question on some seeds i got


Active Member
so the back story is i was at a party a few weeks ago and an older guy that was there was talking about how he would gorilla grow up till about 10 years ago when it became hard for him to get through the woods, i jokingly asked if he had any seeds left he said he might he had to look. Today he knocked on my door and gave me a a film bottle with a few seeds in it he also showed me some old Polaroids of his old grows the plants looked very different than the hybrids ive been growing. but after looking at them they look very pale almost white will these germ and grow?

supposedly these are 20+ year old genetics


Active Member
Nice lucky you , I've found that when I put seeds to germ they end up darker by time the tap root shows. I just put a lightskined lol seed to germ 2 days ago and by time the tp root shown(yesterday) it was much darker.. I'd say germ them and see. Good Luck.

Happy Growing!


Active Member
thats good to hear i got 2 in paper towels now thats all i have room right now will keep the thread updated if they show a tap root


Well-Known Member
supposedly these are 20+ year old genetics
View attachment 2050362
Hello jaxl. My First Grow last year was with some 20+ Year Old Seeds that i have saved up and still have over 20 left ;-)
I Started 8 seeds and All germinated fine, i kept the best 2 as a test run and they were Perfect (although 1 was a Male lol).
If they have been kept cool and dark then you should be Good 2 Go ;-)
Good Luck