just because you have a passport doesnt mean they will let you through. I forsee a bad outcome if you go to mexico
remember thats his master plan...go to jail and fight the system..think he also mentioned the supreme courtjust because you have a passport doesnt mean they will let you through. I forsee a bad outcome if you go to mexico.
And how fucking stupid are you, leaving one state and entering another doesnt nullify your probation, it violates it, you're getting into alot of trouble
remember thats his master plan...go to jail and fight the system..think he also mentioned the supreme court
remember thats his master plan...go to jail and fight the system..think he also mentioned the supreme court
Gotta go to jail.
Black people aren't in white public schools because they waited for someone to pass a bill or something.
thats right he did! Ok I redact my statements, fight the power, cant wait to see you crash and burn in the legal system
One would have thought that if you knew exactly what the fuck was up you'd have no need to have a lawyer let alone be contacting him once a month. You do know that lawyers are not always right yeah, hence why some are cheap as muffins and some charge you a thousand bucks an hour yeah?
People hire laywers for the reason that they DON'T know what the fuck is up and need a "professional" to tell them what is.
lol lol lol lol you crack me up.
You combined two different aspects of the civil rights movement to make a point, but it was a legal suit brought against the board of education by the family of linda brown, (may be wrong with the first name) to get their daughter into a white school, The case made it to the supreme court, and bam! schools must be integrated.
the imprisionment thing only works for the more contentious and violent aspects of the civil rights movement
So in short you don't know what the fuck is up, you ar relying on someone else to tell you what's up![]()
no offence...are you crazy......crash and burn.
The most they can get me for is 6 months
Even if they start adding charges, what will it be 2 years? 5 years?
I did 6 months, and 8 months as a juvinile.
In real jail we got commissary, we were allowed to sleep all day, or talk all day, or write all day, or read all day.
2-5 years would be nothing, and i'd get to meet a lot of people.
And in jail you really get to know someone.
You've never lived with 12-70 of your friends every day for 6 months before. You make some real friends.
And i'm not here to explain to someone like you urca, but there's even more.
I've got some insurance
so mindyabinus
One would have thought that if you knew exactly what the fuck was up you'd have no need to have a lawyer let alone be contacting him once a month. You do know that lawyers are not always right yeah, hence why some are cheap as muffins and some charge you a thousand bucks an hour yeah?
People hire laywers for the reason that they DON'T know what the fuck is up and need a "professional" to tell them what is.
They didn't just ask the court.
Way to be uninformed.
She just WENT.
Then it became a court case
Brown VS The Board of Education
im so glad that jail will be full of cool, fun people. Its like the best of all worlds, including living with rapists and murderers and getting shanked for acting stupid, being raped for dominance, no pussy, shitty food that you dont have a choice in eating, holidays not spent with your family, years of life wasted in a cell.
no offence...are you crazy......