Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
And thanks for coming over rives. Rives is the only person that ever seemed to follow my thread on icmag.


Well-Known Member
I got a serious case of the noid yesterday! It's just all these damn helicopters and planes that fly so low. I can't help it, they just make me shaky-ever since the black chopper was at telephone wire height across the street, circling their little complex. Had a tube off the front left of the helicopter, and they just circled and circled... Dude in the doorway looking out. And here is theowl, just smoking a joint hiding plants in the shed. I almost pissed myself.

So when they fly over now, I get freaked as soon as I hear them in the distance.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey there Voidman what's going on! So how many roms do you have like six : ?)

What's going to happen when you cut tops off that are getting too big is your plants are going to be qiute bushey. Nothing wrong with doing that but it just all depends on what style of growing your planning on doing. I'll keep throwing out suggestions for you, take em or leave em. Since room is an issue for you your not going to have room for a bunch of little bushes, idk maybe you do. I would find the 2 or 3 main stems and strip all the rest, maybe over the course of a week or two, and you will end up with some nice 2 and 3 cola plants. Weight will be the same but your buds will be harder ie less popcorn buds. The Romulans are perfect for that style of growing. BB typically yield more with lst to bush it out. All plants grow a little differently.

Haha fucking weird,,,I swear I can type out one or two responses and then I get itchy feet and have to go do something, usually working with the plants. Kind of a ADD thing lmfao


Well-Known Member
I've still got all 10. One is getting little rust spots all over it like mag deficiency I believe. All the others are still healthy green, just stretched a bit much. Hoping I didn't lop off too much and kill any of them. I think they should be fine though. Yeah they'll be bushy but since I'll only have 10 plants in flower this round I can afford bushiness this time. I stripped of the stretched ones thinking they wouldn't hold up when flowering.


Well-Known Member
Oh and I put some of the rooting gel in with the bubble cloner and now it's a layer of bubbles across the surface. Hoping I have enough bubbles for the tote. It's a 10 in air stone in a 6 qt tote.


Well-Known Member
Have you blacked out the tub
yet? Wont be growing much roots if its letting light in.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
no but you can grow alota good algea that way .... least something will be growing ( that was the birght side ) lol


Well-Known Member
Hey voidman, how's this chill treating you?
You ever get your ducting in order?

I think some cabwork is in order for today, well, the key word there is Some.. ;)


Well-Known Member
I didn't black out this tub. I've seen the roots nimby grows in swc with clear tubs and having seen cuttings of other plants in glasses in the windowsill. Multiple cuttings of the first patch have gone limp and yellow :( The last two cuttings that were in coco that died, actually had roots when I pulled them out. So maybe I just didn't start with light ferts early enough.

Owl, haven't gotten any cab work done. In just too much pain to do much. Spent the day up and down trying to clean up my room so the dog doesn't find anything else to chew up as well as to clear out space around the cab in order to get the light and air system into them. Baby steps.


Well-Known Member
Hey voidman, Got bored and thought of you! So while I was blazing I modified your avatar - Try it on and see if you like it ;)voiding.jpg

edit : new tar added...with some hot fixes..I made the "void" smaller so it blends better in the forum and changed the presentation of the font..oh and "stamped" ya



Well-Known Member
I'm on my phone atm but will put it up when I'm on a PC. Have been thinking of switching to a rat all in black. You've got me thinking about my prior graphics experimenting with shades of dark grey. Sometime later. What font is the asshole stamp?


Well-Known Member
Ya need a stamp? Ill edit that post w/ a stamp and if u want I can send u the stamp save file via email


Well-Known Member
Ha well....eh whatever. I'm in so much fucking pain tonight that I can't even catch up on threads. The pain pills are locked in the pharmacy. About to go see if I can find a hidden stash that may or may not exist in the house.


Well-Known Member
Ha well....eh whatever. I'm in so much fucking pain tonight that I can't even catch up on threads. The pain pills are locked in the pharmacy. About to go see if I can find a hidden stash that may or may not exist in the house.
Same here, Sorry to hear that you were suffering.

I got out to work this morning felt Like I was disconnected while sleeping. Yesterday I was fine and today I've been aching all morning. I need to eat and make some calls for a stash of opiates