Took Cuttings


Active Member
hi ,

i have took 8 cuttings today ,i took the cutting with a nice clean scalpel knife ,dipped the cutting in clonex then put in root riot blocks ,

what i want to know if i have done right , the root riot blocks come in a tray of 24 blocks ,i cut 8 off & i just left the blocks in the plastice tray 8 & placed on the heat mat is this ok ,



New Member
you shoud have done a 45degree angle just before you dipped the in clonex, dont let the air get into the stem were you have cut.
try to avoid the heat mat and put them somewere warm with a small ight over them in a propagator, make sure the humidty is high :)


Active Member
is this the setup that comes with a humidity dome/tray ?

also you dont want your heat-mat too high,

what are the temps in your clone room?

if your cubes are COLD then yeah a heat-mat is needed..just have em warm or atleast room temp..

also,im not too sure how much heat-mats cause the cubes to dry up if anything,but something to be cautious of.


Active Member
Something i did was placed plain yellow pencils between the heatmat and tray,raising the tray but still warming it. I took my first cuttings last week and noticed yesterday i have roots on some already. I noticed when i used just the tray on top of the heatmat it got very warm inside the dome.


Active Member
yes has a dome & tray with a cloth heat mat ,nothing expensive ,just plug in & go ,there is no setting switch to change temp ....
i did cut them on an angle..
,i haven't got a light ,but thought they didn't need much light till they root ??? iv just put them in my bed room for now near the window so really minimal uk overcast light lol .i think they should be warm in my bedroom tho ?

do you think i should give them a quick mist with a spray bottle every day ,

you shoud have done a 45degree angle just before you dipped the in clonex, dont let the air get into the stem were you have cut.
try to avoid the heat mat and put them somewere warm with a small ight over them in a propagator, make sure the humidty is high :)
From ez clone website,

Taking Cuttings and Unit Insertion
Next, I start taking cuttings from my Mother or Donor plant. I prefer to take them directly from the Mom
right before I’m ready to insert them into the unit. On the average, I take a 4 or 5 inch cutting and leave
2 to 4 leaves on the top. If the leaves are small, I don’t trim them. If they are medium to large, I will trim
half of each leaf off. The reason for this is because the cutting only requires a small leaf area to absorb
a sufficient amount of light to keep it alive. Also, because the cutting does not have a root structure yet,
the leaves are sustained by the amount of moisture that is held in the stem. If the leaves are smaller,
the cutting does not have to work as hard to supply moisture to the leaves, which allows the cutting to
focus its energy on “producing roots”. It also has the added benefit of reducing the overall amount of
leaf area on the top of the Cloner. This prevents some leaves from getting covered by others and
makes for an overall friendlier environment.
As I take each cutting, I will cut it from the Mom with either a sharp razor blade or a quality pair of
trimming shears. Make sure the cutting utensil is clean. It can be sterilized with isopropyl alcohol, a
lighter, or both. I prefer both. I have heard multiple times that it’s necessary for the cutting to be taken
at a 45 degree angle. This is completely false. It does not matter. Just make sure the cut is clean and
the bottom of the cutting is not mangled. Roots will form along the wall of the stem.
Also, I use EZ-CLONE Rooting Gel. After taking each cutting, I place the cutting inside the jar of gel and
let it sit there until I have taken approximately 8 cuttings. This means I have 8 cuttings soaking up the
gel. I pull them out one at a time, insert each cutting into a New Neoprene Collar and place the collar
into the unit. In a 120 unit, there are 15 rows of 8. This is why I take 8 cuttings at a time. I prefer to fill
up a row, take 8 more cuttings, fill up another row, and continue that pattern until the lid is full.
Although the neoprene collars can be reused, I highly recommend using new collars every time you
clone instead of trying to clean the previously used ones. When the collars are used, they can get slime
in the pores, cracks, and creases from various types of additives and I think it’s a bit difficult to
guarantee they get totally clean. I would rather spend the few bucks for new collars and not have to
worry about potentially getting any bad bacteria due the old collars not being cleaned properly.
It is also important to let you know that I do not turn the water pump on until I have the entire unit full of
cuttings and have ph balanced the water. It usually takes about an hour to take 120 cuttings and insert
them into the lid. During this time, the cuttings are still absorbing the gel and an hour is not too long to
wait before turning on the water pump. The clones usually will not wilt within this hour time period, but
if you do get some minor wilting, after you plug the pump in, the clones will perk right back up


Well-Known Member
As long as their in a warm environment, they don't need that matt.....I've lost many seeds and colones using those stupid things......way too hot, they will make the moisture in the plugs super hot, and retard gowth, and rot anything that happens.

You do need light, and good and close. If you can't afford a 2 bulb two food t5, or an 8 bult t5 like I use, go get a florecent light at home depot or wherever and put it nice and close.

Don't over do it with the misting, unless you're not using your humidity dome. If you do, make sure to open the top some to let out some of the humidity, or it creates the perfect storm for mold, which is not good.

I would suggest personally getting a bottle of wilt pruf, available at any store that sells plants, spraying them down, and removing the dome, but you need to watch all the time for a few days to make sure you can redome them if necessary.

Do you're self a favor and make or buy a clone machine.......well worth the money. Super easy, and a 100% rooting success. Some use conex (I do) and some don't. It works well for my setup.

cloning the old school way can take a long time, but the machine is a 7-14 day root, and good ones too.


Well-Known Member
Victory, the 120 clones will put you in dangerous territory of a Federal Min, anything over 99. This is for hardcore risk takers only, not guys who have no light yet.

Do you sponsor this site.....adversiting without paying is BS. I can't belive you haven't been told to f-off with that, unless you pay to sponsor.
Victory, the 120 clones will put you in dangerous territory of a Federal Min, anything over 99. This is for hardcore risk takers only, not guys who have no light yet.

Do you sponsor this site.....adversiting without paying is BS. I can't belive you haven't been told to f-off with that, unless you pay to sponsor.
wtf are you talking about? I refered to the bold print about 45 degree cut being bad info,so learn reading comprehension dude.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to add, I read that you seperated 8 blocks from the main package, But did you remove all 8 into individual cubes? If not the roots will grow into each other and each block and will pose difficulties separating to plant, Even if they are individualized keep a close eye, I had roots grow 1-3 inches into the next block and over take that neighboring cube! LOL - Also I imagine that heat pad is the auto temp one? It usually keeps the mat 20 degrees higher then ambient room temp, So if your room is 70 that mat can push out upwards 80 which can rot the clones, they also cause hot spots so make sure to insulate it and rotate the trays and clones when you fan and mist...


Well-Known Member
wtf are you talking about? I refered to the bold print about 45 degree cut being bad info,so learn reading comprehension dude.
Don't fucking lecture me about reading comprehension dude.....not again. Everything you posted was bold......not about a 45degree angle. You didn't say shit about anything but a cut and paste, selling your product from your company. Piss off. Don't be telling people to take 120 cuttings so they go to federal prison......fucking stupid.

what about your you pay to advertise with your name??????
from ez clone website,

taking cuttings and unit insertion
next, i start taking cuttings from my mother or donor plant. I prefer to take them directly from the mom
right before i’m ready to insert them into the unit. On the average, i take a 4 or 5 inch cutting and leave
2 to 4 leaves on the top. If the leaves are small, i don’t trim them. If they are medium to large, i will trim
half of each leaf off. The reason for this is because the cutting only requires a small leaf area to absorb
a sufficient amount of light to keep it alive. Also, because the cutting does not have a root structure yet,
the leaves are sustained by the amount of moisture that is held in the stem. If the leaves are smaller,
the cutting does not have to work as hard to supply moisture to the leaves, which allows the cutting to
focus its energy on “producing roots”. It also has the added benefit of reducing the overall amount of
leaf area on the top of the cloner. This prevents some leaves from getting covered by others and
makes for an overall friendlier environment.
As i take each cutting, i will cut it from the mom with either a sharp razor blade or a quality pair of
trimming shears. Make sure the cutting utensil is clean. It can be sterilized with isopropyl alcohol, a
lighter, or both. I prefer both. i have heard multiple times that it’s necessary for the cutting to be taken
at a 45 degree angle. This is completely false. It does not matter

happy now dumbass?


Active Member
Just wanted to add, I read that you seperated 8 blocks from the main package, But did you remove all 8 into individual cubes? If not the roots will grow into each other and each block and will pose difficulties separating to plant, Even if they are individualized keep a close eye, I had roots grow 1-3 inches into the next block and over take that neighboring cube! LOL - Also I imagine that heat pad is the auto temp one? It usually keeps the mat 20 degrees higher then ambient room temp, So if your room is 70 that mat can push out upwards 80 which can rot the clones, they also cause hot spots so make sure to insulate it and rotate the trays and clones when you fan and mist...

yes i just separated 8 blocks from 24 pack ,so all the 8 are attached (they are close ) ,would it be better to separate each block & give them a bit off space ? i have moved the cuttings out of my bedroom somewhere cooler ,as it can get quite warm in my bedroom ,i have also put a fluorescent light close to the propagator so they are getting light now ..will i have to leave the light on all the time 24/7 till they have rooted properly ? i was thinking would it be a good or bad idea to put them in my veg room with the other plants ,& not bother with the fluorescent light .like put the propagator in the corner of the room ,so it wouldn't be getting the full blast of the light but they should be getting the ideal temp & humidity in there ,????,but there on 12/12 & the bulb is 600w the temp is around 75f -80f would it be hot ? .

i also have some formula for the cuttings ,says mix 5ml tto 1 ltr water ,use weekly .


Active Member
here is a few pics off the propagator i have got ,i put it near a fluorescent light ,also have raised them of the heat mat .have a look see what you think ,my first attempt don't laugh ? if some thing's wrong please say ?

a few pics of my grow room too,plants are 5 weeks .
i have noticed a few white blemishes appearing on some of the fan leaves ,not bad just a few leaves ? what you think



Well-Known Member
The propagator looks sweet.....but when it's closed that looks way too humid. I'd crack the top of that so only a small amount of water is on the sides, they will wilt fast when you take it off after a while,makes for a tough transplant. Your plants look sweet in the other room.....I'm curious what is causing those spots...they definatly shouldn't be there. Any bugs flying around, or if you shake your plants?


Cant see anything wrong there pal.. they look bang on :)
Personally i would chuck the heat mat away and put about 2 inch of perlite in the bottom of the propegator to hold moisture as heat shouldnt be an issue using a light above it


Active Member
no absolutely no bugs ,the room is clean .it happened on my last grow ,but last time it was a bit more severe pretty much all over the big leaves ,it didn't seem to do any harm tho , the buds where really good & crop was plenty ? like i say just on the larger fan leaves .its just like milky faint dust spots very faint ,think the bright light makes em look more worse than they are .if you touch the leaf the spot just wipes of just like dust really ,

my temps & humidity right fans etc ??? not sure what it is ,