what humidity level will cause budrot or mold?

HI everyone. I got 2 girls 5 days into flower. they are in a 2x4x5 tent with a 300w cfl and a 125w cfl. so 425watts. when lights are on temp is between 80-85 and humidity is around 30%. BUT when lights go off it climbs as high as 50-60% for the 12 hours its dark and temps might drop into the 70's....is this ok? will it cause budrot or mold later on? or will i have a succesful gro?


Well-Known Member
yeah youll be fine at 50-60%..just make sure to keep an eye on it, especially during flowering.


Well-Known Member
On my outdoor grow, temps at night in the 60's F, rh was 70% and I lost a lb to rot. My indoor was 70 F, and 70% rh and I got powdery mildew around week 6. I bought a nice Dehumidifier (GE, $200) and never have to worry again. It kept my 7x8x11 with 15 plants at 35% rh, and I use it for curing. One time purchase, worth every dollar for years to come.

Make sure you have good airflow at night, don't waste your money on Damprid.