• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Can you get high by touching weed??? I feel it!!! :-/


Well-Known Member
Did you ever look into bhang? (the drink not just one of the indian words for pot) No? It's a cannabis lassi that has been used for thousands of years - guess what no decarb. Are millions of Indians just experiencing the placebo effect? What is going on there?

Fuck you are wrong about everything you say to me - I said I did look into the things you told me to.. one is an Indian word for Hash, and bhang - I said I had to google.. it said it was a traditional drink made with milk, water and honey, and they boiled... guess what - that's heating it.. that is exactly what I'm saying it takes to get you high.. so I agreed that it would work. When THC is heated, it's "activated" and more effective. I'm not now, nor am I saying there is NO active material in raw bud, quite the contrary, even in my first post I explicitly said that there isn't much active material.. that means I'm saying there's some... I've even re-stated it to you a few posts ago.
Again.. what is going on there? It's being HEATED.. that's what I'm saying will get you high.

Ever had an alcohol tincture? I guess all those people that get high off those oral alcohol tinctures are nuts as well (many many if not most I have seen prepared for the medical community were never decarbed)... Maybe its just the dropper full of alcohol.

Why are you talking to me like I'm a noobie? Of course I've had of green dragon asshole.. I've made BHO too incase you think it has anything to do with what I'm saying.. If I'm arguing how THCA is decarbonized with you - I think it's safe to assume I know what the fuck a tinture is.

http://www.thecannabischef.com/content/how-make-green-dragon Here's a good recipe for it actually - I want you to notice where it says -It is important to DECARB your marijuana before following this tutorial. To do this place the cannabis on a baking sheet in the oven at 150°F for 30-60 minutes. The marijuana should crumble easily.

So my question for you is - Have you made it? If you have to decarb it.. then of course it gets you high.. that's what I'm saying... thanks for providing more examples of where people are saying "decarb your weed to make it active"...


We going to ignore real evidence over your poor interpretation of science? Which you seem to continually be changing your mind on... especially for a biochemist :roll: I like the "certified" part though...

What am I ignoring? Where's your science? I'm saying YOUR interpretation of how THC gets into your system is incorrect. You aren't showing me anything that says THC that isn't heated in some way will get you high.. That's the science... You are a botinist?. LMFAO.. sure you are. And I'm a PHD Brain surgen. Go look at your text books again. What real evidence.. the examples you are using are recipes you ingest that heats cannibis to decarb it first.. that's what I'm saying too. I'm saying you can't get high until you heat the THC. That's with your examples - and turn around and say I'm stupid. Stop and check yourself.

Things we agree on:
Marijuana has active cannabinoids before it goes through a "decarb procedure". We agree it happens - What I'm disagreeing with you on is to the extent that it happens. Just because there are trace amounts of THC and CBD, I'm saying it's there, but not to a high enough volume to get anyone high.
Cannabinoids can be absorbed through human tissues including the skin, synusus, eyes, mouth, stomach lining, gut, lung tissue...
Yup, and I've never said anything to the contrary... and tinctures, edibles, vaporizers, salves, bongs are all using weed that's been heated as part of the preparation.
People can feel cannabinoids when they have been absorbed in a large enough quantity. agreed, once it's decarbed to an extent where it's in a concentration to do anything you will feel.
Different people have drastically different tollerances to cannabinoids and feel their effect in different ways - for some this is a minute amount and other it's a fairly high amount. Show me a study that show this implicitly and tested with blood tests on what people's actual level of THC in their bloodstream was when they were all lit from trimming.. Remeber, I contend that these same people may believe they are high from these minute amounts you are using as an example. Standing on my original contention - Placebo effect will effect 30% of particiapnts in a clinical study. I will say - yes, but it still has to be decarbed by heat to have an effect where any person, those who contend they are stoned from minute amounts of anything may very well feel they are, but unless it's backed by a clinical test to determine amount of THC in their bloodstream how can you say without a doubt that it is NOT placebo? The ones that have to have a large amount of exposure of raw bud eventually may fall into this same category. If you have trimmed for days, and I have trimmed for days, and you say you get high, and I say I don't.. it doesn't mean you have no tollerance.. it means that in your mind you believe so strongly that you get high from coming into contact with raw weed that you do. Unless you have a blood test to tell you how much THC you have in your system is present, I'm going to contend you are part of the 30% that is high due to placebo. It's not that complicated what I'm saying.. I don't see how you are having so much trouble seeing where I'm coming from.
When you trim for long periods of time your tissues including skin, eyes, sinus, throat, lungs... can come into contact with cannabinoids.
But I contend that even if you trimmed a million lbs of weed, if you are high from it, it's all in your mind. You believe it. You feel it. It's still placebo - because THC NEEDS to be heated to be "active" to the point where it the effects of the THC are actually what is getting you high.

Pretty sure this is all stuff you have agree to. Now I'm confused as to how you can possible say those are true and yet come to your conclusion.

Fuck.. PAY ATTENTION AND I'LL TELL YOU AGAIN - I'm saying that THC needs to be heated to be active. What part of that is confusing you? Your examples of bhang (which is boiled with milk) or green dragon (where the weed is decarbed in the oven before you make it - so it's activated by heat) just back up what I'm saying.. they are both heated, so yes, the THC in it is activate.. so it'll get you high.

Just make a truth table...If all of those are true, then when a person with a lower tolerance comes into contact with enough cannabinoids, of which some are active, then they can absorb some, and after absorbing enough they could be able to feel it. This is really basic logic here - which I assume doesn't matter as you are more into slinging insults that discussing the issue, but there it is for you broken down all nice and simple so that even an a college freshman could understand.

Truth table?? I would draw a circle and in the middle put "you can't get high from non heated weed".. then I am going to put "tinctures, and baked goods are all heated, and get you high".. truth. Then I'm going to put "you can get high from the limited amount of CBD found in non heated, non decarbed weed"... and throw it on the floor cause it's not true. That's basic logic.. your arguements against what I'm saying are as feeble as your non existant evidence. I don't care what you think- I think you are wrong. Show me a study that other people have done, and let me see their research and see if it makes any sence, or it's just a web page saying "raw bud gets you high"...
I'm slinging insults? check back and see where insults started in this discussion and get off your shoebox... You called me an idiot for using an example of how some people choose to take their drugs. Whether or not you see anally taking alcohol, or other drugs as gross, or bad, doesn't change the fact of what I was saying. If people will have a vodka enima to get super drunk, super fast.. If you could get high from absorbing non carbonized weed through your skin - there are some situations where people would likely use that tactic to get high - But I'm saying they DON'T stick weed in their armpit, or up their butt, not because it's unpleasant.. because it doesn't get you high - you have to heat it first... if you decarb your weed in the oven, and then make bubble hash- you may get high when you're rolling it.. that's about the only way I can see me agreeing that it's possible to actually BE high - not just feel high... cause I've rolled more hash in the past year that I bet I could start competing with FDD on how much we press... I am processing trim for like 4 other growers, and my own.. I don't get high hand rolling bubble and I do that bare handed.
The problem you are having with what I'm saying is - for whatever reason- you seem to be upset that I'm saying if you feel high from trimming weed - and that it's a placebo effect. It doesn't change how real the experience is for you.. I'm totally agreeing that you could feel stoned from trimming weed if you fall into the 1/3 of people where they feel an effect. Doesn't make you high. But you feel like you are in your mind. That's great, but science doesn't back up what you're saying... if you could get high from non carbonized MJ - people would be doing it.. I don't hear about it, at all.. do you?

How long was it in contact with you? Hours? Did you breathe any in? Did it get in your eyes? I've never been high from making dry ice keif... I have been high from trimming all day. So you made dry ice keif once or twice and that didn't personally get you high so it definitely cannot happen... One time I ate a budderbrothers brownie and nothing happened - I guess no one can get high of budderbrother backed goods - no that would be a pretty silly conclusion to jump to. Were you also smoking pot while making it? lol ;)
I have trimmed for 8 hours a day for a week.. how's that.. I've already told you that too.. why are you going over the same things? I've already answered your points, you're just changing how you word your same incorrect points.
That's right - that's exactly what I'm saying - you cannot get high from non carbonized THCA... I am exactly saying it impossible for you to be high making dry ice hash, and the reason I'm saying it is the same thing I've been saying all along, THC needs to be heated to be active to the point it will effect you to the point you are high.
The only way you are going to get me agree that it's possible to get actually high from weed that's not heated is you'd have to have a rediculous amount of weed and rub all of the trichomes directly up your ass to have anything happen that isn't placebo effects.
I don't know about your brownie experience, but if it happened, I would challenge the amount of hash in the final product- as in any manufacturing environment - mistakes happen.. it's possible that batch of brownies accidentally didn't get it's dose of hash. That's possible people error, and yes it would be silly to assume that no one would get high from brownies..or that this example helps your argumement at all - it has anything to do with what we're talking about either.... It's well known that brownies get you high.. it's also well known that brownies are cooked.. so once again - it's heated.. so yes they should get you high. You are saying alot, but nothing.
You're "points" and "examples" back up what I've been saying the whole time.. My point has NOTHING to do with how it gets into your bloodstream.. I'm agreeing there are ways to get THC through your skin.. what I'm saying is it needs to be heated for any of those ways to get you high - other than by placebo because the concentrations of THC and CBD in non decarbed weed aren't enough to actually make up a dose that would have an effect on anyone. I'm saying it's too minimal to have an effect in raw weed. I feel like a broken record man.. I've been good enough to answer every one of your questions - no matter how retarded.. do me a favor and just answer one for me..
Do you have a link to an actual study that shows effects from non decarbed weed exposure.. however it happens?
Save your examples.. you aren't very good at that. Just post a link to something that backs what you're saying.. go through it first and look for anywhere where the THC is heated before experiments are preformed on THC in the blood stream. That means if it's smoked, vaped, eaten in a food that's been cooked, or it was heated in the oven before used, then don't post that, cause I will agree that it will work and we'll have nothing to discuss.


Well-Known Member
You are too funny man.

First there is no active THC - now there is - then it was just a tiny tiny tiny amount - now you see a report stating its a decent amount and change your mind. First you cannot get high eating non decarbed pot - now you can. First THC doesn't enter the body via osmosis - now it does. First THC cannot be absorbed through human tissues - now it can. Are you seeing a trend?

Bhang is made using lassie tea (you make a strong tea out of spices), once cooled you mix it with ground up cannabis and milk or yogurt - I've been to india, this is how it is made. You can order hot bhang tea which is different and is heated for a short amount of time - but what temperature does water boil? 212 at sea level? Around 205 @ 3k feet... Hum... so a maximum of 70% of the THCA can decarb to THC at temps over 220 for long periods of time. Is pooring 205 degree water over something the same as baking it at 300 degrees? The bhang I saw being made was using yogurt which I believe is the more traditional - can you boil yogurt?

Give me a break dude. Argue more with the mass spec results (my non existent evidence) - they alone destroy your whole argument which this entire time has only been that there is no active material in pot. 6% THC is quite a bit of active material - even 2% is quite a bit of active material.

And calm down. No need to get all emo because you can't get high by any means other than smoking pot - it can't be worth it.

btw - have you provided a single shred of evidence that this cannot happen? That there is no THC in pot? I can't find it... A single quote? Link? Anything?

At least two different companies have patents on medical marijuana patches...


Well-Known Member
You are too funny man.

First there is no active THC - now there is - then it was just a tiny tiny tiny amount - now you see a report stating its a decent amount and change your mind. First you cannot get high eating non decarbed pot - now you can. First THC doesn't enter the body via osmosis - now it does. First THC cannot be absorbed through human tissues - now it can. Are you seeing a trend?

Post 8 - "In its acid form, THC is not very active. It is only when the carboxyl group is removed that THC becomes psychoactive." I said it right from the first post I made.. never changed my story, and never said there was no active anything..I said it's not very active. I never said I saw a report that changed my mind.. I asked you to post a link to a report to change my mind.. but since you can't - you decide to go over the same things again.
You are missing a very important thing that I have to keep saying to you - weed has to be decarbonized by heating. THEN you can do whatever you want to dose with it... eat it, drink it - whatever... until it's heated the only high you get from eating it, or rubbing it against your skin is placebo.
I never said you get high doing anything with non decarbed weed.. go re-read. post a copy of where I said anything about eating non carbed weed will get you high.. you must be reading a different thread. I am contending from the beginning unheated weed will not get you high. Period. I don't care about the method of ingestion.. why you keep going over that I can't figure out.. it doesn't matter how you do it, or how much, untill it's heated there's not enough active material to do anything to you really.
All I did say about the osmosis thing was that if you could get high with non decarbed weed people would be doing it.. I'm saying they don't.. where did I say they did.. the only conflicting statements are coming from you. Do me a favor, go over what I said, and copy where I'm saying what you are going on about.

Bhang is made using lassie tea (you make a strong tea out of spices), once cooled you mix it with ground up cannabis and milk or yogurt - I've been to india, this is how it is made. You can order hot bhang tea which is different and is heated for a short amount of time - but what temperature does water boil? 212 at sea level? Around 205 @ 3k feet... Hum... so a maximum of 70% of the THCA can decarb to THC at temps over 220 for long periods of time. Is pooring 205 degree water over something the same as baking it at 300 degrees?

Where are you getting your percentages from heating from? How do you know what the maximum of thca that decarbs? I said it requires 106 degrees to decarb weed.. not 206 or 300.. water boils at 100 degrees... if water boils at 205, I would then assume you would have to equate 100 degrees at sea level with whatever that works out to at your elevation... boiling water is boiling water.
Give me a break dude. Argue more with the mass spec results (my non existent evidence) - they alone destroy your whole argument which this entire time has only been that there is no active material in pot. 6% THC is quite a bit of active material - even 2% is quite a bit of active material.

NO IT IS NOT MY ARGUEMENT that pot has no active material.. I've said it does.. how thick is your skull? I've only said, with that The present active material in non carbinated weed doesn't get you high.. regardless of how you take it..don't you see that? post where I'm saying anything differently. If not leave it alone.. you're wrong.. arguing made up contradictions are only adding to the fact you don't know what you're talking about. Show me in this thread where I say one thing then change what I'm saying.. just post that then.

And calm down. No need to get all emo because you can't get high by any means other than smoking pot - it can't be worth it.

I am the calmest cat you'd ever meet, because I tell you to fuck your hat, doesn't mean I'm upset, I would say it to you like I'd wish you a good afternoon. I never said anthing about getting high by other means than smoking it.. I said it had to be heated before it will have any actual effect on you. Where are you making all this up from.. show me where I said that. You won't.

btw - have you provided a single shred of evidence that this cannot happen? That there is no THC in pot? I can't find it... A single quote? Link? Anything?
I'll see what I can find.. But I'll post up some shit I find that you can look through. I never said there's no THC in pot... what do you mean you like little boys????

"Eating or ingesting this should be the equivalent of ingesting raw cannabis, which does not get you high. Decarbonization is the process cannabis must go through to get you high. That means 200 degrees for 15min in oven. Then you can go on with the extraction. That is if you are eating it."


In whole-plant cannabis, THC content is expressed as THCA (tetrahydrocannabolic acid) prior to decarboxylation into THC, which takes place when cannabis is heated during cooking, and smoked or vaporized ingestion. THCA is a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory but does not have good affinity with our CB1 receptors, so in order to make a THC-rich tincture that has many of the same therapeutic effects as smoked ingestion (including rapid absorption, quick relief and ease of self-titration), we must convert the THCA in the plant matter into THC prior to extracting it through an alcohol soak. (from Vancouver Island Compassion Society http://thevics.com/cannamist.htm)

Notice also that there is considerable misinformation regarding heating the cannabis. It is true that you don't have to heat it to extract both THC and THCA, but the amount of THC in whole plant preparations is relatively small compared to after decarboxylation of the THCA. So if you want to maximize the strength of your tincture you must heat the cannabis prior to extraction

There's more.. but you can google too.. do your own homework.​


Active Member
ok I yesterday morning, I went into my room and trimed up some buds, well 1 hour in, I was haveing intense visuals. it was like a acid flash back. .
everything out the sides of my eyes was spinning/twisting. I was smoke free.


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to argue with you I'm just stating that you can get high from contact with bud - even raw bud; there is some decarbed thc in raw bud - not sure why you don't believe this as the same process that happens the few days post cut can easily happen pre cut as well - your scissors don't impart some magical missing chemical key. This is not to mention that non decarbed THC is still active - just less active.

Kids don't stick buds in their arm pits because it is not cost effective and not pleasant... There are more ideal and less ideal ways of getting a chemical in your body but that doesn't mean the most popular is the only way. That is a pretty terrible argument. Why don't most Americans give themselves coffee enemas every morning instead of drinking it? Its actually a more effective way to absorb the caffeine - oh but wait that wouldn't be as fun. Ever handle raw tobacco? That's an easy one for you to google. Oh wait... you think chemicals can't be absorbed through the skin...

best line of the new year goes to Gastanker for... "Silly crazy nicotine placebo patches - I hear if you use too many the placebo can actually kill you!"

Hey heres one - put a bunch of tabs of acid on your arm and hit it with a spray bottle. Let me know what happens. (Don't actually do that)

btw - people do medicate by spreading it on them. They make a variety of medicated balms, hand lotions, topical tinctures...

oh well i guess this will be debated forever... ;)


Well-Known Member
THC can be absorbed through the skin, but the effects aren't usually as strong or long lasting...unless more is applied...


Well-Known Member
wait wait wait...are we arguing about whether you can absorb it through your skin or if it has to be heated first?


Well-Known Member
There's no real arguement - THCA needs to be decarbed by heat to change it's chemical composition to thc which is the active drug in MJ.
Not that you can't get high by any other way than smoking it. Just the drug needs to be thc - which it's not while you are trimming it. My point was - if you trimming weed, which hasn't been decarbed, you can't possibly be "high" - it's just your mind (placebo effect) telling you that you are.
I haven't seen anyone show or say anything any different. Just tanker showing example after example of different ways to get high with decarbed THC. Basically backing up what I said in the first place.


Active Member
Yep, wear latex gloves, without the powder coating. When done trimming, put them in the freezer and all the hash comes off the latex, making some really good finger hash.. I'd rather smoke that than try to absorb THC transdermally with reduced efficacy.

The problem with wearing latex gloves, for me anyway, is my hands get so damp because they aren't breathing. So I wear cloth gloves under the latex, and use an air pump (fish tank style) to run a hose to each hand. I tape an end to the back of each hand with medical tape, put the cloth gloves on, then the latex.. The air pumps out all the dampness, keeping me cool all day.


Active Member
I trimmed a very resinous plant recently (no Gloves) & forgot to wash my hands .....Finished around 12:30am and passed out...then at about 2:15am I woke up feeling very strange then it progressed to an intense episode of the shakes and literally like i was having a mildly bad mushroom trip, heart racing and everything. I guarantee you it was from the resin soaking into my skin because I hadn't smoked or done anything else to get to feeling this way at all. I'm a firm believer that in a large enough amount oils resins etc can absorb into your system through your skin.


bud bootlegger
i have tried both eating weed one day at work while i was working around the big bosses so i wouldn't stink to high heavens but would still get high. nada damn thing came out of it...
i was also in spain and got tons of hash.. got to the airport and found i still had about a 3 gram chunk of it.. i wasn't going to throw it in the shitter, so i ate it.. didn't think it would do shit, and it didn't..
and gastanker, you keep talking about how alcohol tinctures and nicotine from patches go through the skin and have an effect on the body.. the last time i checked nicotine and alcohol contain no thc..
yes, some drugs can be absorbed straight through the skin like lsd and alcohol for ex, but thc doesn't work that way like cowell has said a 100x's in this thread.. it needs to be heated first for it to have any effect at all.. i don't see what is so hard to understand about that...

and like cowell also said, why would people bother smoking bud if simply touching it would get one high?? or why make budder to make edibles if all i had to do was rub it on my balls while i jerked off for 20 minutes?? b'cuz it doesn't work that way, that's why..


Active Member
So If you're saying thats impossible then how did I get from dead sober to tripping pretty much just so happening to be 1 hr and 45 min after trimming. I think some people have a stronger tolerance to this and they don't feel shit because its not enough to even hit them.


Well-Known Member
Not going to say anything on the matter, just going to give this:

Cannalytics test results
In order: THCA% | THC% | Total THC% | CBD% | CBN% | Total%

Chem Dawg

Apple Pie

Jilly Bean


Well-Known Member
@racerboy - why don't people masterbate with tobacco? You admitted nicotine can be absorbed through the skin... See the flaw in that logic?

I think it's funny people think there is zero THC in bud before you decarb it. Look at most any LGC tests that separate THC and THCA and you'll notice they are both present, albeit with the THC at a higher ratio.

Many many substances can travel through your skin, why is is hard to believe THC would? You'll admit it will travel through your skin via alcohol, and through fats, but not through the oils of the skin? You absorb THC through your lung lining in the form of smoke but if you inhale straight trichs you wont absorb the same THC? Really? How does that work?

I ate a cookie and didn't notice it. My wife ate a cookie and it made her pass out. Must have been a placebo.

Lets start listing things that have been proven to be absorbed through the skin -
Lead, zink, copper, nicotine, caffiene, tylenol, asprine, lsd, psilocybin, arsenic, morphine, opium, amphetamines, oils, pesticides, .... the list is endless.

Research has revealed that skin absorption occurs via diffusion, the process whereby molecules spread from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. Three mechanisms by which chemicals diffuse into the skin have been proposed:

  1. Intercellular lipid pathway (Figure 1)
  2. Transcellular permeation (Figure 2)
  3. Through the appendages (Figure 3)
Figure 1: Intercellular lipid pathway
As shown in Figure 1, the stratum corneum consists of cells known as corneocytes. The spaces between the corneocytes are filled with substances such as fats, oils, or waxes known as lipids. Some chemicals can penetrate through these lipid-filled intercellular spaces through diffusion.
Figure 2: Transcellular permeation
As shown in Figure 2, another pathway for chemicals to be absorbed into and through the skin is transcellular, or cell-to-cell, permeation whereby molecules diffuse directly through the corneocytes.
Figure 3: Through the appendages (hair follicles, glands)
As shown in Figure 3, the third pathway for diffusion of chemicals into and through the skin is skin appendages (i.e., hair follicles and glands). This pathway is usually insignificant because the surface area of the appendages is very small compared to the total skin area. However, very slowly permeating chemicals may employ this pathway during the initial stage of absorption.

Thats from the CDC ^

This if from OSHA:

"Most chemicals are readily absorbed through the skin and can cause other health effects and/or contribute to the dose absorbed by inhalation of the chemical from the air. Many studies indicate that absorption of chemicals through the skin can occur without being noticed by the worker. In many cases, skin is a more significant route of exposure than the lung." http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/dermalexposure/index.html

How about a scholarly paper on the subject?

Distribution of cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) and 2 (CB2) on sensory nerve fibers and adnexal structures in human skin - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15927811



Cannabinoid receptors mediate the psychopharmacological action of marijuana and have been localized in the central and peripheral nervous system as well as on cells of the immune system.

Up to now, two cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) have been cloned and recent studies on animal tissue gave evidence for the presence of cannabinoid receptors in the skin.

In the present immunohistochemical investigation we determined the precise localization of CB1 and CB2 in sections of human skin and in one case of mastocytosis.

CB1 and CB2 immunoreactivity was observed in cutaneous nerve fiber bundles, mast cells, macrophages, epidermal keratinocytes, and the epithelial cells of hair follicles, sebocytes and eccrine sweat glands. In epidermal keratinocytes, hair follicle and sebaceous glands, CB1 and CB2 were distributed in a complementary fashion. Double-immunostaining with an anti-CGRP antibody suggested the presence of cannabinoid receptors on small afferent peptidergic nerves.

The abundant distribution of cannabinoid receptors on skin nerve fibers and mast cells provides implications for an anti-inflammatory, anti-nociceptive action of cannabinoid receptor agonists and suggests their putatively broad therapeutic potential.


Well-Known Member
Guess ill chime in after all..

I have no doubts you can absorb it through your skin. They are after all, oils. The effects you receive from that, I cannot speculate.
I DO NOT touch my bud while its growing, and i DO NOT trim without gloves. (wasnt always this way, but it sure as hell is now.)


Well-Known Member
when we trim for hours on end, we dont smoke, we dont even feel the urge to smoke, because the resin soaks into your skin, and get you stoned. your skin is like a sponge it aborsbs WATER and Oils. and there is both in cannabis. When i am triming I dont need to smoke, one day 12 hours went by with out me smoking. but i was timimming that day
this is IMPOSSIBLE because you have to burn the chemicals with something above 150 degrees to have it affect you. When I was a kid I was told if you ate weed you would get high because your stomach acids burned it, and I puked. Your statement makes about as much sense as when I was told that as a kid. :) I have trimmed weed and never felt shit.