Most Overrated Strain?

Barney's Farm Blue Cheese is definitely above average..... Have not tried Big Buddah's, but out of 2 pick n mix beans, they both were pretty similar, and dank as hell, plus a favorite among many.... I am currently out, but will def be getting more soon.. will get a pack this time, and hope for the same results, if not better.....

and seriously.... who does Hazey think he's kidding? Kinda embarrassed for him, but he keeps coming back..... think's if he swears and typed in CAPS and Colors, it's gonna convince us that he's actually sane.. :/...

Overrated, I'd have to go with SAGE.... But then again, I only grew 2 beans, and have 3 left.... But i didnt find enough reason to waste my time and space on looking for a better pheno.... I like it, dont get me wrong, but for THSeeds saying it's their baby and best plant, I was expecting something better.... I love THSeed's A-Train, and It only took 1 bean to find a winner... Got lucky i think, cuz it's the best smoke I've ever had.... Need to buy a pack of those too....

Have yet to try anything TGA, but I think that's next on my list for this season outdoor crop...... Recommendations? Right now leaning towards Vortex, Plush, and Jilly..... and I have 1 QT and the freebie DQ and Chernobyl Attitude gave out a while back...
i'm sane, just socially inept with little time or patience for social climbing stoopid primate games. if you don't like what i have to say, just mute me as i would extend the same courtesy to you when you start getting on my nerves for testing my personal space.

unless i'm joking, i don't kid around. i'm more honest than you and everyone you know put together. it only makes me enemies, but my pride is strong than others' reptilian brain idiocy.
I myself am only offended when you clearly make things up (talk out yer ass) and provide bullshit advice to others. All the other stupid repetetive, drunk ramblings about Colombians and Indians is kinda funny, I thought racism was out?
Barneys Farm, Tangerine Dream was the worst thing ive grown, all 10 plants were a waste of time and money growing. Hyped to the hill but was total shit! I couldnt wait to cut them down to get shot.
i'm sane, just socially inept with little time or patience for social climbing stoopid primate games. if you don't like what i have to say, just mute me as i would extend the same courtesy to you when you start getting on my nerves for testing my personal space.

unless i'm joking, i don't kid around. i'm more honest than you and everyone you know put together. it only makes me enemies, but my pride is strong than others' reptilian brain idiocy.

Good idea.....another ass hat on "ignore"
Barneys Farm, Tangerine Dream was the worst thing ive grown, all 10 plants were a waste of time and money growing. Hyped to the hill but was total shit! I couldnt wait to cut them down to get shot.

I've heard that a few times!
Come on somebody else has gotta have another oppinion on this,


Again, anything that won or placed in a recent "High Times Cannabis Cup" is almost by definition overrated. Its not that these strains are necessarily bad, just that the hype surrounding that particular contest far exceeds its legitimacy in rating strains.

That cup is NOT the "be-all end-all" that its sponsors would have you believe; its just a marketing gimmick to sell magazines and hype advertiser's products (which, of course, is a win for the magazine too). For every kick-ass cup winner, there are probably several others entered into the contest that are just as good that didn't win or place for various reasons, and ten to twenty others just as good that were never entered.

Any genetics that costs over $20 a seed is probably overrated, though in practice not every expensive seed is actually rated highly. EG, does anyone actually think that "Doggies Nuts" seeds are really better than everything else on the market? The best genetics from the very best recognized breeders can generally be had for less than that, and certainly world-class genetics can be had for only a fraction of that price.

I'd almost go so far as to say that anything with "OG" or "Kush" in the name is overrated, but that's probably a bit of an exaggeration since many of those strains actually are pretty good. Its just that "OG" and "Kush" happen to be the big "buzzwords" now, so they get attached to a lot of stuff that isn't really exceptional. Most of those OG/Kush/Diesel strains are just minor variants of the same thing with corresponding hype.

So along those lines, whatever strain happens to be "flavor of the month" is the one that's overrated. Again, since max potency has been achieved already, no new strain is really going to be any more potent than the best of the older ones going back at least 20+ years. At best you're talking about a new strain that literally has the "flavor of the month", something that is pretty subjective.
you live in the city of the Original N.Y.C Deisel (official), that sour was a damn knock off attempt that just doesn't have quite the kick of the original!

Have to agree with this ....last summer it was all Sour D. great flavor, good high..
this winter it's nothing but NYCD ...... flavor isn't as delicious but .. it buries Sour D in terms of potentcy ...IMO
Super skunk, white widow, white shark, big bud,and similar skunk/afghan crosses produce something like anti high.
CBD and CBN can negate some of the effects of thc and thc-v but it doesn't produce an anti high, it merely alters effects of thc depending on the portions used. this is why cannabanoid profile is very important when breeding.