Ask a Mexican. for your Mexican related questions

my biggest question regards mexico was why the fuck haven't you gone and taken Cali back.

Jeez they are working on it...they're going to take the whole US the way we took Texas...think about it...we kept sending people and those people would say oh we are here to help...let us do cheap labor for you and help you build things...and when everyone in mexatexas got comfy the americans but down their hammers and nails and grabbed guns...bada bing bada boom texas became ours...I can't help but notice the same thing is happening...slowly---even more troops...All I know is that I dont like the color scheme of the mexican flag, but I do love I don't care much one way or long as we can keep some clean drinking water.
@logges the problem was created by CIA .. look into history.. also if farmers didn't have to com-peat with us subsidy's that push farmers out of the market..
I have friend that have had 8 family member beheaded because of the cartel. MOst people there live in fear. not fun for us or our family's...
ok the hierarchy sort of.. Chicano's "american born" and Latino's usely have money and treat guatamalan and native mexican indians" like lessors ..So yeah in mexico euro blood is on top of the food chain to a point..
@ sun biz:
  • Why do you people insist on installing $5,000 rims on $500 cars? It's somthing to show off.. IF we spent all that money on nice things for the house
    how do you suggest we brag about the 4000 thousand you just spent.. Mexican men are like peacocks we buy 600 doller boots , 400 dollar cowboy hat.
    .. most of the time in hopes of hooking up with a over weight white chick...

There is a problem with this thought process, any woman with an IQ over 100 won't even bother. You all are going about this backwards. The flash may attract the bees, but the honey in the home is what keeps them.
everything i know about mexicans i know from tv. they apparently have no interest in moving around here. i can count on one hand the amount of mexicans i have met in person (not including restaurant workers) and i'll be 30 next year. our mexican food sucks except for this one place that i know is authentic because all the employee cars have actual mexican plates, and a few texas plates, and none of them speak english. best food ever. tied with puerto rican food. and brazillian churrascarias. fuck yeah.
Keven: yes your wife's family wants you, There especially if you bring beer some times and dont mind being social.. We can also be a lil raciest against blacks till we get to know them ..

i thought they loved me. :peace:
^^ yeah I dont think they like the north east (if thats where your from) its too cold. Come to the south my friend and you will see first hand. I am caucasian and personally have a lot of hispanic friends. Good peoples. Being from the south east (FL) most were cuban and puerto rican. Out here in cali its all mexican. Which is cool , i'm cool with the essay's. Essay's got shit locked down out here , one of the coolest dudes i ever met was mexican. (the feds picked him up on money laundering charges) But i feel tension from them some times, some really hate white people , mostly the younger essays . But hey there is hatred everywhere , i guess thats life.
I've only met a handful of Mexicans, not exactly a large demographic out here. But when I was in Vegas last year getting married I had trouble finding herb, or more like I had trouble socializing. So long story not as long, I'm sitting at the casino bar during last years Super Bowl and a big group of gang-banger looking Mexicans come and sit right next to me. Then they actually start to talk to me and at first my racial profiling kicked in and I was like fuck where's my wallet, then after about 5 minutes I'm like these guys and girls are cool as shit! So as it turns out they're from Cali here for a wedding too. And the one guy has his med card and brought some medicine. I've been saved. So we go to his car and the whole time we're talking about herb and growing Tiilapia and aquaponics in general and it was INSANE how much we had in common. We get done, I'm feeling great we walk back in and sit down for acouple more rounds of beer and shootin the shit. One of my favorite and most memorable parts of any vacation hands down. They ended up leaving for their hotel but they all wished me well with the new marriage and gave me parting words of advice. But I mean damn, the moral of the story is; it just goes to show we're all basically the same and have more in common than we think we do.
^^ yeah I dont think they like the north east (if thats where your from) its too cold. Come to the south my friend and you will see first hand. I am caucasian and personally have a lot of hispanic friends. Good peoples. Being from the south east (FL) most were cuban and puerto rican. Out here in cali its all mexican. Which is cool , i'm cool with the essay's. Essay's got shit locked down out here , one of the coolest dudes i ever met was mexican. (the feds picked him up on money laundering charges) But i feel tension from them some times, some really hate white people , mostly the younger essays . But hey there is hatred everywhere , i guess thats life.

Just wanted to help you out. An essay is something you write. I believe you mean "S.A." That was the designation for all Latinos/Hispanics in the LA County jail, short for Spanish American. They started calling each other "SA", like blacks call each other nigga.
ESE is used by Surenos. If you believe every Hispanic ethnicity uses the word ese, then take a trip up to northern California.
Back in the day I used to be a Carnale "Surenos" ... I out grew Gang banging but still chat to lil hommies In the ol hood... mark my words none of my kids will be in a gang..

What's up with all the whistling? It's like their doing different bird calls all the time, their always whistling to each other all the time and their are a bunch of different whistles. And what's up with all the spray painting on the walls? Their always spray painting some letters and numbers on the walls and sometimes they cross out stuff thats already spray painted their and sometimes they shoot someone for spray painting or crossing out their spray paint. I'm pretty sure some of them are spray painting their own homes and walls and buildings and then standing in front of their own place that they've spray painted and whistling all night- Why?
What's up with all the whistling? It's like their doing different bird calls all the time, their always whistling to each other all the time and their are a bunch of different whistles. And what's up with all the spray painting on the walls? Their always spray painting some letters and numbers on the walls and sometimes they cross out stuff thats already spray painted their and sometimes they shoot someone for spray painting or crossing out their spray paint. I'm pretty sure some of them are spray painting their own homes and walls and buildings and then standing in front of their own place that they've spray painted and whistling all night- Why?

i think you know the answer to all these questions lol
I really don't can you explain or elaborate? I actually made a thread about it before but I still don't get it.

well,there are taggers who just like to do artwork and have their own style..

but what your talking about is gang members tagging their gangs on the walls and its about territory,gangs kill other gangs and cross them out.

well,there are taggers who just like to do artwork and have their own style..

but what your talking about is gang members tagging their gangs on the walls and its about territory,gangs kill other gangs and cross them out.

I get that part but why?
It used to be blacks doing it and they were selling rocks, but now it's mexicans and I don't think their selling rocks, I think their just doing it for the sake of doing it- I don't understand why?- I think their just doing it for fun or to make trouble or because they think it's cool- It stresses me out.
I remember that thread where you talked about this...

Does anyone know where Beansly went?