Well-Known Member
So I was doing some experiments with ways of lowering my waters pH since an ro system will not have a real impact on my pH
as explained here IS PH OF RO PERMEATE REALLY LOWER THAN THE FEED-WATER PH?. It doesn't make much sense to me but it was what the guy at the local water store was tellin me about and I found it on the web so nobody could do a, oh yes it does
. So back to my test, I added a small amount of vitamin c to my water with a pH of 8.1... Instantly a pH of 6.3 was produced. I am keeping my sample covered and stored for a bit (a day at least) to see how stable this is.
Has anyone ever tried this
Am I waisting my time
What is the meaning of life
seriously though will this actually work out, and
is anyone really interested enough so for me to bother keeping this thread going