Ask a Mexican. for your Mexican related questions

I think thats the first time i've heard a mexican say rubbish. !

@Beardo whistling to let others in your gang know your there or need help.
I agree that gang taggs are rubbish ... Gang members get brain washed into thinking That its ok to jail ..I know a 3 bother one shot and killed his brother on accented and the one left free pulled a gun on a pizza guy and when he put hus gun in his pants shot him self in the foot. all under 15


Lol, i've never met a real live mexican before.
Why are your women so sexy? Mexican women are so sexy and even the ones that are not sexy at all get points in my book because they try really hard to be sexy.

Latin girls are very mindfull of how they look.
It can get annoying sometimes.
Poor people often see no route to further learning, and therefore are limited to a great extent, even magnified in women, wo have little more to offer in these societies other then their ovaries.
No doubt that Mexicans are flooding american citys and will soon be the majority in america . so I thought I would extend the olive branch to help non mexican's under stand our culture.. So please if you have any questions about mexican's please ask.

Where do I score some good weed?
No doubt that Mexicans are flooding american citys and will soon be the majority in america . so I thought I would extend the olive branch to help non mexican's under stand our culture.. So please if you have any questions about mexican's please ask.

whait a second thats what my ancestors sead when your people landed on our land contenent lolz to funny history repeats itself....
and we didnt flood america america flooded us. lolz dude look at history you guys are so fucken funny. no wonder the other countries think we as a group of americans suck... people are realy fucken stoopid if this is what you think... read go beyound your text books american slaves american betrail of indians slatering native culture and rewriting history you know that the rest of the world reads this forum... wow realy???
dont get me started its only been a few decades and look at how many native american their are... many ran into mexico so they wouldnt get slaughterd, my blood line runs up and down this continent. So for your machine yes native people keep migrating no one stoped you guys from doing it.. but the funny thing is we were always hear.... im sorry but i shouldnt be. tell your gran gran grandest papi he is welcome.:leaf:
I think hispanic women are so beautiful because they embrace their natural feminine curves. They aren't these tiny little bodies that look like teenage boys. They have titties, they have nice round asses, they have curvy thighs, etc. And they rock it the way it should be rocked!

And to Thump Easy, people have been fighting over land since we started walking. It was a war over land. We won. Get over it. All is fair in love and war. Americans are the ONLY ones who would even come back and apologize for anything, let alone pay for it for eternity. If Mexican people do come up and take this land, do you think they're going to come back and say "We are SO sorry we tricked you guys into letting us in and then blew you to shreds. Here. Let me give you some land back for free and monthly donations to help you get back on your feet." We'd all be speaking spanish and going by their rules. That's just how it happens. It's how it always has happened. Not just on this continent.
I think hispanic women are so beautiful because they embrace their natural feminine curves. They aren't these tiny little bodies that look like teenage boys. They have titties, they have nice round asses, they have curvy thighs, etc. And they rock it the way it should be rocked!

And to Thump Easy, people have been fighting over land since we started walking. It was a war over land. We won. Get over it. All is fair in love and war. Americans are the ONLY ones who would even come back and apologize for anything, let alone pay for it for eternity. If Mexican people do come up and take this land, do you think they're going to come back and say "We are SO sorry we tricked you guys into letting us in and then blew you to shreds. Here. Let me give you some land back for free and monthly donations to help you get back on your feet." We'd all be speaking spanish and going by their rules. That's just how it happens. It's how it alwayshas happened. Not just on this continent.

im not talking as a goverment... sweetness and you do look sweet. but as a person that hates to be labled as a hole no i dont care what the fuck mexicans do or what they say or how they act people are all diffrent in every culture but im reminding you what happend and what the world reads some people are stankie nasty and dirty its in every culture lolz. but i dont care who apoligizes or not just remember the facts!! and spanish isnt the langage in the south in all parts, thier is still dilect, sweetness!!! pilgram of pilgrams just be fair we were and look what happend... we won you? forget who is fighting for this country native americans, blacks, asians, and jews, combodians, hawains its not just eroupeans babie lolz just be just. and dont forget your not just white anymore.... lolz ow my white side of the family realy gets to me sometimes. lolz mwhhhhaaaaa..
Mr neutrio : in the state nayarit kilos are 20 dollars most of it is really good... just go to an open market and find people who sell herbs and ask ...
so who here stops the channel on a mexican show because they see beautiful-dramatic spanish women,and dont even know spanish?
you guys are funny but ya they are at tyms a good mix euro with native man i gota say some of the best sex i ever had. but then again the euro girls are to and black and asian lolz sorry im a hoe.... or usto be...
so who here stops the channel on a mexican show because they see beautiful-dramatic spanish women,and dont even know spanish?

Call me biased, but I love how varied and exotic mixed girls are. Unique and different, each one. That being said, I've posted alot of hot blondes on this site X3

Trinidad and between the chinese men in turbans rapping on MTV, I find the SOAP OPERA CHANNEL, and the women are speaking Spanish... really fast... and the subtitles are fucking hindi

But still, I was transfixed by the screen.
I am sucker for spanish girl with big titties ! But now a days I got a Ukrainian girl that is fly as fuck and although i'll always have a place in my heart for big tittie latinas I got to admit i'm on my ukrainian shit now !! This thread is tight.