Cloning help please !!!!

I had severe problems with cloning the last few weeks but changed my rooting hormone from Oliva's gel to Vita Grow and my timeline just went from 15 days for little root formation to 8 days with fat monster roots. They did suffer a little wilt for 2 days at first but sprung back up and now the stem is stronger than my earlier plants in veg stage. I'm about to transfer to soil after just 10 days!!!!!!! I was using oliva's gel and had problems with rooting and leafs turning yellow and appeared to dwarf. I dont know what the cube is called i stick them in but they are brown and spongy and have a small hole at the top for the stem. I use a dome and tray and mist 4-5 times daily trying to get as much mist underneath the leaf as possible. I keep my Hydrofarm 4 bulb t-5 12 inches above the dome. Humidity is well below ideal range but the temp is around 82. be sure to cut the new growth from the nodes when taking the clones as people have said.


Well-Known Member

  • I have a very hard to clone strain.Took awhile but I got it down.Now I could clone a fuckin rock.People tend to explain cloning as a hard thing but its cake when ya get the basics.Never spray the cutting....Ph is not important as long as it is 7.5 or below,7 is perfect.I use Rapid Rooters and rootech gel,wont settle for less!Mist the dome only.If you feed the leaves they have no need to root...Try to expose them to as much air as they will tolerate and low light.After day one increase the light(I use CFL's),every day they will last longer.My large cuttings are always domeless by day 3.If they start to lay down put the misted dome back on.I do have one little trick though.Technaflora Thrive alive B-1,I soak my rooters in it before placing the cuts into them.100% Bro.7 days til fat roots every time.​


DQ Blizzard

Active Member

  • I have a very hard to clone strain.Took awhile but I got it down.Now I could clone a fuckin rock.People tend to explain cloning as a hard thing but its cake when ya get the basics.Never spray the cutting....Ph is not important as long as it is 7.5 or below,7 is perfect.I use Rapid Rooters and rootech gel,wont settle for less!Mist the dome only.If you feed the leaves they have no need to root...Try to expose them to as much air as they will tolerate and low light.After day one increase the light(I use CFL's),every day they will last longer.My large cuttings are always domeless by day 3.If they start to lay down put the misted dome back on.I do have one little trick though.Technaflora Thrive alive B-1,I soak my rooters in it before placing the cuts into them.100% Bro.7 days til fat roots every time.​

I soak my Ready Rooters in Super Thrive, same idea different stuff.


Well-Known Member
Cut at 45 degree angle. Go about an inch above the cut and shave off a THIN layer of the outer stem all the way around. This REALLY helps them to root better and faster. Dip in rooting powder. I use Schultz Take Root. Tap clone on the side of the container to remove any excess powder. You only need a little. Make hole in moist soil with a pencil. I use 1/4 gallon containers. I moisten the soil with plain old tap that has been PH'd to around 6.5 and add about 5ml per gallon of Cal-Mag. Don't add any other nutrients at this point. Stick clone in soil and gently press soil around stem. Put under gentle 24/0 light. Humidity dome isn't needed. I've never used one and the one time I did (my first time trying cloning) they all died. Spray with PH'd water every day or two. I usually add 1/4 strength nutes (Peter's Houseplant Special) to the spray as a foliar feed. In about 10 days they'll start growing again.

That's what I do and it always works.

Remember, K.I.S.S.


Well-Known Member
These are all great solutions(except slamming them with light). there are a few major problems beginners have when cloning.
1. cut your clone then put it in a cup of water or better yet cut it under water. When cut the stem draws air in and can cause an embolism or air pocket in the stem,leading to girdling and stem rot.
2. once you stick them no matter which medium you use,dont check them for roots.If it dies you didnt get
3. dont over water your medium...stem rot,mold, mildew,etc. just keep your medium damp and well drained.make the stem want to make roots to find a water source.
4.dont cut them to small,you want at least 2 nodes below the medium.
5.this isnt super important,but worth mentioning.try to take clones from the lowest point possible on the mother.
A great tool no one has mentioned yet is NO WILT, before I switched to a fogger cloning system,I always used it with great success cuts down on misting the plants for at least a week after there cut. They really wont wilt,so the tendency to over water is reduced.


Active Member
Dude Go buy or make an aero cloner I'm domeless and I think my last cut of 30 are all at 100%. They are dirty machines everyone should own lol. Go do it now and this thread is history


Active Member

  • I have a very hard to clone strain.Took awhile but I got it down.Now I could clone a fuckin rock.People tend to explain cloning as a hard thing but its cake when ya get the basics.Never spray the cutting....Ph is not important as long as it is 7.5 or below,7 is perfect.I use Rapid Rooters and rootech gel,wont settle for less!Mist the dome only.If you feed the leaves they have no need to root...Try to expose them to as much air as they will tolerate and low light.After day one increase the light(I use CFL's),every day they will last longer.My large cuttings are always domeless by day 3.If they start to lay down put the misted dome back on.I do have one little trick though.Technaflora Thrive alive B-1,I soak my rooters in it before placing the cuts into them.100% Bro.7 days til fat roots every time.​

Thank you for the reply. So don't spray my clones? I'll try anything at this point. Tired of. My baby's dying.


Active Member
Dude Go buy or make an aero cloner I'm domeless and I think my last cut of 30 are all at 100%. They are dirty machines everyone should own lol. Go do it now and this thread is history
Shit I'd be happy to get 1 to live let alone 30. Greatly appreciate the info. Thanks guys