Most Overrated Strain?

dro is such a retarded nickname being hydro, like its a strain when most hydro is actually caked in resin and huge dense nugs...
exactly, i always laugh at people when they say that. i call it bc bud or beasters. that shit has gone so down hill over the years you mine as well call it the new commercial
The last thing your head needs is a mind racing sativa.
much of my attitude comes from a LACK of getting high. if i were high right now, i'd find something funner to do than hang out here WISHING i had some up bud.

when i had some haze skunk last year, i quit drinking & started losing weight and then once i noticed losing weight, i started doing crunches to tighten my abs even more. now, i'm without smoke, back to drinking again and maybe even fatter than i was last year.

i need to get back off the freakin' hooch you mean

ANYWHERE people are getting high, the world is a better place. i WISH i saw the summer of love sooooo much! i wish hip-hop didn't turn to gangsta crap right the eff after sativas disappeared too.

this about sums it up NICEly

the greedy fuck powers that be keep getting high a non-option though. i'm part of the SOLUTION... anyone FIGHTING AGAINST getting high, even through apathy and not wanting to hear people making waves against the forces of evil are just part of the problem and anywhere there's a problem... there's people more concerned with social stratification than right or wrong. the more enemies of right i encounter, the firmer i dig my heels because i just don't budge.
Bingo, this is the heart of your problem. You have an entitlement mentality. You think that other prople should be forced to cater to your needs so you don't have to. Why don't you grow the fuck up and take care of your own needs for a change?
entitlement my motherfucking ass! it's the greedy piece of shit fucks who steal money selling indicrap that think they're ucking entitled. holy fuck are you twisting that shit to the opposite! scumbags take money, but don't deliver the fucking goods. entitlement? i fight against theft and fraud and that = entitlement? you know, when i have some bud, I WILL give it away! in that regard, yes, i do believe in entitlement. EVERYONE should be entitled to get high! i'll make it happen. i'm not doing it for money, i'm in it for the love and don't you dare try and flip the purity of my motherfucking motives just because i might be forcing you to question yours.

instead of answering the points being brought up and the truths behind them because i REFUSE to kiss any greedy piece of shit ass, you're just another obfuscator trying to change the subject and deny reality. you can't help it, that's human nature... being ruled by your emotions.

you're no different than the kinds of people that defend michael the sicko jackson or who'll use any lie they can come up with to defend their religion when someone points out a contradiction in their beliefs. facts mean little to you, just towing the line and observing "the natural order".

when i see ANY injustice, i attack the instigators whether they be greedy scum, racists, religious zealots or any other form of power hungry monsters.

"entitlements" is actually a term COINED by greedy scum to defend their position eg. calling social security an "entitlement" when you have to fucking pay into it. that you use it only shows that you follow the lead of greed and purvey it's twisted message. you don't hear those fox news scumbags ever calling corporate welfare an entitlement do you? no... just anything that cuts into THEIR fucking profits. i'm sure the irony of you're using it in defense of a corrupt greed based industry dictated ENTIRELY by the wants of those in it for the money and who are openly contemptuos of anyone that DARES question their "authority" is totally lost.

i'm entitled to get fucking high for the THOUSANDS of dollars i've handed over to greedy fucks who care about nothing but how much money they make and how fast they get it. THEY are the ones who think they're entitled, not FUCKING PAYING CUSTOMERS! get that shit straight. if you take money and don't make your customers happy or give one shit about them, you are a thief... plain and simple... just like the scum who raided the budget surplus, the housing market and every other "1%er market".

having a greedy "gimme! gimme! gimme!" attitude is the TRUE essence of entitlement. me? i take pride in my work... even if it's cleaning a fucking toilet! i've had greedy scum bosses get mad at me for going the extra mile to provide CUSTOMERS with top quality goods and services because i believe money should be EARNED.

your analogy isn't flawed, it's about as wrong as you can get. i'm a champion of fairness, even when i have to "take a loss". i don't believe in preferential treatment for ANYONE and that includes me too so take that entitlement label and stick it on someone who wants something for nothing... like, say, greedy dealers who want money for not getting anyone high.

Why don't you grow the fuck up and take care of your own needs for a change?
not even realizing your encouraging me to be greedy... again... the irony is lost on you i'm sure. i'll not only take care of my needs, but the needs of others as well and ask for nothing in return for it! unlike you, i'll do the right thing and be in the extreme minority. as to freebies... you won't get any from me though. i've decided i just don't like you and am muting you... no soup for you! JUST REMEMBER, i'm doing what you probably should for those ill gotten gains of your and delighting in the possibilty that i might undermine your buisiness operation by stealing customers who like getting high... especially for free. my conscience is clean

oh... one last piece of irony for you before i mute you Goldowitz, you call weed "ganja", the rastafarian term for weed. did you ALSO know that in the "red, yellow, green, black color scheme adopted by rastas that "gold = the color of greed"?
the THC Bomb is it a good strain, good high?? i ordered 10 seeds and will be starting soon, already started 5 Mazar, "they were FREE w/ order" also great place to order seeds from so far
Please step down off the high-horse.

entitlement my motherfucking ass! it's the greedy piece of shit fucks who steal money selling indicrap that think they're ucking entitled. holy fuck are you twisting that shit to the opposite! scumbags take money, but don't deliver the fucking goods.
Nobody is "stealing" anything. People buy the weed they want with their own cash, of their own free will and accord.

If anyone doesn't like what's available on the marketplace, they're free not to buy it, let alone free not to come back to buy it AGAIN AND AGAIN! with huge smiles on their faces!

If the indica strains are so terrible, and selling it constitutes theft and fraud, as you claim, then why is it that people will drive for miles and stand in line to pay $300 an ounce for it? Because people love to be robbed and cheated?

Have you considered the possibility that. . .even if you don't. . .that maybe there are some people who actually like indica strains? If these indica strains are so goddamned lousy, then how come they've been specifically cultivated for thousands of years for recreational and medicinal drug use in the subcontinent? Why do they exist at all?

entitlement? i fight against theft and fraud and that = entitlement? you know, when i have some bud, I WILL give it away!
Good for you, Mr Santa Bud.

Lets say that instead of giving it away, you were to sell your stuff to someone eager to pay for it. Would you then be a thief and con-artist? If not, why not?
Just because YOU don't want to make a living selling weed, does that mean that NOBODY else should ever be allowed to make a living doing it?

Alternatively, lets say your dealer tells you that he has two bags for sale. One is Afghan #1, a super potent and generally desirable medical indica strain. The other is Santa Marta (Columbian Gold), your holy grail of pure sativas. He says to you, "Hazey", you can have an ounce of the Afghani for $250 or an ounce of the Santa Marta for $350. Is he a thief and con-artist with the Indica strain, but not with the Sativa one?

in that regard, yes, i do believe in entitlement. EVERYONE should be entitled to get high! i'll make it happen. i'm not doing it for money, i'm in it for the love and don't you dare try and flip the purity of my motherfucking motives just because i might be forcing you to question yours.
I'm not questioning your motives; I'm questioning your economic literacy.

instead of answering the points being brought up and the truths behind them because i REFUSE to kiss any greedy piece of shit ass, you're just another obfuscator trying to change the subject and deny reality. you can't help it, that's human nature... being ruled by your emotions.
Would you care for a dose of reality to go with your unemotional integrity?

The "reality" is that as a commodity, marijuana is bulky and fragrant, making it difficult to smuggle across borders. That's why where cannabis is still widely smuggled across borders, hashish (which is more concentrated) is the most favored product.

Since Reagan's "War on Drugs" its become increasingly difficult to smuggle "bales" of weed into the USA. That's why the big bricks of Columbian, and Jamaican (let alone Thai, etc) stopped coming into the USA in the early 1980s. Reduction in outdoor grown smuggled-in crops led to a burgeoning industry of indoor-grown domestic marijuana in the USA. Now things are at the point where it barely pays to even try to smuggle weed into the USA anymore.

Meanwhile, the pure sativa strains you seem to like are impossible to grow successfully outdoors in most of the USA because the growing season is too short. . .November frost kills them before they finish flowering. These same strains are also exceptionally difficult to grow indoors, because they grow into tall hermaphrodite-prone plants that give poor yields and take forever to ripen. These are the reasons why the sativa-marijuana from the 1970s is scarce in the USA, not because of any conspiracy of dealers or growers to screw you personally!

Do you actually believe that in the late 1970s drug dealers were all altruistic charitable types, but only NOW they're "greedy"?

you're no different than the kinds of people that defend michael the sicko jackson or who'll use any lie they can come up with to defend their religion when someone points out a contradiction in their beliefs. facts mean little to you, just towing the line and observing "the natural order".
So to you, explaining how markets work is akin to the sexual abuse of children?

Have you ever considered that just maybe there are things in the world that happen for reasons you don't fully appreciate?

when i see ANY injustice, i attack the instigators whether they be greedy scum, racists, religious zealots or any other form of power hungry monsters.
Can you explain again to me how dealers selling cannabis in a competitive marketplace to eager buyers (at legal risk to themselves, I might add) is an "injustice"?
Or maybe its unjust to burst inflated conspiracy theories?

if you take money and don't make your customers happy or give one shit about them, you are a thief... plain and simple... just like the scum who raided the budget surplus, the housing market and every other "1%er market".
Again, if the customers are unhappy how come the "greedy" dealers are still doing business?
they are stealing our money for selling indica seeds? What about the fact that indica is better than sativa to many ppl?
they are stealing our money for selling indica seeds? What about the fact that indica is better than sativa to many ppl?

They're "cheating" you and "stealing" your money because they're selling you indica-sativa hybrid strains that don't get Hazey Grapes "high" to his satisfaction.

The fact that you love to smoke it, are happy to pay for it, feel that YOU are getting what you want, that 99% of other weed-buyers feel exactly the same, and that Hazey Grapes isn't party to this transaction AT ALL, apparently has nothing to do with this.

HE wants to give away sativas free to everyone, therefore YOU shouldn't be able to pay your own money for indica strains, and anyone else who sells them is greedy and cheating you.

Got it?

Hazey-grapes is, in effect, whining because his local liquor store doesn't stock his favorite type of 35 year old scotch. . .
That's even though nobody else wants it, let alone wants to pay MORE for it.
If you want to buy a bottle of Jack Daniels instead, you'll be cheated by greedy liquor store employees.
Of course its also alot easier to say "if I ever have weed, I will give it away" when you never have had any and you never will have any.

When I am a billionaire, I will give 1 million dollars to random people.
wow so this has moved on to say a genus of cannibis is shitty? man your motherfuckin jack ass. i love weed i have to smoke a different strain every day for the most part, sativa or indica. some weed suck some is great this is opinion on a specific strain some smoke that didnt satisfy you. we didnt come here to hear you rave about how great sativa is. yes some sativa is good yes some sativa are bad same with indica. the BEST WEED is probably a mix of the 2 and probably has not been found yet.

so get off your high horse adn stick to your preferences as i will mine. so im gonna be happy and smoke this master kush and get high as fuck.

Nobody is "stealing" anything. People buy the weed they want with their own cash, of their own free will and accord.
man do i hate it when apologists try to obfuscate the truth with flat out LIES

not ONE motherfucking dealer out of 2 dozen or more in 25 years has EVER sold me anything but fuck off and die bitch indicrap. not only that, but i have to deal with soon to be muted sheep like you who DEFEND that status quo! quit trying to defend your greed based fascist regime with lies. the FACT is at least 20% of smokers like me DEMAND to get high and want nothing to do with afghanicrap EVER and another 25% or more at least prefer getting high with those who demand getting stoneds only being the smallest minority so fuck your supply & demand theories all to hell.

if you don't like indicrap contempt, then you must be another greedy ass cash crapper who gets their panties in a bunch whenever anyone dares to point out that you're growing useless schwag many wouldn't walk across the street to take a dump on.

keep your lies to yourself whydontcha? there IS a demand for getting high and a million asshole dealers who refuse to provide the service because it's less profitable and they have no pride in their gear or scruples to give people what they want. think i'm the only one who hates the status quo?

here's a quote from another fan of bud that actually gets you high and a PERFECT example of yet another greedy fuck dealer i'd tell "go fuck of and die bitch!" if he dared give me that kind of attitude on my motherfucking dollar as i've told 2 dozen other useless pieces of shit the same thing for far less

Me personally, I'm not a (heavy) indica person - but I have my reasons. Mainly because I have clinically diagnosed neurological problems... I'm sure you know enough at med's as to why sativa's help me better. I had the same issues with my "old" dealer before I became legal. A few times I would get a good sativa and request that he ask for it again. He would yell at me giving me all kinds of shit about how it wasn't that good, and sativas take too long to grow, are stringy with no bag appeal, etc.
by buddy232 at

and just recently in a thread where people are growing for love with pride for SUPERIOR weed (vietnamese strains no less) by
Defly not enough sativa growers.
said by niko bellick here

then there was my cousin who had a meltdown over my saying i wasn't impressed by his sticky afghanicrap bud a few years ago because he honestly didn't believe my claims that getting high is different because he thought "all weed is exactly the same!" which IS true on most streets, especially in NY.

quit fucking defending the status quo that does NOTHING for those of us who have absolutely zero use for your afghanicrap. if you don't like to hear complaints against it, grow some actual good bud and take away any reason for us to complain. otherwise, you're a fascist defender of an evil greedy nazi regime that attacks any descension. wahat are you? some kind of fucking commie that doesn't believe in free speech? whatever you are, don't call yourself an american if you can't take democracy in action

i'm about sick and tired of being attacked by the forces of evil for questioning their greedy piece of shit empire! don't try to claim the higher (IRONIC!) ground defending greed and trying to silence anyone that questions it or your lies. you lose. and now you're muted as i'm not going to indulge you another second.

the FACT is that 99% of the time anyone that grows for money sucks afghani dick and anyone that grows for quality doesn't give a shit about money so either way, you can't get high anywhere. the harder purveyors of afghani try to silence me for demanding to get high, the more i want to smash their skulls in. it's better to just mute them and let them think their reign is absolute and unquestioned. i'm done listening to your lies and obfuscation enemy of truth and customer satisfaction.

they are stealing our money for selling indica seeds? What about the fact that indica is better than sativa to many ppl?
what made you think that fact eludes me? the fact is they're clearly in the MINORITY though and come on... they have NO PROBLEM getting what they want. how many effing ways do i have to say "i've wasted 25 years of my life and thousands of dollars" before i can get through to you? i'm not muting you as you're keeping it civil but fuckin' A... WHERE ARE THE MOTHERFUCKING SATIVAS ON THE STREETS? show me where they are and then you'll instantly shut me up with facts.

it's the same thing with the current occupy movement really. i've been going off about greed and lobbyists for DECADES and am actually ANNOYED that the ONLY way to get others to join the fight for right is ONLY when the injustice touches them PERSONALLY. i kind of have contempt for the late joiners. y'all didn't want to fucking here about it when it was "someone else's problem" but now that your pension has been stolen, your house foreclosed, your children born with environmentally induced birth defects etc. only fucking NOW do you care about the effects of greed because you're just as fucking selfish at your core as those that screwed you over.

THAT is my point that i just can't get through to those of you who are ruled by your emotions and maintaining the status quo. you just aren't hearing me though because all you can do is focus on my RIGHTEOUS outrage and refuse to think about the reasons behind it.

if the market were NOT flooded by greedy assholes whose ONLY concerns are how much money they can make and how fast, then there would fucking be sativas on the streets but there aren't! as i've said before too, there are even growers out there who STEAL their money off their customers growing indicrap and then take it to the rare connoisseur grower and get haze for their own headstash. they won't even smoke their own fucking gear. how can ANYONE sit there attacking me and NOT the thief who knows his own stuff sucks?

until you start putting sativas on the streets for those who demand them, you have zero cause to attack me.

when i grow my stuff that takes a dump on yours, i'll give it away for free because, unlike you, i'm not ruled by greed and would be ASHAMED to try and pull that shit on people handing me their hard earned, especially in this economy wrecked by GREED.

you can't have it both fucking ways. you can't make 99% of the market indica so no one can get high and then have the fucking brass to attack anyone who points out how corrupt said system is. "if you don't like it, grow your own" might be your knee jerk reaction, but what that REALLY is saying is "if you don't like this communist regime, you are an enemy of the state that must be eradicated as we will accept no descension whatsoever!" i know i'm wasting my breath because those that only think through their EMOTIONS are deaf to facts & logic. that won't ever stop me from fighting for fairness as i was fighting against the greed that took your house long before you were, not because it had anything to do with me personally, but because it was the right thing to do just as questioning the TOTAL lack of sativa availability is the right thing to do. even when i have a stash of my own that gets me high, i won't stop the fight because the forces of evil are still STEALING money from those they should be getting high if only they weren't greedy "gimme! gimme! gimme!" fucks.

there's no middle ground, you're either a greedy fuck, or someone who cares. if you don't like looking yourself in the mirror, then stop grabbing that last % of $ and start offering your customers that want better what they deserve. if you argue with me, you're telling everyone that only want to get high "fuck you! i got mine! it sucks to be you!" and there's nothing you can say to change the subject or attack me for my "insolence" that will change the fact and if you do, i'll just mute you as you should me if the truth bothers you.

i can look myself in the mirror because anyone i piss off has that or worse coming to them and i don't screw anyone over. if you don't like MY malawi gold... no refunds because it cost you nothing.

i give away top quality "high dollar" shit and somehow I'M the asshole? REALLY?! you can't see what's wrong with that picture?