the Constitution, sound fiscal policy, non interventionist foreign policy and restoring INDIVIDUAL liberty. Now, I'm not sure who they are or what they stand for.

Where were they when Bush was president? He didn't adhere to the constitution, ran the country into debt after inheriting a surplus from the democrats and tried nation building in the middle east with his mushroom cloud warning about terrorism. Individual liberty? Yeah, as long as you believe in their god and you're not gay or lesbian they believe in individual freedom.

The tea party in my opinion is now holding the bigger GOP captive. No compromise with the democrats is seen as a good thing, no rights for homosexual individuals is seen as a good thing. No raising of taxes is seen as a good thing, no unions is seen as a good thing, no regulation is seen as a good thing and if they have their way the EPA and the school system would end and that would be seen as a good thing.

The constitution is shit upon every day. If the constitution was as important as people imply it is to them, ron paul would be leading the GOP primary by a sizable amount, he isn't.
We took an interesting political quiz in class: I got: FREEDOM Equality: 0 Order: 1 Take it and find out how libertarian you are :)
Equality: 2 Order 0, I am right on the M in the vertical freedom on the left side...I predicted it exactly, left leaning libertarian .....Why she keep giving you commie tests like this? lol Green dot meet yellow smiley lol....hard to see cause I have so many monitors and mspaint fucks it up + I am too lazy to fix it up but there ya go screenshot: Untitled.jpg


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The tea party in my opinion is now holding the bigger GOP captive. No compromise with the democrats is seen as a good thing, no rights for homosexual individuals is seen as a good thing. No raising of taxes is seen as a good thing, no unions is seen as a good thing, no regulation is seen as a good thing and if they have their way the EPA and the school system would end and that would be seen as a good thing.

I agree with all of those except the homosexual thing. Five out of six ain't bad. Why is it you liberals try to use race, religion and sexuality all the time? Really, how do you enforce it? Does the GOP send agents into your bedroom? The democrats steal my money. You can't win against government stealing money. How do you force your employer from accepting a request to garnish your wages? That's my money. If democrats want to give Africans hand jobs, they can do it themselves. I'm not paying for their sick fetishes.

The constitution is shit upon every day. If the constitution was as important as people imply it is to them, ron paul would be leading the GOP primary by a sizable amount, he isn't.

That's unfair, blame the media. No one knows what he stands for. All they hear is he's racist, wants to make your kids stupid, hates the environment, too old, silly, and unrealistic. All that shit is lies.

I'll list the real reasons to be against Paul.

If you like a nanny state.
You like feel good laws and think the government is your best friend.
You think the federal government knows better than the locals and want one law fits all.
Are a war monger and get a hard on over death.
You aren't smart enough to feed your kid right and think teachers should inspect the lunch you made for full nutritional value.
If you think only the government knows how to teach and home schooling is just a guise for parents to teach their kids creationism and other wacky ideas.
As long as a baby can't cry and you quickly suck out its brain, it's a woman's right to choose.
The government is allowed to tell you what you can/can't put in your body for your own good.

If you agree with all those, then Ron Paul isn't for you. Ron Paul is even for your right not to be for him because you believe those things. There are so many reasons to not like him. Resorting to lies is stupid.

My main gripe is Paul doesn't think health care is a right. He doesn 't think 100% free health care is in the best interest of all. He doesn't agree with a healthy working class is able to work more, be more productive and therefore earn more money which the government can exploit by stealing more money, I mean taxes. See, free health care wouldn't exactly be free. It 's a wise government investment.

If Obama couldn't get us free health care, what makes you think Paul could take it away? Big medical fought too hard for one silly old man to take it away.

He also can't overturn Roe v Wade. He can't get rid of the EPA nor Dept of Education either. No matter how much I'd like that.