Murder laws are on the books because they are a violation of property rights. That's another topic you don't know much're right, we should just take murder laws off the books then![]()

Murder laws are on the books because they are a violation of property rights. That's another topic you don't know much're right, we should just take murder laws off the books then![]()
Murder laws are on the books because they are a violation of property rights. That's another topic you don't know much about.![]()
Ummm... What the fuck Parker?
They are on the books because murder is just plain out wrong! The only reason you should ever need to kill another human being is because they are an immediate threat to you and yours! Take my possessions or my money, but threaten the life of those I love or myself and sorry I will do everything in my power to end you!
Wll it seems to me some of your have Rights confused with responsibility, and common sense. guess you have to have a license on order to drive a car responsibly. Licensed drivers never speed or drive erratically, never have accidents, and apparently have never operated their cars without insurance.
Licensed drivers never drink and drive and have never killed anyone.
Just because I may do something you dont like, doesnt mean its wrong. i would think being a bunch on stoners around here youd kind of understand that.
traveling about as I may wish does not hinder your rights in any way shape or form. If you think it does, then your just an idiot, and as such I will not waste any more time of thought on your insignificant point of view.
If anyone is traveling and has an accident they are personally responsible or ANY damages they may cause. Thats why its just SMART to carry insurance. A license doesnt guarantee a good driver.
guess you have to have a license on order to drive a car responsibly.
If anyone is traveling and has an accident they are personally responsible or ANY damages they may cause. Thats why its just SMART to carry insurance.
traveling about as I may wish does not hinder your rights in any way shape or form. If you think it does, then your just an idiot, and as such I will not waste any more time of thought on your insignificant point of view.
You do not have any right to a safe public road, NONE WHATSOEVER!! and no one can ever provide it for you. Drunks on the road only hinder your rights when they harm you or your property. If they drunkenly drive past and nothing happens to you, then no rights have been trampled at all.You seem to be one very confused individual. I respect your very general and vague opinion, in regards to interstate travel via government highways, but that's about it.
No, you're missing the point entirely. You have to make everyone get a license in order to provide them the PRIVILEGE to drive on ANY public road, because one who is not physically capable of operating an automobile responsibly, does not have the right to jeopardize my life, while I'm safely and properly practicing my rights.
My right to deny you the ability to directly endanger my life, supersedes your right to directly jeopardize my life by practicing your "rights". Thus your ability to essentially endanger my life by practicing another right of yours, would actually deem your right a privilege at that point in time because it's been overridden by a right of much more priority. There is no argument with this in correlation to gun laws however, because with gun laws an individual is practicing a right to protect their own life. When you're operating a motor vehicle, you're in no way defending or preserving your life.
Does a blind, partially deaf, retard, with 100mg of morphine flowing through his veins have a right to drive on public roads as he pleases, while exponentially endangering everyone else around him? No, he doesn't. Period.
No, that is why you're forced to carry insurance... because most people cannot be personally responsible for ANY damages they may cause. By ANY, you would mean financial damages... this is the damage most people couldn't be personally responsible for no matter how hard they tried.
Go put someone into life support, after a surgery, a few totaled cars, and a mercy flight... you have to be wealthy to walk away financially unscathed from such a situation. Most people do not earn enough in their life to cover such a situation.
When you're flying down I-90 at 120mph, on a half liter of liquor, an 8th of dope, and your tie rod snaps due to an expired inspection or non-road-legal vehicle, yes you have not only hindered my right to life, but my right to correctly practice the right I was exercising. If you think it hasn't hindered my right to life, nor my right to correctly travel on public roads, you're actually the idiot. You have to be one grade-A looney to think you can just careen around in your car in any fashion you deem acceptable, and believe that your irresponsibility is not infringing upon others who are correctly using their "right" as intended.
A piece of paper saying you can use a interstate, government highway, does not give you free reign to travel as you please.
Please, legitimately explain your rationale. Your viewpoint is about as ridiculous and ignorant as they come. It's not because I disagree, it's simply that your logic is absolutely crazy.
Drunks on the road only hinder your rights when they harm you or your property. If they drunkenly drive past and nothing happens to you, then no rights have been trampled at all.
...random checkpoints are a bit 3rd Reich or Communist China for my liking.
Well fair enough setting one up on a Friday night at closing time around the corner from a few bars or something, but random stops for no reason is a bit "protecting the public safety from the terrible Jew" sort of policing.really?
we are going to compare a common sense safety measure with hitler and mao?
they are only trying to smell your breath. that is why they let the guy in the video go; he spoke to them and they smelled no liquor (i am guessing). if you are not driving drunk, this is nothing more than a traffic delay in certain areas and at certain hours. you don't run into these things on your daily commute, but usually during holiday weekends at night in certain parts of town more likely to have drunk drivers.
i.e., these are only set up in times and places where there is probable cause to believe that there are more intoxicated drivers. if they are not set up in this fashion, then they are unconstitutional as no probable cause exists.
don't try to compare DUI checkpoints to the third reich, i implore you.
Well fair enough setting one up on a Friday night at closing time around the corner from a few bars or something, but random stops for no reason is a bit "protecting the public safety from the terrible Jew" sort of policing.
So because (no offense) some people choose to drink drive and cause horrendous accidents, that even innocent law abiding people should be subject to guilty until proven innocent random stops?Drop the hyperbole man, it's bordering on asinine.
My families life was changed drastically by an uninsured drunk driver. My mother and I were hit broadside by a drunk when I was a kid. My mother broke her back, lost her career and a good percentage of a quality life. We almost lost everything we had including our home. Those medical bills add up quickly
The asshole had no insurance and no money, nothing to sue him for. Piece of shit didn't work and didn't for years after.
End result my mom has been disabled for over 2 decades, I got charged w/ assault and mayhem ( I beat his ass after the accident). He ended up w/ an OUI which back then wasn't shit. My charges were dropped and he didn't serve a single day in jail.
3 years later he killed a 19 year old girl at the same intersection while driving drunk.
Checkpoints are not Gestapo tactics, be fucking real. They aren't set up at noon on Tuesday, they are at night and usually near bars/ entertainment areas.
To the OP, I'd like to see you try that tactic w/ a Mass state trooper or a cop where I come from, have fun pulling that nightstick out of your ass
The same thing goes for drunk drivers. If an oncoming car swerves into your lane is a cop car going to come out of nowhere and intercept the car ramming him off the road? NO!
Are they going to magically clear the road of drunk people granting you safe passage at 2am? NO! Cops do not protect people..Myth Busted...Goodnight!
The only thing "busted" is your warped sensibility.
If said drunk driver gets pinched at a roadblock, hes off the road. tough to kill someone when you're locked up in the drunk tank, You act as if its your right to drive on the roads. It isnt, it is a privilege. There are rules that come along with that privilege, if you dont like the rules take your fucking bicycle or walk.
If that asshole had gotten pinched at a roadblock he wouldnt have hit us, or maybe he wouldnt have killed that girl a couple years later. Id be willing to be my entire grow that if your life got fucked up by a drunk driver you'd change your attitude.
Im all for personal freedom, just not when what YOU DO impacts MY LIFE in such a negative and many times catastrophic way.
You missed the point, Police are not going to save you, what about before the RoadBlock or the just after the roadblock...Police do not protect people. That is a fantasy. I'd love to say that they do, boy would I love to live in that world where justice exists and super heroes conquer villains, but I am afraid its just not reality. The fact is you are no more safer with roadblocks then you are without them its just common sense.
Roadblocks do not reduce drunk driving incidents, Can you even make the case that they do? Nope...Lets see some statistics at least, compare and contrast states w/ Roadblocks and States without them and their drunk driving incidents then you might have at least something to grasp onto all be it very thin straws.