First grow advice / tips !!!

Hi guys.
Ive been floating around this forum and several others reading other peoples journeys and experiences for some time now and decided nows the time to start my first ever grow.Ive spent hrs and hrs looking through posts trying to find a way that suits my SMALL ish budget and available space needs.As im totaly new to this anyhelp or nudges in right direction will be MUCH appreciated.
My plan of action with epuiptment i have as follows ....
I purchsed 2 x 8 tube flouresent T5 lightwave lights 4 red 4 blue in each light so 16 lights in total light area covering 120x150 full of light i plan to veg and flower with these lights. I chose these becuase i plan on filling a 150x150 tent with the 2 lights and planting 8 x fem seed big bomb plants from seed ( not yet purchsed ) need help with this im based in mids uk.
Initially ill set em in rockwool like cubes then when big enough put wool cube into net pot then into 2 x 4 big pot wilma system in clay pebbles so 8 big pots under theses lights i plan to run the wilmas constant with a weak nutrient mix ( need help with this too ) i have purchased 4 tubs of canna nutrients tub A and B for both flora and veg so mix ratios from peeps using wilma systems wud be of great help.
I plan extracting with a 4 inch fan only 20 db and british made apperently pre wired with plug seen these on ebay ( not yet purchased) but plan on doing so tommorow.
The warm air/ smell is goona go straight out of tent into a vent in the chimney with a cheap carbon filter on.
im no expert but im guesing as these lights dont produce much heat at all this will be sufficeint, i dont plan on air intake at this time and will open tent up reg to introduce fresh air and keep open all bottom vents around tent. Ive chose the this model 4 inch fan cus research ive done this far says its quitest fan on market at 20 db for my cheapo budget ( fan noise/or any noise is gonna be an issue for me) as my walls are paper thin and neibours a copper !!!!!!
heres the fan link ..

My plan is to grow 8 big plants and take plenty of cuttings from these plants and clone them in a cupboard i have. this is only 90cm x 90cm but 2.5 m high so plan on spliting it into two levels have a smaller T5 ( not yet puchsed ) on bottom level for cloning and upper level to start flowering process (again with T5 multi lights) but of smaller scale untill they get too big,then ill swap to main grow tent. The plan is to keep taking cuttings and have a constant supply of fem plants on a rotation basis. (hope that makes sense)am little stoned right now !!!!

Any help/advice is most welcomed. Peace to all tokers

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I tried to flower with T5s without much success. Lots of buds, but they were small and airy. They just don't have the penetration.
The small buds where they down to seed genetics or the lights ? ive done a fair bit research and they seem to be okay,im not looking to grow commercially but wanna get the mose out of my space obviously. scrog lst all that hopefully will come but for now i just wanna make sure im going in right direction and get a few grows out my hair and find my way.Ive invested a fair bit of money on this venture and for now atleast just wanna get some nice healthy plants and hopefully learn from this.


New Member
Well, I may get a rash of shit for this but have you any experience with growing anything in hydro? IMHO soil is the way to go for a couple of cycles. Learn something about the horticulture of the plant. You can always go hydro later. Soil is much more forgiving than hydro. With soil it can take days or even weeks to kill a plant, with hydro that may be reduced to hours.


Well-Known Member
Well, I may get a rash of shit for this but have you any experience with growing anything in hydro? IMHO soil is the way to go for a couple of cycles. Learn something about the horticulture of the plant. You can always go hydro later. Soil is much more forgiving than hydro. With soil it can take days or even weeks to kill a plant, with hydro that may be reduced to hours.
Straight up! lol
Fuck me really.Didnt realise it was quite that serious with hydro.I do come from a horticulteral background but not from growing skunk so have a fair bit of general plant knowledge,thought maybe this the best way to go.with the right nute ratios and a beady eye im sure i could do not looking for moster tree sized plants and will learn as i go on,i think best to jump straight in at the deep end.
If you try you will at least succeed in teaching yourself something
Exactly how i see it.Im not a total idiot i have common sense and have good vibes about growing this way,im not knocking anyone but some people cant move with the times and wont admit technology changes i beleive in these lights and ill be happy to get a few months supply from my crops.To be honest im doing more as a hobby to keep me occupied,to be honest im getting a better buz off the thought of growing my own than smokin the shit.
SHit. In the end i bought a big 9 pot system.filled it water last night and gave it a test run. worked great but noisey.i could here the huming of motor downstairs and the constant trickle of water is quite loud too.went out fist thing this morning and purchased a 4ich thick layer of celotex ( insulation coverd in foil ) to sit the system on.this did improve the huming down stairs considerably but i still think the neibours wud here it running as will be on quistionis when the pots are full and got plants in will this reduce the noise? as it will prob take longer the filter water through ? or will it still be noisey ? any tips on how to quite the system down?