Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
mmm someone direct me to a page with his name on it.. theres been a lot of shit talked in the last few indeed!!


Active Member
i say its cause they are obviously used to lots of fresh air and they were deprived of it????
yeah hopefully thats all,my tent which is next to these clones and seedlings has co2 at a pretty stable rate of 1500ppm during lights on.The air is then filtered out and dumped next to them.Also got the AC blowing past them,very gentle breeze,but air movement anyways.
I turned off the fans over the weekend so that the medium wouldnt dry out as fast as it does sometimes.Bad move I guess.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if they have been getting a steady supply of co2 dumped on them via the fans, maybe they were blowing the air that was coming out of the other tent straight onto those plants. when the fan stopped so did the co2. i have heard plants will become addicted to co2 and if it taken away bad shit happens.

just a theory

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
lmmao...:fire::bigjoint:patch member ralatives be trippin on my one hit quitta reffer me as tha 2o% of best growers...I even been workin on some of my own purple wonder and purple christmas...hammer stone 100%, you guys still using nute charts? I'm into advanced nutrients that is just beyond your dick measruing fucking rocks ni ya heads I swear...:cuss: