One Seed Is it Possible


Well-Known Member
So I'm enjoying my 2nd harvest and what do I find among some bud I ground up but one seed. Is it possible to get one seed. And I swear to the best of my knowledge there were no hermies out of three ladies. Now I can't say the rest of my harvest doesn't have any seeds but I don't think so, SO WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?


Active Member
It pollinated itself, so somewhere there was a hermie. It's not uncommon to get a few seeds.


Well-Known Member
It pollinated itself, so somewhere there was a hermie. It's not uncommon to get a few seeds.
Actually there is no hermie as you incorrectly stated. Marijuana has a survival instinct that will, on occasion, allow a plant to make a seed or two without being pollinated. This happens in order to ensure the survival of the species in adverse natural conditions. If it was a hermie there would have been far more than 1 seed.


Well-Known Member
The male flower most likely was inside the nug, and did not make it to see the light of day.
Hermi pollen sacs contain very little pollen, and since it was likely inside the nug, the pollen was unable to float aroun and make more seeds. The pollen was released inside the nug, nowhere to go and created one seed.


Well-Known Member
The male flower most likely was inside the nug, and did not make it to see the light of day.
Hermi pollen sacs contain very little pollen, and since it was likely inside the nug, the pollen was unable to float aroun and make more seeds. The pollen was released inside the nug, nowhere to go and created one seed.
Again this is incorrect. There is no way a bud got pollinated and only produced one seed. I wish people here actually researched what they say before they say it instead of just going with what the last guy said.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Actually there is no hermie as you incorrectly stated. Marijuana has a survival instinct that will, on occasion, allow a plant to make a seed or two without being pollinated. This happens in order to ensure the survival of the species in adverse natural conditions. If it was a hermie there would have been far more than 1 seed.
You have a link proving you can get seed without pollen? The survival tactic by marijuana is herms. No pollen- no seed. I would love to see a link or some kind of proof.


Active Member
Again this is incorrect. There is no way a bud got pollinated and only produced one seed. I wish people here actually researched what they say before they say it instead of just going with what the last guy said.
Ok, Mr. Researcher, please provide your research proof that an MJ seed can produce seeds without being pollinated.


Well-Known Member
Ok, Mr. Researcher, please provide your research proof that an MJ seed can produce seeds without being pollinated.
I dont have to provide anything. It is common sense that a pollinated bud will not produce just a single seed.

kouki monster

Active Member
Sometimes plants will herm and the lower branches will get pollen and produce seeds. There's a possibility that the rest of your bud may only have a very slight amount of seeds but you'd probably have to go digging for them if your plants didn't go full on herm.


Well-Known Member
Ok I wont argue with all you experts. You are all correct. His plant hermied and produced one lonely seed.


Active Member
females will produce their own seeds to insure the survival of their species maybe that seed will have its mother traits as being a female