Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

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thanks homebrewer so ive seen alot of dyna grow users leafs are super thick,big,healthy green leaves..is this from dyna grows magic? Compared to flora nova it doesnt compare huh ?

Dirt is a different animal than hydro and I'm not finding the same ratios that give me success in hydro apply to dirt. I've not used floranova in the dirt so I don't know how it'd perform but when I was using the GH 3-part in hydro, I was getting the same NPK ratio as floranova and GH simply didn't hold a candle to DG. When flowering in the dirt, I'll hit my ladies with half grow and half bloom, sometimes all grow, and sometimes I'd feed with GH micro just to green up the plants. All these different bottles with their different ratios are tools, use them as your plants need them in the dirt. On a separate note, DG is cheaper than floranova :)
Hallelujah, another convert sees the light! :) Dyna Grow is some great nutes, not just "for the money", as you said, but compared to anything - especially advanced nudes!
do i switch from dyna gro gro to bloom as soon as i switch to 12\12 or feed grow for the firstcouple weeks?
Dirt is a different animal than hydro and I'm not finding the same ratios that give me success in hydro apply to dirt. I've not used floranova in the dirt so I don't know how it'd perform but when I was using the GH 3-part in hydro, I was getting the same NPK ratio as floranova and GH simply didn't hold a candle to DG. When flowering in the dirt, I'll hit my ladies with half grow and half bloom, sometimes all grow, and sometimes I'd feed with GH micro just to green up the plants. All these different bottles with their different ratios are tools, use them as your plants need them in the dirt. On a separate note, DG is cheaper than floranova :)
homebrewer ur a legend ahah!! thanks so much man

ima definity swag my flora nova for dyna grow next grow!! i need huge colas!! my temps are perfect as well as humidity my lights arent to close anything im not over feeding im keeping the foilage super green but sometimes my colas dont dense up alot?
so with dyna gro i should get the grow and the foilage pro ? or the bloom to ? im only gonna flower no veg?
also homebrewer do u still use ur GH additives (flora blend etc) with ur dyna gro nutes or no ?
thanks homebrew!!!
homebrewer ur a legend ahah!! thanks so much man

ima definity swag my flora nova for dyna grow next grow!! i need huge colas!! my temps are perfect as well as humidity my lights arent to close anything im not over feeding im keeping the foilage super green but sometimes my colas dont dense up alot?
so with dyna gro i should get the grow and the foilage pro ? or the bloom to ? im only gonna flower no veg?
also homebrewer do u still use ur GH additives (flora blend etc) with ur dyna gro nutes or no ?
thanks homebrew!!!

I like grow and bloom personally but I've not tried foliage pro because it's not available locally. I would like to try it at some point to see how it does in veg. FloraNova is not a bad option though, just a little pricey.

I still use GH additives when I get a chance in hydro, mainly floralicious plus. It's been a while since I've used florablend and right now I'm running Great White with sweet to try and duplicate some results I had the first two times I used them together. In the dirt, I only ever use DG as mixing in a few different additives has never made any difference for me. Hydro is a different story though. I do like an 'organic-ish' additive when using DG in hydro as long as it's clean and doesn't mess with my pH.
Ya ur right thanks again homebrewer really appreciate it..I'm running flora nova with flora blend and the floricious to that's why I like following ur grows/threads :) they've helped me a lotI'm for sure gonna use dg soon to because it has more elements..just wondering if I should run it with the floricious and stuff to? I want healthy plants!Good choice homebrew I've seen like 5 top rank mebers on here jus great white with superr frosty plants to me I've noticed great white gives slight more resin production then without..U don't use any oil production nutes ever home ?
do i switch from dyna gro gro to bloom as soon as i switch to 12\12 or feed grow for the firstcouple weeks?

In my opinion, keep using Grow for the first three weeks after you switch the lights to 12/12. This helps keep the lower fan leaves nice and green.
Checked the Dyna gro site and I have no idea where anyone can say their stuff is half the price or even close compared to other high end nutes.
Their grow furmula is $56/gal. online. Same as Botanicare Pre Blend Pro. But the Pure Blend is organic sourced providing superior tasting yields over chem based nutes.
They sent me a free bottle of foliage pro...here is my question everything else I use is organic, so this would kinda throw all that off wouldn't it?
Checked the Dyna gro site and I have no idea where anyone can say their stuff is half the price or even close compared to other high end nutes.
Their grow furmula is $56/gal. online. Same as Botanicare Pre Blend Pro. But the Pure Blend is organic sourced providing superior tasting yields over chem based nutes.

I just lucked out and picked up a half gallon for 15$(he was clearing his stock)
Seems no one knows or cares about Dyna-Gro around here so the hydro store won't be stocking it anymore
so I got the last 4 bottles
i heard somewhere on some channel , not about just weed but about plants in general that they actually have to work harder to take up and use organic nutrients than with non-organic nutes , and after switching from botanicaire pro which i believe is only part organic , i believe it.
Checked the Dyna gro site and I have no idea where anyone can say their stuff is half the price or even close compared to other high end nutes.
Their grow furmula is $56/gal. online. Same as Botanicare Pre Blend Pro. But the Pure Blend is organic sourced providing superior tasting yields over chem based nutes.

While you're correct that the price-point of DynaGro's bases are usually in the $50 range, their formulas are very concentrated which means you'd use less to get to your desired EC. That is where you save money, their bottles will last you a very long time.

In regards to Botanicare's Pure Blend which I used for 9 years, 1ml of their grow formula adds 84ppm to a gallon of water. DynaGro's grow formula adds 130ppm meaning that DG grow is 54% more concentrated. Botanicare's PureBlend is not 100% organic and when it comes to taste, I could never tell a difference after I made the switch to DG. I did get better yields with DG and it was less salty and easier to use than the PureBlend line. PureBlend is also one of the least complete fertilizers on the market supplying only 5 of the 16 essential elements. That tells me it's intended for soil which is hopefully supplying the 11 other missing elements; more added cost.
I like grow and bloom personally but I've not tried foliage pro because it's not available locally. I would like to try it at some point to see how it does in veg. FloraNova is not a bad option though, just a little pricey.

I still use GH additives when I get a chance in hydro, mainly floralicious plus. It's been a while since I've used florablend and right now I'm running Great White with sweet to try and duplicate some results I had the first two times I used them together. In the dirt, I only ever use DG as mixing in a few different additives has never made any difference for me. Hydro is a different story though. I do like an 'organic-ish' additive when using DG in hydro as long as it's clean and doesn't mess with my pH.
Ya ur right thanks again homebrewer really appreciate it..I'm running flora nova with flora blend and the floricious to that's why I like following ur grows/threads
they've helped me a lotI'm for sure gonna use dg soon to because it has more elements..just wondering if I should run it with the floricious and stuff to? I want healthy plants!Good choice homebrew I've seen like 5 top rank mebers on here jus great white with superr frosty plants to me I've noticed great white gives slight more resin production then without..U don't use any oil production nutes ever home ?
I use tha DG grow & blm just how HB showed me and the results blew me away.
I've seen growers us the FP all the way with good results & was thinking of doing this.
I kept thinking about it & talked to UB & read some post about it by HB & CHANGED MY MIND.

The reason they were using the FP is they believed mixing the nutes would cause lockout.
I havent had any lockout problems mixing g & b.It works great.

I believe you will get better fuller buds using the G & B.
I'm getting ready to chop & next grow i'm going to add florilicious plus.

KUShSOur if you do like HB says you will be amazed at the resuts.

Thanks for helping us out Homebrewer
You da man
I use tha DG grow & blm just how HB showed me and the results blew me away.
I've seen growers us the FP all the way with good results & was thinking of doing this.
I kept thinking about it & talked to UB & read some post about it by HB & CHANGED MY MIND.

The reason they were using the FP is they believed mixing the nutes would cause lockout.
I havent had any lockout problems mixing g & b.It works great.

I believe you will get better fuller buds using the G & B.
I'm getting ready to chop & next grow i'm going to add florilicious plus.

KUShSOur if you do like HB says you will be amazed at the resuts.

Thanks for helping us out Homebrewer
You da man

sick ass post BEANs!!

ya i wish i could meet homebrewer some day ahah hes a GOD!

hes helped me alot to AS SOON as i run out of my flora nova i will switch to DG the grow and bloom and feed

at full or half strength ??

ya ull like the floricious alot beans good luck with all ur grows!!
i've only grown in soil. started about a year ago. learned from some friends who get Everything at wholesale, so they taught me with a digital meter and every bottle AN has :-) i have seen some great results. however it just seems like im using too much crap. i want to simplify my feeds so i've been reading a lot about dynagro and maxibloom. i'm going to give dyna a shot on a small room and see how it compares. i have ffof soil that i used for my last run, i sifted it and let it sit outside under a tarp for a couple weeks than cut it with 30% roots organic potting soil. along with adding some high N bat guano and earthworm castings. im wondering if you guys recommend just using the liquid grow in veg? or do i need pro-tect? i use aerated tap water in my rez and it starts around 250-300 ppm. i am fortunate to have access to very good genetics and have learned how to build solid rooms. so i think i can get away with a simple balanced diet. also what are you finding as the best bloom/grow ratios when flowering in dirt? im thinking of going with a 2/1 Bloom/grow mix. along with pro-tect. any advice? Or should i look into the powder route? maxibloom or Jack's sounds pretty basic. keep in mind i have free/wholesale access to all the expensive boosters and additives on the market through my friends, but i think its really overkill. and want something i can go to any local store and buy, than be able to trust a less experienced friend with a feed when im out of town. thanks in advance
i have ffof soil that i used for my last run, i sifted it and let it sit outside under a tarp for a couple weeks than cut it with 30% roots organic potting soil. along with adding some high N bat guano and earthworm castings. im wondering if you guys recommend just using the liquid grow in veg? or do i need pro-tect?

If your soil already has plant food in it, the liquid plant food you choose needs to be a good match for what you've already put into your soil. DG is 100% complete and when I use it in the dirt, it's in a promix/sunshine mix type medium which has little to no plant food in it. The only food my plants get are what I'm giving them which makes for a pretty trouble free growing experience. If you see burn, how do you know which plant food source is giving you issues?

i use aerated tap water in my rez and it starts around 250-300 ppm.

The ppm of your water is less than ideal for plants. I'd suggest using an RO filter.

i am fortunate to have access to very good genetics and have learned how to build solid rooms. so i think i can get away with a simple balanced diet. also what are you finding as the best bloom/grow ratios when flowering in dirt? im thinking of going with a 2/1 Bloom/grow mix. along with pro-tect. any advice? Or should i look into the powder route? maxibloom or Jack's sounds pretty basic.

Your best bloom/grow ratio or 'best fertilizer' in general is going to be very specific to your situation.
as far as the RO system, im still not convinced i need one. we use it at some grows and personally haven't seen enough of a difference.i could just be getting lucky... as far as burn goes, well i see your point, so my only real option is to start low and hope i can read the plant well enough to make the adjustments on the fly. i was just trying to get some input as to what ratios you have had some luck with in dirt. i have used promix quite a bit in the past with good results too, however that was with a bunch of AN nutes. this room is kind of a side-project so doesnt need to be a homerun. just looking for a decent harvest with out brain-f*cking myself over the nutes. like i said the room is solid. temps hang around 72-76 at 50%. and i have some very nice kush strains.. HB i have read a lot of your posts and i like your philosophy. so im interested in your advice especially since you have had experience with dyna AN and gh. do you still like Dyna over everythig else? or should i look into some of the cheap powder ferts?
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