HELP!!!!! Week 2 of flowering :(

Elite Nugz

Active Member
whats your opinion on bud candy? i got a shitload of it from a friend and am in week 2 of flower i may give it a whirl tonight
I think BudCandy is one of Advanced Nutrients better products. Im not a big fan of AN at all. I was given their entire connesuer nutrient line and I ran it on 3 tables of a strain that I was very familier with, and I didnt like it at all. I could never achieve 100% health with that stuff. Leaves would twist and somewhat mutate. I usually have flat silky smooth leaves, and just couldnt get that dialed-in health that I can with other lines. Resin production didnt seem to be up to par either. I had to do more reservoir changes then what I did with other lines. So I ended up using way more. So Im not a big fan of them at all, but their Bud Candy is a nice product. But I would still say the Heavy 16 Prime is leagues above the Bud Candy.


Well-Known Member
I read in one thread that it makes all your shit taste the same and if youre growing straing that are good and you want their true flavor to stay away from it and other sweetners. Does it literally change the taste? I dont want to use it if thats the case but if it maybe rounds it off nicer or gives it a slight edge i dont think i would mind

Elite Nugz

Active Member
im gonna look that stuff up, when do yu start givin it the sweetener? sometime during flowering or ?
I add the lowest recommendation in the beginning of flowering and slowly go up in the recommendation as the weeks go by. By the end of flowering, I'll be just slightly above the maximum recommendation.

So like Heavy 16 Prime... I start off around 5ml per gallon for weeks 1-3. Then up the dose to 10ml per gallon for weeks 4-6. Then 15 ml per gallon for weeks 5-7. Then 20ml per gallon on the last week. Then flush.

A lot of people talk about using half strength this, and quarter strength that..... But if you really want to achieve great yields, you have to push the plants to their max. But I wouldnt recommend that unless you have a PPM meter. If you get one of those, then hit me up and I'll tell you how high to go. I have my White Fires at 2,000 PPM right now and their loving it. Most people wouldnt even attempt to go that high... but it works and they love it. Totally depends on the strain and the size of the plant, before you can bump it up that high though.

Elite Nugz

Active Member
I read in one thread that it makes all your shit taste the same and if youre growing straing that are good and you want their true flavor to stay away from it and other sweetners. Does it literally change the taste? I dont want to use it if thats the case but if it maybe rounds it off nicer or gives it a slight edge i dont think i would mind
Not even man!! Sweeteners dont change the flavor at all. People think that if they get a Banana smelling Sweetener, that its going to give their buds a banana taste. Thats not the case at all. The sweetners help the plant produce its natural smells and flavors. So if you and I are growing the same exact cut, and Im running my Heavy 16 Prime and your not running any type of sweetener... then my buds are going to have a slightly strong smell then yours. They still smell the same, but mine will be stronger due to the sweetners. Taste is the same way. Our buds will taste the exact same, but with mine... the taste will stand out more and stay on the back of your tongue for a lot longer.

So thats how the sweeteners work. They dont actually change the taste... they just help the plant really squeeze out that extra natural flavor and smell. Run a sweetener and I guarantee your buds will smell and taste a bit stronger.