Bending The Plants Down

Buzzin like a bumble bee

Well-Known Member
My friend is growing 4 plants under a 400 watt bulb. They are getting too close to the bulb and there is no more room to raise the light. How do you bend them? Will it effect the overall yield? There are reflective papers on the walls but will bending them effect the yeild and how do you do that? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
the only thing it could possibly do to your yield is maybe increase it!!!

my plants were getting a little tall so I applied some tomato cages.... then just tie those bitches to whatever you can!!

I also trained at the start all the way through the grow.... crazy side shoots!!

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I usually squeeze the stems till they get soft and then bend them over.

Ha ha, I said "bend them over". lol


Well-Known Member
I was feeling evil and just whacked mine in half. Now they are bushy looking shrubs. Can't wait to see them flower.


Well-Known Member
Whacked them in half??? Im sensing a little sarcasm but I cant quite put my finger on it. If u are serious can u explain what u did to "whack" your plants down...... please


Well-Known Member
Whacked them in half??? Im sensing a little sarcasm but I cant quite put my finger on it. If u are serious can u explain what u did to "whack" your plants down...... please
He means he topped his plants to promote shorter, fatter plants.


Well-Known Member
yo dude just tie some string 3/4 up the plant and pull the tops over but not so much to snap the stem as they are still growing over the weeks you can pull them down more . dont know about pinching the stems ,


Well-Known Member
Just be careful as to how mature they are and how fast you are bending them. Those badasses can't take too much punishment too late in the game in regards to flexability. Last thing you'd want is a broken branch.


Active Member
i have heaps of fun training all the branches on my plant in all different directions under some fencing wire ...bent over, round in circles, crossing over.....i have to do it because of space but i get the feeling (this being my first grow) that alot more light is getting to it this way..... anyhow its growing out of sight.....buds shooting up from everywhere...its 2 feet high as it is but if i let it just go upwards i would have a five foot high plant.....this way its kinda like a hedge.