Experienced cubensis growers please help

yeah budddy! i thought about that . what do you use to cover them up for humidity ? saran wrap ? or nothing? or do you just cover till you see the primordia forming then remove? wow thought i had it down. guess not.
I got a clear storage tote, sterilized, and filled the bottom with about two inches of moist perlite, distilled water, 1/2 cup of h202, and two tablespoons of 97% isopropyl alcohol. Perfect little humid environment, and allows light for fruiting. Tote cost about 5 bucks... Misted once a day to keep the cases moist as well.
ok ok. i guess ill go buy some verm and some little cactus trays or something similar.i read casing for dummies on some website last night and it seemed relatively simple.thanks again for the advice cannado. that is good idea for you to post an as you call it, slap it together less complicated process, without all the unnecessary bells and whistles as the pf tek method.

stay tuned everyone. i will take pictures before i innoculate and of all supplies. then , once again whether colonization was complete or failed. and then again for casing and fruiting. wish me luck .i have a feeling im gonna need it

thanks again to all those who gave advice. thats why i love this site . cheers everyone :clap:

Wow, I've posted it twice so far, maybe it should be made sticky, but no one other than myself has actually done it
(they don't think it will work)



Now that is fucking pretty.
wowsers! to you both both ! id be happy to get a quarter of those yields. i dont like to eat alot. i have a very low tolerance (for now anyways). two stems and a cap or two its usually up up and away i go. the only reason i decided to do this was because it is so hard for me to score them.nothing beats a nice sunny day outside with a couple of my little friends and some real friends to.
sunset munching by the river with a nice long burning oak and hickory bonfire (with plenty of extra close by so you don't have to move too much) and a bottle of OJ is sweet too. Severely lucid dreams, and nothing to distract the mind other than the calming glow of the coals and flames.
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got cyanescens instead of cubensis ? wtf . harder to grow and less amounts? but more potent? wtf? i ordered cubensis:-(
yeah i know . not even gonna attempt this . already ordered cubensis strain from spores101. hopefully it gets here soon . got the sanitized brf bags today . will these bad boys be alright in acardboard box stored at 62-68f till my syringe gets here? or do ineed to freeze them or something
btw , the bags i got do not look very sanitary. i will post pics of all my materials when i get the new syringe. hopefully soon , but i think it might take a while cause its comin from bc.
yeah i know . not even gonna attempt this . already ordered cubensis strain from spores101. hopefully it gets here soon . got the sanitized brf bags today . will these bad boys be alright in acardboard box stored at 62-68f til

l my syringe gets here? or do ineed to freeze them or something

Consider what you have. You have a bag full of highly nutritious starches at the optimum moisture level to grow all sorts of things. You also have a bag that is sterilized so nothing will grow in it - because anything that likes boiled grain is dead. Now the filter on the bag will exchange not only co2 and oxygen but water vapor. If you let the bag sit anywhere for too long the grain in the bag will begin to dry out.