Seedling fertilizing advice plz


Active Member
Im using Master Nurseries Gardners gold Soil, Its amazing soil with worm castings and other manure alreadu composted inside

I have 1 1/2 week old seedling starting on thier second node the three leafers! lol

anyways there in 1 gallon pots. I already added half a tblsp of 10-3-0 Gauno and a full heaping tblp of worm castings into the soil
I want to fertilize as soon as posible im planing on making a tea, but i only have these two plants for now, and dont want to waste too much guano. I also have some 14-0-0 blood meal.
I was wondering could i add 1/4 tblsp of blood meal and guano together as a top soil mixture and feed it to my seedlings or will that be too much nutes....any advice plz:leaf:


Well-Known Member
NO.....FOOD.....FOR BABIES. lol
peat and perlite, no nutes til.......mmmm....4th node. unless pale on lower leaves.


Active Member
Thanx.. what about seaweed? I have liquid seaweed...neptunes harvest is that safe for the babies? I plan on giving it to them every other watering


Well-Known Member
Jeez...just let them grow for a couple more weeks...they don't need anything. For will couse problems you wouldn't have had to deal with otherwise.


Active Member
Jeez...just let them grow for a couple more weeks...they don't need anything. For will couse problems you wouldn't have had to deal with otherwise.
Lol forum ppl are soo snappy its hallerious...Lol JEEZ.....take a tab or two my brotha....were all here to ask and have fun if im not mistaken


As long ad you use a guality soil. Usually a one gallon pot will have enough nutes to last a plant 2 to 3 weeks. Dont use the bllod meal it will burn the little ones. I would use some castings and kelp meal and molasses and some humic acid blend and brew a tea and watch the reach for the sky. Dont worry bro im not a snappy person unless some one smokes my last Kron


Active Member
As long ad you use a guality soil. Usually a one gallon pot will have enough nutes to last a plant 2 to 3 weeks. Dont use the bllod meal it will burn the little ones. I would use some castings and kelp meal and molasses and some humic acid blend and brew a tea and watch the reach for the sky. Dont worry bro im not a snappy person unless some one smokes my last Kron
Lol thanx a lot man for the advice thats what i was looking for haha....tyvm man and trust me smoking the last bowl is fighting words haha...


Well-Known Member
Don't feed seedlings until you begin to see the cotyledons(round shaped leaves at base of stem) begin to brown and wilt. On average, this takes around two weeks.


Well-Known Member
Lol forum ppl are soo snappy its hallerious...Lol JEEZ.....take a tab or two my brotha....were all here to ask and have fun if im not mistaken
replier: "no food for babies" you: "CAN I GIVE IT THIS THOUGH???" can't you see how that's frustrating?


Dtoad listen to snafu1236 his advice is always He def knows how to work the seeds . Loving the blueberry thread snafu. Thanks toad...


plain water, maybe some worm tea. they've got food stores in the cotyledons. no need for anything else


Active Member
replier: "no food for babies" you: "CAN I GIVE IT THIS THOUGH???" can't you see how that's frustrating?
Well i asked if i can give it neptunes harvest seaweed...the reason y i sked is cuz u can germinate the seeds with it, so if u can germinate it, then y wont u be able to feed it to them when there young....anyways///// Thank u snafu i do enjoy ur threads and thanx for the advice...howerever with my last plants those cotyledons stayed on for 4 weeks...however my last grow i fed the plant fish tank water....anyways thanx alot for the adivce and ill refain from feeding my babies till later thanx everyone!


Well-Known Member
Well i asked if i can give it neptunes harvest seaweed...the reason y i sked is cuz u can germinate the seeds with it, so if u can germinate it, then y wont u be able to feed it to them when there young....anyways///// Thank u snafu i do enjoy ur threads and thanx for the advice...howerever with my last plants those cotyledons stayed on for 4 weeks...however my last grow i fed the plant fish tank water....anyways thanx alot for the adivce and ill refain from feeding my babies till later thanx everyone!
you can also germinate in plain water


Active Member
you can also germinate in plain water
This is true...But if u want to make the best plant possible as all of us want to...Would u use plain water, or seaweed water which is packed with micro nutrients and growth harmones to help grow the plant faster and stronger...vs water, which is yes the most essential thing for the plant, but if u can aid in a safe way then y not...and that goes back to me asking if seeweed is safe to use at every other watering....question is what helps us grow...heck people even think that all we are is just thought that all consiousness is, is thought, the process of thought and thinking...questions is part of that huh?