Thursday Night Chop Down!

good fuckin stuff bro!!! i got some pics to make it a perm-a-grin for ya!!!! hahaha check out this BOOM MUTHAFUCKA, she is blowing up and she still has at least three weeks!!!

only one tiny patch left in the entire yard!!! it's been windy to, so the ground isn't that soft and it wasn't muddy at all!! it was a little tough holding onto that beast one handed, she kept getting loose on me!!!! hahaha with one hand on the phone there was no hand for the clutch, so the shifts were a little snapier than normal to!!!!!!
buds are swelling, plants are growing... all is happy!!!!



AE, getting chopped tomorrow!!!!! that's right CD.... we're both choppin on thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Skunk - aev's super silver haze + trainwreck x early skunk








QQ#2 she is older than the first one but not as mature. the LEDs shut her down for a while so she just started flowering again a couple weeks ago. she will look better in month or so!!!


AK47 same thing with this girl. the buds are hard as glass and i trimmed the bad leaves a whie back and she should be ready in a week or two!!!



the entire garden


and the veg girls are doing just as great!!!



and the newest to the gang!!!


It's been a LONG time since i had a thursday night chop down. and it's about time to!!!!! here is my small AE. she didn't do to bad at all only being under the HPS for three weeks! and you guys know, i'll take whatever they give me!!!





WTF bro??? LoL, this is all just crazy. awesome job man!!!!!!! bump
gardens looking great Shtoney man.

not bad for only 3 weeks under the HPS. not bad at all.

i wish dry ice was as easy to come by over here. return looks so much better than bags.
thats sum nice hash mannn. i needa get me sum bubble bags!!

they are a great investment.... I have a few links saved if you are interested. under $40!!!

WTF bro??? LoL, this is all just crazy. awesome job man!!!!!!! bump

thanks for the multi bump bro!!!! and the great compliments!!!!!

i second that. absolutely beautiful!

HOMER!!!! what's up dude/???? glad ya had some time to stop by!!!!!!!!!! hope all is well with you my friend!!!!!

Nice stoney another fine harvest

thanks HR!!! it was great to have some scissor hash for the first time in a while!!!!!!

Stoney always does it nice congrads.

thanks so much man!!! and big thanks for the rep!!!!!! not sure if ya saw my question a page back, but what screen did you use for that dry ice?

gardens looking great Shtoney man.

not bad for only 3 weeks under the HPS. not bad at all.

i wish dry ice was as easy to come by over here. return looks so much better than bags.

thanks Don!!!! i agree, dry ice is rare to find near me also.... maybe in the summer i will have more luck!!!

vedy niiiiiiiice vedy niiiiiiice. =) your AE was deff more purple that mine. lol.

thanks bro!!! that purp just came out in the last few days!!! it stayed in ther throughout the dry to!!!! it's about to go into jars in a few days!!! some just went into my lungs today to!!!!!! ohhhhhhhh am i fuckin soarin right now!!!!

some nice looking plants you got yourself there!

thanks budbeast!!!!! you have a great avatar!!!!! thanks for checking out my grow!!!! stop by anytime!!!!!
here is some random bud porn.... it's weird how all my plants kinda started flowering all over again when i put the HPS in. they all look half way in flowering and they were all started on different weeks!!! it doesn't upset me because i still get them to grow more.

sorry for the burry ones....






Sorry bro No I didn't I actually used the 73 bag on you tube if you type in Dry Ice Hash Demo the guy in camo next to the table watch it only a 5 min video how I learned. He uses a 220 bag in the video but I wanted better quality. Shits so easy and really fast. Let me know what you think. I have not smoked any yet myself on a little break but I have let buddies smoke it and they loved the taste and very pleasant smell. Shit I did 4 kinds in about 45 min, got 5grams of OG with Platinum Bubba, 5 grams Kaboom, 3 grams Blue Widow & 31 grams of a mix from last years cfl grow along with some outdoor and this years indoor. Could of got alot more with the 220 bag but I wanted nice Quality.
here is some random bud porn.... it's weird how all my plants kinda started flowering all over again when i put the HPS in. they all look half way in flowering and they were all started on different weeks!!! it doesn't upset me because i still get them to grow more.

sorry for the burry ones....







this needed a bump!!
Damn man you always got non-stop fun going on here. I finally got some new bud porn of my grow up on my journal. I couldn't figure out the new camera for the life of me so I had my wife take the pics this time around and they came out way better. Also will be having some nice new crosses coming and wanted to ask if you would test some seeds for me. I can send you a list of the crosses and let me know what you are willing to try out. Thank you for your time take care brother.
b eautiful as usual stoney. looks like the hps is doing good for ya. question.. the dry ice can i put that in a wacky bag? they have mesh all the way up the side. dont know if that will fuck up the bag. anxious to give it a try. i can get dry ice by me in the summer not sure bout now.. great job stoney.. o 1 other ? when the hash comes out is it still frozen do u have to let it sit and thaw out before u can handle it? thanks bro..
Hey hammer not sure on the bags your using watch that you tube video Dry Ice Hash Demo. No the hash is not frozen dry ice is dry so after you do it can be handled and smoked right away. But serious check that video out. And most grocery stores have it I picked it up at Raley's myself.
hey thanks jhod. ima give it a try . i have trim already to go. wife is going to town on thursday so i will see if she can get some... thanks again and informative videoo..
Sorry bro No I didn't I actually used the 73 bag on you tube if you type in Dry Ice Hash Demo the guy in camo next to the table watch it only a 5 min video how I learned. He uses a 220 bag in the video but I wanted better quality. Shits so easy and really fast. Let me know what you think. I have not smoked any yet myself on a little break but I have let buddies smoke it and they loved the taste and very pleasant smell. Shit I did 4 kinds in about 45 min, got 5grams of OG with Platinum Bubba, 5 grams Kaboom, 3 grams Blue Widow & 31 grams of a mix from last years cfl grow along with some outdoor and this years indoor. Could of got alot more with the 220 bag but I wanted nice Quality.

cool, thanks bro!!! i've seen a few videos on it and i can't wait to try it this summer.

this needed a bump!!

thanks man!!! i have a few more to post in a bit!!!

Damn man you always got non-stop fun going on here. I finally got some new bud porn of my grow up on my journal. I couldn't figure out the new camera for the life of me so I had my wife take the pics this time around and they came out way better. Also will be having some nice new crosses coming and wanted to ask if you would test some seeds for me. I can send you a list of the crosses and let me know what you are willing to try out. Thank you for your time take care brother.

sweet man, I'll stop by your thread tonight!!!! and hell yea i'm interested.... PM me a list. i hope maybe one or two are from aev's collection...... here is my lastest grown of his...


Heads up stoney! Grape stomper og is up and in stock on cz!

AWESOME!!!!! i activated my account so i should be able to see them now!!!! thanks for the heads up!! i'll keep ya posted on what i get!!!

Thems some mighty fine buds man, "I'm lovin it" :)

thanks gumball!!!! and thanks so much for the rep bro!!!!!!!

b eautiful as usual stoney. looks like the hps is doing good for ya. question.. the dry ice can i put that in a wacky bag? they have mesh all the way up the side. dont know if that will fuck up the bag. anxious to give it a try. i can get dry ice by me in the summer not sure bout now.. great job stoney.. o 1 other ? when the hash comes out is it still frozen do u have to let it sit and thaw out before u can handle it? thanks bro..

i've seen people use those bags for it before...... make sure you do it in a tub or bin when you shake it, it will go all over if ya don't!!!

and NO, it's not frozen..... comes out ready to smoke!!!!! no dry time needed like with ice water!

i'll have an update in a few... pics are uploading now!!!
Damn Stoney you have a Jungle going on looks fucking amazing, wish i had that all I have is like 6 plants under about 100 watts of CFLs great grow!!beautiful strains. Subbed
What's coming down this week Stoney!?

For dry ice hash I like to use the 120 bag. I tend to have a lot of trim when I make hash and the smaller screens just require more time & effort, they also seem to clog more from frost. If you only have one or two small runs I'm sure its fin but there is plenty of good hash coming out of the 120. Keep moving side to side as you shake it, the quality will change the longer you keep shakin'.

Garden is looking good man, glad you're loving your 600.