World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Ya should be sound mate till chop then lol id wait it out mate an chop um when there done right specialy as its all yours mate, that gumby sounds nice mate send me some down next time ya tight twat lol seriously tho im gunna have a go at some after this grows done got the last 3 grows trim in the freezer and this runs to come so should be a decent amount.
Am tryin m8 honestly,keep tellin maself more ripen more ripen lol... Na m8 once in a growers.lifetime chance.for me 2 run killer strains like these. We'l cc wot the sample hits like. Its goin till wed/thurs at least that'l b jst over 8 wks or bamg on 8 wks,will play by ear then c wot the smke situations like lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
hoping few hundred or so. few was lil to early i will leave one or two weeks before i kill it off.
not sure if got me high i dont think so mate.
im on that many doc drugs at min fella im feeling lil whooshy most the time. steroids r the worst ones make me stare for ages is weird sensation. ent slept 3 nights. but these drugs r starting to help now. antibotics and 3 inhalers.
doc say im letting stress get on top me and its afecting health.
mostly due a old school chum avoiding me over cash. i get such rages with dishonest people he seem vanished off face earth. soon as im back up and running i will dish out some revenge off the most cruelest off ways. ent seen me kid in 3 weeks other then a day visit wen she was ill so had run her home so think these things have upset me abit.
@ pukka have u chopped ya seeding ladies yet as i think we was near same timeing


Well-Known Member
Am tryin m8 honestly,keep tellin maself more ripen more ripen lol... Na m8 once in a growers.lifetime chance.for me 2 run killer strains like these. We'l cc wot the sample hits like. Its goin till wed/thurs at least that'l b jst over 8 wks or bamg on 8 wks,will play by ear then c wot the smke situations like lol
Lol mate you'l no when its done just chill take a puff of that gumby lol

which vid did you watch mate for yours? seemed to work good for you!


Well-Known Member
hoping few hundred or so. few was lil to early i will leave one or two weeks before i kill it off.
not sure if got me high i dont think so mate.
im on that many doc drugs at min fella im feeling lil whooshy most the time. steroids r the worst ones make me stare for ages is weird sensation. ent slept 3 nights. but these drugs r starting to help now. antibotics and 3 inhalers.
doc say im letting stress get on top me and its afecting health.
mostly due a old school chum avoiding me over cash. i get such rages with dishonest people he seem vanished off face earth. soon as im back up and running i will dish out some revenge off the most cruelest off ways. ent seen me kid in 3 weeks other then a day visit wen she was ill so had run her home so think these things have upset me abit.
@ pukka have u chopped ya seeding ladies yet as i think we was near same timeing
Fuck think you need to chill bro,stressin out aint helpin you or your family. Thats wot av realised this wk,take a step bk c wots causin it n get it tae fuck!! As for mates dnt think it matters if uv known them 20 mins or 20 years most will screw you over some way in the end... Look after no 1 mate n those.who mean the most


Well-Known Member
Lol mate you'l no when its done just chill take a puff of that gumby lol

which vid did you watch mate for yours? seemed to work good for you!
Searched gumby hash on youtube mate the 1st bout 10 mins long thinks its got like a gingerbread man cartoon except its.the gumby man lol. Am on ma fne or ad put a link up. A.jst put a step by step on Ambz' waterfarm thread

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah that wot i was thinking dude. u spoted any good signs yet geeza with yours? meaning seeds or swellings?
i am thinking whole new life style. quitting fags as we speak and gunna do more fitness and training. just keep mind busy n lungs healthy. owe it to the kids like.
how long u got pukka till the new born? bet u cant wait, some1 teach the growing skills too hahaha joke


Well-Known Member
Searched gumby hash on youtube mate the 1st bout 10 mins long thinks its got like a gingerbread man cartoon except its.the gumby man lol. Am on ma fne or ad put a link up. A.jst put a step by step on Ambz' waterfarm thread
cheers mate ill have a look closer to the time.

yeah that wot i was thinking dude. u spoted any good signs yet geeza with yours? meaning seeds or swellings?
i am thinking whole new life style. quitting fags as we speak and gunna do more fitness and training. just keep mind busy n lungs healthy. owe it to the kids like.
how long u got pukka till the new born? bet u cant wait, some1 teach the growing skills too hahaha joke
Not spotted any seeds mate but im sure i can see a difference in the seeded buds could just be wishfull thinkin tho mate lol
ive done the same mate stopped with the fags cut down on the weed an started boxin back up, do it mate you'l feel a lot better, and thats my thinkin do it for the kids!
bout 10week left now mate cant wait! :) ..............maybe when hes old an im a oap ill tell him about the beautiful weed i used to grow lol all exaggerated of course lol

likin that auto save just saved me for sure lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
pukka i only noticed at underside of bud, u may see a real swelled up catayst or woteva is, that where most my seeds was. i picked up pot n looked from underneath. sure ent same for all tho. i didnt give this plant hardly any nutes i wanted to see mostly natural like and cos buds slim to wot they r normally i could see the swellings easy. yours r beastly buds so i bet u wont b able see them but i bet u will get loads pips.
1o weeks eh hahah blinding am chuffed for ya, nothing better man sure u will b a cracking dad. hardest bit is not worrying u will break the tiny baby 1st few weeks. so fragile like and if u clumsy like me its a worry hahaha. oh and remember no matter how hard it is for u u gotta b a rock for ya lady always. laters guys n goodnight


Well-Known Member
pukka i only noticed at underside of bud, u may see a real swelled up catayst or woteva is, that where most my seeds was. i picked up pot n looked from underneath. sure ent same for all tho. i didnt give this plant hardly any nutes i wanted to see mostly natural like and cos buds slim to wot they r normally i could see the swellings easy. yours r beastly buds so i bet u wont b able see them but i bet u will get loads pips.
1o weeks eh hahah blinding am chuffed for ya, nothing better man sure u will b a cracking dad. hardest bit is not worrying u will break the tiny baby 1st few weeks. so fragile like and if u clumsy like me its a worry hahaha. oh and remember no matter how hard it is for u u gotta b a rock for ya lady always. laters guys n goodnight
ive had a look mate but cant really see well, theres was a few little bud sites on each branch i did now its like full bud so hard to see in, an cant see nothin at the bottom
cheers mate ill try me best for us dads!!! lol im abit like that tho mate with newborns there are just so tiny lol
see ya later mate


Well-Known Member
i dont smoke fags at all , i buy rollin baccy and use it for spliffs , a half oz pack lasts a month lol so £3.50 a month aint nothing, i mainly use my little glass pipe though and smoke a few bowls pure , i hardly drink maybe like 10 pints a year ... cant be arsed , i prefer weed lol ... i just started back up the gym aswell , used to be 15 stone but after 2 yrs of illness and stress i lost weight n went down to 9st ! im back up to 10 now though and id be more than happy to be a 12 - 13 stone lean size again by this time next year , diet , weed and training in check ill get there ;)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
9st bro that must been hard, good see the few i like here r getting selfs all sorted. i dont drink either i turn into a bigger prick wen i do. ent been pissed in 3 odd years now i dont think.
decided eat a stew just now try get this stone ive lost back on.
in last year ive packed on 2 stone, alot eating a bit training worked a treat there n kids running me ragged has helped out there


Well-Known Member
Wot was up Rob m8 nothin serious a hope? Dnt mean to pry dnt like hearing of sound.folk bein no well plenty of other dicks deserve it. Ma best m8 battled.cancer.for 6 yrs been in the clear 10 now.


Well-Known Member
Wot was up Rob m8 nothin serious a hope? Dnt mean to pry dnt like hearing of sound.folk bein no well plenty of other dicks deserve it. Ma best m8 battled.cancer.for 6 yrs been in the clear 10 now.

i had alot of shit with the ex missus mate , she screwed me out our house and all my money... picture this one day i was in my garden after playing with my 9mnth old daughter, took her to her mum in the house , went up the garden again to cut the grass when i went back in the house she had took my daughter and left me with no explanation... a week later i got home from work to find my whole house was empty ! even the fucking plates , knifes n forks , no furniture nothing proper took the lot ... after 2 years her reason was "she didnt love me anymore"
if that wasnt enough she then became a evil bitch and completly fucked my relationship with my daughter up , she doesnt let me have regular contact and im allowed to she her when it suits or if she needs a baby sitter!
i have nothing to do with the bitch anymore , it all goes through parents etc ...
i have a little boy now and a missus thats a million times better and a new little baby on the way so fuck the past lol ... ill always love my daughter and she will always know that , also when she is old enough she will know her mum is the one that took daddy away not other way round !

i lost so much weight through stress and depression then to top it off i was bed bound for 3 weeks solid with swine flu , that shit alone lost a good stone n half off me ... :(

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
rob thats fucking horrid man. wow she was evil. hate wen women use kids as weapons its so unfair to kid to.
ur a bigger man then me to come out that, hats off to u, and happy u got a winner for a mrs now n new family to dote on


Well-Known Member
i got her back mate lol .. it was a joint mortgage , the house was worth 85 grand so i sold it for 70 grand , put us both in debt , what the bitch didnt know was my dad had just come into some money , he paid my 7.5 grand half of the debt and she is still stuck with hers and black listed because of it years later lol .. that will teach her ;)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
that is some cleaver thinking
i like ya style very smooth indeed
good man wot goes around comes around. karma can b such a bitch hahahahaha like that ending to ya story put a huge grin on my face


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's some evil stuff Robbie, sorry to hear about that, glad you have a good life now...amazing how mad people can get.


Well-Known Member
i had alot of shit with the ex missus mate , she screwed me out our house and all my money... picture this one day i was in my garden after playing with my 9mnth old daughter, took her to her mum in the house , went up the garden again to cut the grass when i went back in the house she had took my daughter and left me with no explanation... a week later i got home from work to find my whole house was empty ! even the fucking plates , knifes n forks , no furniture nothing proper took the lot ... after 2 years her reason was "she didnt love me anymore"
if that wasnt enough she then became a evil bitch and completly fucked my relationship with my daughter up , she doesnt let me have regular contact and im allowed to she her when it suits or if she needs a baby sitter!
i have nothing to do with the bitch anymore , it all goes through parents etc ...
i have a little boy now and a missus thats a million times better and a new little baby on the way so fuck the past lol ... ill always love my daughter and she will always know that , also when she is old enough she will know her mum is the one that took daddy away not other way round !

i lost so much weight through stress and depression then to top it off i was bed bound for 3 weeks solid with swine flu , that shit alone lost a good stone n half off me ... :(
sorry to hear bout all that m8 its pretty shit. Glad to hear u got ur revenge tho ;-)


Well-Known Member
G.H.E Ripen late flowering forcing solution 500 ml

For all growing methods: hydroponics and soil.

Late flowering nutrient.

Ripen is a comprehensive plant nutrient used during the late flowering stage of the plant. It is specifically designed to speed up and enhance the ripening process, while increasing the active principles of medicinal, aromatic and culinary plants.

This type of formulation is referred to, in the greenhouse industry, as a ‘forcing solution‘.

Ripen is a mix of refined mineral salts and buffers, formulated by the GHE laboratories with the greatest precision. Indeed, at this stage, accuracy is of the utmost importance: the plant, at the end of its life, is generally more fragile and the assimilation process is greatly reduced when compared with the vegetative phase.

Ripen acts at different levels:

* It gives the plant a strong signal that it is coming to the end of its life. The plant reacts by speeding the ripening process, in a last effort to spread its genes.
* It forces the plant to reinforce its defences and thus increase its active principles.
* It brings to the plants all the mineral salts they need, in a form easy to assimilate.
* In case of a previous accumulation of nitrate or microelements, it helps metabolise these residues, which will improve the taste of the crop.

This nutrient has many properties:

* Outdoors, it enables you to quickly harvest a crop, before it is spoiled by cold and humid weather.
* Indoors, it helps you harmonise the end of the cycle by speeding up the ripening of the slowest plants.
* In case of a severe infestation of fungi or insects, it allows you to accelerate the natural cycle and get something out of a crop otherwise completely lost.
* When you are growing a plant for its medicinal properties, this is the nutrient of choice to boost the concentration in the final product.
what GHE nutes would you advise getting on a budget? would you say the 3 part and ripen would be ok? and do you flush with the ripen? did you watch the rugby earlier? lol