Can you tell if my first cloning is on the right track?


Well-Known Member
I have been buying packs of 10 clones. I decided I need to try to save money and make my own. I've been reading all around and this is what I came up with:

-48" Shop light with 2, 32 W 6500K florescent bulbs.
-Clear plastic tote from Walmart turned upside down to act as a humidity dome...with some small holes drilled in the bottom
-24 3" jiffy pots
-Rooting powder
-New Razor blades
-Trimming/manicuring shears
-Styrofoam block
-Bowls and cups of water for holding plants and making cuts.
-Coco Coir
-91% Isopropyl

I'm not going into the procedure that I used--but those are all the materials I used following basic procedures of PHing water and sterile conditions. I made steep cuts 45-60 degrees. I took cuttings above the 3rd node I think...below growth tip and next leaf set. Some were smaller than others.

I think I can pull it off with the materials I have, and after a couple days the clones look perky (though I know they haven't rooted yet).

I'm concerned that I should be using bigger cups. When I buy my clones they come in pods smaller than what I'm growing in! That is why I bought these little jiffy pots. After looking at a bunch of pictures, people are using plastic cups, gardening pots, pudding cups...all sorts of things.

Is this short little pot going to interfere with my plans? Is there anything else I can do or buy to ensure success?

I have the money to do this thing with an aero cloner, but I wanted to try my hand at a "low tech" method just for learning purposes right now. I'm giving these clones away, so I'm not really attached to the vegging plants produce ample growth tips, so I know I can always try something else if the path I'm on doesn't work.


Active Member
jiffy pellets are great for cloning with and will intergrate into almost any grow medium/system. if you know the basics there is no reason why you shouldnt have some success


Well-Known Member
you might wanna consider (if you don't alrdy have one) getting a heatpad to increase the heat around the rooting area increases the success rate ten fold

edit: how do you have max rep but only 50 posts? it requires 50x more rep then amount of posts that you have


Active Member
you might wanna consider (if you don't alrdy have one) getting a heatpad to increase the heat around the rooting area increases the success rate ten fold

edit: how do you have max rep but only 50 posts? it requires 50x more rep then amount of posts that you have
well clearly everything he has said has been gold and everybody has loved it


Well-Known Member
I have a heating pad. I will try that on low for sure. I don't have any rep that I can tell. That's weird.
sorry i meant AMCHEESIER i thought it was his thread

i had to put a towel ontop of mine it was cooking the plants in my dome i opened that joker up nd it was like a oven seedlings loved it clones..ehh not so much :)


Active Member
if you have a heating pad under it and its too hot for them put a towel on your pad then put your container on top that little bit of towel in between can make a huge difference and you can keep folding it until its thick enough that its not too hot


i've never used a heating pad of any kind. i usually just sit my seedlings on top of my T8's until they've spouted, it produces a nice temperate heat for them, never checked soil temps or anything and don't have any issues.


Active Member
yeah i usually do the paper towel in a bag with water method but then i put mine in a tin can with a lid and just set it under my lights that way they get the heat and are still in the dark