"Bad Trips" a myth?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
anyone have bad trips? could you give me an example of said bad trip as i'm sure i haven't.

I hear people talk about them, i never had one.... whats up with that, what qualifies as a bad trip? Overdosing? whatever drug i consume i dont have adverse reactions, maybe because i always dose intelligently but i had 5g's of dried shrooms, being my highest dose to date, and it was the best trip i've ever had on any drug, its supposed to be Mazatapec my brother harvested a week ago, pretty small mushies imo but i never experienced anything like it, i felt as if i was gone, like a walking computer acting purely off instinct, then when stuff started to peak i felt like i transcended into some place and was merely controlling my soon to be corpse to its fate, it was an absurd high, very visual, very sensual and a hell of a lot of fun, better than the others i've had bar none. I felt as if i lost control several times, and each time i would peak, the high would lessen, and them hit me even harder, like it showed up in these huge waves with some consciousness tossed between them. definitely ordering some of these and a few others from sporeworks.
Yes, there are bad trips, yes anyone can have them and it is likely that if you take substances that get you to unknown places you will eventually have a bad trip. A bad trip is simply an excursion into your own personal hell with no chance of escape for hours and hours and hours. Don't get me wrong, I am not telling you or anyone else that they shouldn't "trip". I am only saying that this is a consequence, just like opiate addiction is the down side of opium and tooth loss, and heart failure and psychosis and bad skin is a condequence of speed use.
okay bad trips are a figure of speech so to say

most often occurring in people who build anxiety and expectation of what is going to happen

then when presented with the full force of the effects of a tryptamine or phenythlamine they get overwelmed

even dissociatives can make this happen

the mind builds a representation of what SHOULD and SHOULDNT happen

specially with people who have high expectations and anxiety

people constantly obsessed with the need to know if what their doing is right or okay


their mind is already in a state of no real identity and loosing the little ego they had would literatly drive them mad

this is because most dont do the research before they start going into it heavy handed

most think "hey i can drink a case a beer and still walk"

well when they take the 3 hits of lucy that ends up being doc then bam their on lithium for the rest of their life

tripping isnt for everyone but everyone is going to experience the fear

like anc says if you havent taken enough to feel that you have taken to much you havent done enough

this being said its all in the minds ability to deal with themselves and their TRUE selves

most havent taken the time to deal with things that they have done and when your forced to view them from a different respect

well alot cant handle that they lock up and the setting gets darker and darker and darker

some come out a better person some come out fucked
ah, i haven't had that mental state manifest itself yet, i know someone who had an anxiety attack on shrooms. kinda makes me want to try 7g next month when my tolerance shoots back to 0! i want to experience this, because i get the gist of loss of self, and egodeath, i feel like that has occured more than once for me these past 4-5 years but maybe it might have been my inexperience with this type, it must be something really unexpected and intolerable to push me over that edge.. idk.
Bad tripps are the furthest thing from fun your mind litterly plays tricks on you, voices, face, repetitive thoughts racing in and out. with short turm memory loss and an overwhelming visual field. There is always a silver lining though after a bad trip occurs you will almost always learn from the experience
I've had a couple bad trips. Both were on shrooms, one was just because I got sick and threw up for two hours and I honestly thought I was going to die. The other time it was someone else that fucked with me. A friend of a friend came by unexpectedly and knocked on our door and my buddy answered, she asked if we wanted to chill and he told her "it's not a good time", and told her that we were tripping pretty hard. In response to that she said "Oh that's cool I'm on coke",as she walked in to the room past my friend.

To say the least things got super awkward really fast and I think only my friend and I could feel it. What made the trip bad was that I was feeling sick (shrooms always do this to me) and was laying down, she asked if she could cuddle with me and I responded with "why?" as I turned around on the bed. She then decided to just slip into bed with me and started pulling at my hair and trying to turn me around. I remember telling her something like, "you can't seduce me!" and after a while I think she got the point, I don't remember much after that but I honestly felt like I was about to get raped :(
I've had a couple bad trips. Both were on shrooms, one was just because I got sick and threw up for two hours and I honestly thought I was going to die. The other time it was someone else that fucked with me. A friend of a friend came by unexpectedly and knocked on our door and my buddy answered, she asked if we wanted to chill and he told her "it's not a good time", and told her that we were tripping pretty hard. In response to that she said "Oh that's cool I'm on coke",as she walked in to the room past my friend.

To say the least things got super awkward really fast and I think only my friend and I could feel it. What made the trip bad was that I was feeling sick (shrooms always do this to me) and was laying down, she asked if she could cuddle with me and I responded with "why?" as I turned around on the bed. She then decided to just slip into bed with me and started pulling at my hair and trying to turn me around. I remember telling her something like, "you can't seduce me!" and after a while I think she got the point, I don't remember much after that but I honestly felt like I was about to get raped :(
what a buzzkill, if i were tripping i would've been mad real with her, i lose my inner monologue when im tripping hard, so she would've heard what i felt regardless lol.
Let me offer some science to help answer the question. From http://www.maps.org/research/cluster/psilo-lsd/cns-neuroscience+therapeutics_2008-passie.pdf

Bad Trip.jpg

Notice the second paragraph, there is a lack of evidence that other complications will routinely occur or persist in healthy persons in familiar surroundings. Key words are "healthy persons" and "familiar surrounds". So people who are unhinged to begin with and unfamiliar surroundings such as emergency rooms and police stations would be the combinations that produce the stereotypical "bad trip".
I'm finally back on RIU! I've tried some psychedelics since I used to be on here, and I can tell you that bad trips DO happen. Recently I took three hits of acid, and then ate 2.5 grams of shrooms (this sounds really dumb but I didn't realize what I was doing with the shrooms, if that makes any sense). After eating the shrooms, I realized what I had done. Suddenly, I entered a panic state realizing that in 45 minutes things would be getting even more weird. I remember turning to my friend at that point and demanding "Why are you making me do this?". It was a very weird situation. The worst part is that as I sat there desperately hoping for time to jump forward, family guy came on the TV. It was the episode when Stewie kills Louis. It was so violent I started shaking. The cartoon made me feel extremely awkward, since it was about a child killing his mother. To calm down my rocking I put in headphones to start listening to Rufus Wainwrights' "Hallelujah". I spent the next 7 hours laying on the floor with my headphones in, listening to Pretty Lights.

TL;DR : Bad trips exist.