Club 600


Well-Known Member
sad sad christmas...

gonna keep this short...

neighbors have been blowin down kush hardcore... management got pissed that they could smell it outside in the hallways... so they posted a note on everyones door... wife got noided... my girls are all dead. Nothing savable... everything gone... she chopped into the soil... and bagged and disposed of it the other day while I was settin up my homies vert (or now maybe just scrog) grow. My genetics are saved in the respect that he has clones of my best 4 fems.

I managed to pull out a cola from UnderDog before she got that bag out the door... and whilst trimming it up and trying to save the soil crusted bud,,, I found 6 seeds! One of the hernies ( both of which were very kushy, with dense buds) must have crossed with her, and I just hadnt noticed, cuz she was in the back, and too big to move around much. That must have been why she was getting so larfy... she was making room for more seeds.

It sucks... cuz I couldn't save any of the bud... it was just too far gone... even washed it... and it was just... sad sad christmas. Happy about the seeds... maybe one day after we move I will get to sprout them, and see what kind of genetics I ended up with.

In the meantime, it's been a fun and educational ride... one that has shaped my future (changing my major to Urban Agriculture and Sustainability). Maybe when and if we move to a medical state, or when the government stops the stupid prohibition bullshit I will get to enjoy my hobby once again, but for now... the family is more important... and I'ma have to survive on kind kickbacks from my buddy I just got set up.

I gifted him my 600, and pretty much everything else... so... should be alright. At least he lives across the line in MI... and his wife has a medical card as of last week. 2 more miles north... just 2 more miles... and I wouldn't have to worry about shit. I have enough medical reasons I could get a card.

I will prolly still lurk... and bullshit with ya'all... cuz this is by far the most comfortable crowd I have ever encountered on a message board... but for a while... I am gonna have to grow vicariously through you all... and my homie.

EDIT* so much for short...
If MizzEndlscycle tried some shit like that it would be instant to hear man.


Active Member
If MizzEndlscycle tried some shit like that it would be instant to hear man.
we made an agreement, i could grow, as long as it was managed, small, and for my own use. I wasnt allowed to get too big... well... I broke that rule a few months back... lol... when I had like 6 plants 20 clones, and some sprouts.... I also told her... say the word, and i'll stop... the last thing i want to do is put my family in jeopardy. Even tho my smell was more than controlled (carbon filters and a OZN-1) I didnt want to live with her being noided out all the time. I prolly coulda saved some clones... or a few of my sprouts... but it just isnt worth the headache and constant looking over my shoulder... or another heartbreaking moment watching her (or god forbid the fuzz) pulling them again...

I am sure it is for the best... like I said... it has changed the course of my life... I WILL GROW AGAIN... one day... not in the forseeable future... but close enough I take comfort in it.

The real shitty part is... I had to get rid of all my paraphenalia and bud that I had too... again... gifted. I can't smoke here anymore... so I get to get out of the house more and visit my homies to get my daily dose...

Ugh... when will the govt realize we ain't hurtin no one...


Well-Known Member
we made an agreement, i could grow, as long as it was managed, small, and for my own use. I wasnt allowed to get too big... well... I broke that rule a few months back... lol... when I had like 6 plants 20 clones, and some sprouts.... I also told her... say the word, and i'll stop... the last thing i want to do is put my family in jeopardy. Even tho my smell was more than controlled (carbon filters and a OZN-1) I didnt want to live with her being noided out all the time. I prolly coulda saved some clones... or a few of my sprouts... but it just isnt worth the headache and constant looking over my shoulder... or another heartbreaking moment watching her (or god forbid the fuzz) pulling them again...

I am sure it is for the best... like I said... it has changed the course of my life... I WILL GROW AGAIN... one day... not in the forseeable future... but close enough I take comfort in it.

The real shitty part is... I had to get rid of all my paraphenalia and bud that I had too... again... gifted. I can't smoke here anymore... so I get to get out of the house more and visit my homies to get my daily dose...

Ugh... when will the govt realize we ain't hurtin no one...
dang sorry brother


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear Camp. I shut mine down a while back after having the Sherrif smell it while checking out a neighbor for something unrelated. They came in, looked at everything, talked to me for a bit and left. I was glad to have lots of paperwork on hand that day and extremely lucky.


Well-Known Member
Best new strain name:

Somali Taxi Ride

Named after the High was described as such: “ it was what I imagine catching a cab in Somalia must be like.
Exhilarating, heart racing, sensory overload that seems like it may go bad at a few turns along the ride but intimately drops you off at your destination aware of your heart beat and mental capacity intact and at peace”….


Well-Known Member
I think Doobie hit the nail on the head, at least it wasn't the police tearing it down, good luck to you Camp!!!

Love the name Wormdrive. Very descriptive indeed.

The weekend is nigh folks, hope you all have a good one.

Peace, DST

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the 6 is way more entertaining than the uk thread for sure. somalian taxi ride :lol:

camp ud that really is tough to bear but as mentioned above your not needing a lawyer, small mercies and all that eh.

TFI FRIDAY:bigjoint:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Underdog, a tip of the hat to you for putting your family ahead of your growing, you're a good person.

If I could be any age I wanted again I would stay the age I am, soon, very soon to be fifty nine. I have a great relationship going with my lady. She was also paranoid about my hobby cause she can lose her nursing license should the po-po come knocking at my door. Oh wait, they don't knock do they. Anyway she got her own place five miles from me so I can continue to grow and she doesn't have to worry. There's something to be said for being old. Instead of being like a young woman and demanding I stop growing she got her own place, problem solved. She realizes at this point I'm depending on my growing skills for a living, the job market in a small town sucks especially for old people like me. Who the fuck wants to hire someone with one foot on a banana peel and one in the grave? Not that it matters in florida, there is no health insurance offered at the paltry rates they pay down here anyway.

Getting back to yesterday's question, how much do you guys pull from your kushes? I'm not a fan of growing kush because of their yields but the smoke is stellar from this og18.


Well-Known Member
Underdog, a tip of the hat to you for putting your family ahead of your growing, you're a good person.

If I could be any age I wanted again I would stay the age I am, soon, very soon to be fifty nine. I have a great relationship going with my lady. She was also paranoid about my hobby cause she can lose her nursing license should the po-po come knocking at my door. Oh wait, they don't knock do they. Anyway she got her own place five miles from me so I can continue to grow and she doesn't have to worry. There's something to be said for being old. Instead of being like a young woman and demanding I stop growing she got her own place, problem solved. She realizes at this point I'm depending on my growing skills for a living, the job market in a small town sucks especially for old people like me. Who the fuck wants to hire someone with one foot on a banana peel and one in the grave? Not that it matters in florida, there is no health insurance offered at the paltry rates they pay down here anyway.

Getting back to yesterday's question, how much do you guys pull from your kushes? I'm not a fan of growing kush because of their yields but the smoke is stellar from this og18.
I'd love to be able to answer that question, but of course as you know it depends on many factors. Lucky the DOG pheno I have is a good producer, and in general I would say a properly grown, super dank Kush at a guestimate would yield around 60-70% of a commercial strain... I know my DOG does at least that. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Hey Peeps,

I just wanted to say, unless you have either received/bought a DOG bean from Breeders Boutique or been lucky enough to receive a cut from someone related to BB then we cannot guarantee it is what it is.

Just want to clarify as a couple of people have come to me asking questions and I am unable to help them as they are not beans from BB.




Well-Known Member
No, its D-OG Kush, its a Headband OG kush backcross I done a while back and it has grown (quite literally) to be one of the many faves in our Club. Originally called Divit OG, I then just shortened it to DOG....

Hey DON, Is that ChemDawg? Im not sure what strain DOG is. Thanx.


Well-Known Member
Best new strain name:

Somali Taxi Ride

Named after the High was described as such: “ it was what I imagine catching a cab in Somalia must be like.
Exhilarating, heart racing, sensory overload that seems like it may go bad at a few turns along the ride but intimately drops you off at your destination aware of your heart beat and mental capacity intact and at peace”….
shhhhh lol i am getting a bunch of packs from r.d. i love having colorado breeders doin such big things