are my plants ment to smell yet? 4-5 weeks old


Well-Known Member
Flowering I assume? Probably depends on the strain and some other variables as well, I'm in week 4 of flowering great white shark and it doesnt smell at all unless you touch and fondle it. Throw up some pics....we all like pics:-D


Well-Known Member
They shouldn't smell much at all at this point, if they're green and healthy lookin chances are its all good!


Well-Known Member
My Pure AKs, Querkles and Critical started smelling after about 4 or 5 weeks into veg. Not too strong, but enough for me to invest in some Ona Gel to mask the odor.


Well-Known Member
I had a plant growing from some bagseed a few years ago and after the 3rd week of veg it started smelling like a dirty sock with just the slightest skunky overtones. Stunk my closet and my room up pretty bad but in a damn good way. I was gonna call it Buddah's Foot but had to bail on it 3 or 4 weeks before it was ready because I moved. One thing to point out though, if you are already worried about smell then you may want to start investing in carbon filters and air freshener because it's gonna get way way worse in flower.


I had a plant growing from some bagseed a few years ago and after the 3rd week of veg it started smelling like a dirty sock with just the slightest skunky overtones. Stunk my closet and my room up pretty bad but in a damn good way. I was gonna call it Buddah's Foot but had to bail on it 3 or 4 weeks before it was ready because I moved. One thing to point out though, if you are already worried about smell then you may want to start investing in carbon filters and air freshener because it's gonna get way way worse in flower.
the one thats really smelly is the skunk and kandy kush my white widow doesnt smell yet.. thanks :) it could be a good sign too


Well-Known Member
In veg I get a slight plant smell but no real odor. My WWxBB is on day 18 of flower and I still just have normal 'plant smell.'.

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
Keep in mind temperature plays a part in odor also. I was running my veg room around 70 with no real odor detected, now I run it around 75 and it made a huge difference over night.