First time sprouting seeds

Just ordered 10 seeds from Sannie's. We got 3 different kinds, 5 of one, 5 of another, and 2 bonus seeds. We planted 3 of each of the one's we ordered and 1 of the 2 bonus seeds. The next day the bonus seed had already sprouted and the following day a couple of the other ones sprouted. there is at least one of each different seed that has begun to sprout. My boyfriend is a bit worried about the others that haven't begun to sprout yet. He thinks they are duds. I guess my question is, should all of the seeds sprout together if they were planted at the same time? We planted them on saturday afternoon and it's wednesday now. I read on one of the forums that you should plant the seed pointy side down. We didn't really pay too much attention to that when we planted them...could that have something to do with why only a few have sprouted?
Also, now that a few of the seeds have begun to sprout (one of them actually has a stem and leaves forming) we thought that we should move the container under the light. When do they start needing light? and will the light hurt the other seeds that haven't sprouted yet? We have all of the seeds in their respective little growing mediums but all in one container so they have to be moved togther. If anyone can offer any advice it would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Seeds can come through anytime if they aint popped in 14days then its time to think..

As soon as they pop get them under a bit of light nothing to intense

Sannie is good so you have no worries


Active Member
after sprouting, they need light to do their thing. Generally you would germinate seeds before planting (negating which way to plant a seed). However, seeds are geotropic, and the root tip will grow down, even if it has to spiral or loop de loop to do so. some take longer than others, but most will germinate withing 7 days, and sprout in another 1-5.

To germinate, place a wet paper towel on a plate. place seeds on the towel, and cover with another wet paper towel. Cover the plate with another plate, and put somewhere room temp or slightly warmer (top of vcr or dvd player works wonders). Check daily, and once you have tails showing, plant one seed per container, tip down, careful to not injure the root tip, or touch with fingers (tweezers work wonderfully). plant at a depth of 1/4 inch, and you should have cotyledons in a day to three days. Never plant more than one seed per container.

hope full

Active Member
No they dont all have to sprout together, and yes I would put them all under the light, it wont hurt actually may help, at least I belive it dose in my opinion, thats not a good idea to have them in one container together, if problems arise you gonna have your hands full and it will get crowded really really fast, be very very carefull and start to move the top of the soil off the ones that havent sprouted, if there in the process of it leave a little off and they will poke there heads out in no time


Active Member
after sprouting, they need light to do their thing. Generally you would germinate seeds before planting (negating which way to plant a seed). However, seeds are geotropic, and the root tip will grow down, even if it has to spiral or loop de loop to do so. some take longer than others, but most will germinate withing 7 days, and sprout in another 1-5.

To germinate, place a wet paper towel on a plate. place seeds on the towel, and cover with another wet paper towel. Cover the plate with another plate, and put somewhere room temp or slightly warmer (top of vcr or dvd player works wonders). Check daily, and once you have tails showing, plant one seed per container, tip down, careful to not injure the root tip, or touch with fingers (tweezers work wonderfully). plant at a depth of 1/4 inch, and you should have cotyledons in a day to three days. Never plant more than one seed per container.
touching and playing with germinated seeds for a first timer is probs not the best way to introduce germination to someone, you should use jiffy pellets or coco peat cups, with either soil or coco, drop your seed approx 1/2" under surface, lightly cover and water, within 7 days they will sprout. once you have experienced basic germination, then maybe try the paper towel method.


Active Member
[420]Haze;7083074 said:
touching and playing with germinated seeds for a first timer is probs not the best way to introduce germination to someone, you should use jiffy pellets or coco peat cups, with either soil or coco, drop your seed approx 1/2" under surface, lightly cover and water, within 7 days they will sprout. once you have experienced basic germination, then maybe try the paper towel method.
Seeds don't sport peat too well; Jiffy pucks are great, but not the best for seeds. As for planting a tipped germed seed, I can do it, and my hands shake like a 200$ vibrator! However, if planting for the hell of it in soil, saturate, plant at 1/4'', cover with saran wrap, and put under light, checking for cotyledons every 12 hours. Don't re-water until you have something green in need of it, and do not pack the soil.
thanks to everyone for their advice and input...all of the seeds have begun to sprout now so it looks as if we were worried about nothing. I think that placing them under the light and on top of the heating pad actually helped because before that they were too cold. HOpefully everything goes smoothly...