Most Overrated Strain?

Are you serious?
Jack the ripper is one of subs heavy yielders and sour diesel buzz last longer than that.. I'm growing it and I live in the city of it!

you live in the city of the Original N.Y.C Deisel (official), that sour was a damn knock off attempt that just doesn't have quite the kick of the original!
what do you all think is the most overrated marijuana strain there is. id have to say white widow, ik back in its hayday it was great but no one seems to grow good white widow anymore

thats because everybody is growing the knock offs and trying to pass them off! Shantibaba is the black widow Don!!
i would also have to say that beasters are pretty overrated, atleast around here
Beasters are a typology of poorly grown, premature, chemy, unflushed canadian pot that is really dense and has no taste, that they sell to people that don't know any better. On the east coast we used to get beasters all the time but since laws are changing everywhere it seems they have almost disappeared. Been a few years since I have seen them. Everyone seems to be more in the know about strains now, which in my opinion rocks.
should have specified whether you meant overrated to smoke or grow...i agree with page one blueberry sucks!! but then those were the people talking about growing it and it is horrible to grow..hermies..deformations..however if you meant smoke a good blueberry nug is def my favorite!!
i've made the same point 1,000 times in 100 ways and those that don't want to hear it will just never get it. people that DEMAND to get high CAN'T in most places outside so-cal or better med use markets. everywhere else, indica is the ONLY option. it isn't fair, it isn't right... it's CORRUPT.

Yeah, too bad the illegal drug market doesn't respond to your niche demand.

Or, to put it more concisely, if everyone wanted Sativa plants, then that's what you'd find for sale on the street.

I "hear" it. . .I "get" it. . .I'm also a bit older than most of the posters here, and I even know what you're talking about wrt older strains. . .despite that, you're still screaming alone in the wilderness.

Here's some "thought food" for you. If your local grocery store won't stock your favorite type of beer, what do you do?
Scream about a conspiracy, or do "something else"?

If the sativa strains you rant about are so much better than everything else available where you live, why don't you get together with a few like-minded friends, and corner the market? You don't even have to grow it yourself (though that is one option); all you have to do is find a connection and import it.

i'd rather smoke pissweak mexican brick than ANY shit i've run into on the streets for 2 decades plus. 25 years, as many dealers and probably 10x that in dollars... ALL wasted and never getting high one motherfucking time! status quo apologists in their small minded, stupid, unable to look at the big picture way like to come back with "you just don't know the right dealers" all the while closing their eyes to 25 out of 25 useless fucking ones. it isn't about ME either. it's about the CONSPIRACY.
Yeah, all the growers, and all the dealers got together to hatch a plan just to make sure that YOU can't buy the weed you like!

I'd add something important here as well. One probable reason why none of the strains you find nowadays get you as "high" as they did when you were 18 years old isn't just because the strains are different. . .its because your BRAIN is different. I honestly believe that as you get older, and particularly as your brain becomes accustomed to it, pot partly loses the "giggle" effect it had when you were younger.

it's the same exact thing as the issues brought up by occupy wallstreet...
Unemployed hippies can't find a good sativa to stuff their bongs with either?
I agree purple strains tend to be abit weaker but they do normaly taste better.
This is so true dude - i've always wondered why so many Seedhouses & banks seem to sell their Skunk No.1's at such cheap prices - tho is good its kept cheap as for the reasons u stated its a very good beginners choice to learn with & still likely get a good return.

Now THIS is a great point.

The answer is that the seeds aren't "kept" cheap. . .(ie by conspiracy); like everything else, market forces determine the prices. Its supply and demand.

Because Skunk #1 is one of the oldest commercially available strains, and one of the most popular, many breeders have versions available to capture that market niche. Consequently, supply is high, and the prices for the seeds are more competitive than more recent strains. At the same time, because its not "flavor of the month", and the supplies are not exclusive to any one breeder anymore, people simply aren't willing to pay $10(+) a seed for Skunk the way they might be with other strains.

Lets face it, any mature female cannabis plant can put out THOUSANDS of seeds (probably tens of thousands for one of those giant sativa trees).
Under "ordinary" circumstances, cannabis seeds should RETAIL for about $10 per POUND. . .and this isn't some made up number. Processed legal hemp seeds *DO* cost about that much at any healthfood store right now! Individual cannabis seeds probably shouldn't cost more than $0.10 each, even in relatively small quantity.

Instead, they cost $10 per SEED. That means commercial cannabis seeds can be literally worth MORE than their weight in gold. In fact, seed value means seeded plants can be worth more than unseeded ones full of buds. Why is that?

Part of it has to do with the illegal nature of the market, driving up prices, and part of it has to do with the small economy of scale in buying a few seeds.

But no small part of it has to do with good old-fashioned hype.

If you talk up the seeds with ridiculous ad copy, put glossy ads in magazines, hold overhyped "competitions" in exotic places naming some strains "the best", well, these things go a long way towards inflating demand, and hence prices.
Now THIS is a great point.

The answer is that the seeds aren't "kept" cheap. . .(ie by conspiracy); like everything else, market forces determine the prices. Its supply and demand.

Because Skunk #1 is one of the oldest commercially available strains, and one of the most popular, many breeders have versions available to capture that market niche. Consequently, supply is high, and the prices for the seeds are more competitive than more recent strains. At the same time, because its not "flavor of the month", and the supplies are not exclusive to any one breeder anymore, people simply aren't willing to pay $10(+) a seed for Skunk the way they might be with other strains.

Lets face it, any mature female cannabis plant can put out THOUSANDS of seeds (probably tens of thousands for one of those giant sativa trees).
Under "ordinary" circumstances, cannabis seeds should RETAIL for about $10 per POUND. . .and this isn't some made up number. Processed legal hemp seeds *DO* cost about that much at any healthfood store right now! Individual cannabis seeds probably shouldn't cost more than $0.10 each, even in relatively small quantity.

Instead, they cost $10 per SEED. That means commercial cannabis seeds can be literally worth MORE than their weight in gold. In fact, seed value means seeded plants can be worth more than unseeded ones full of buds. Why is that?

Part of it has to do with the illegal nature of the market, driving up prices, and part of it has to do with the small economy of scale in buying a few seeds.

But no small part of it has to do with good old-fashioned hype.

If you talk up the seeds with ridiculous ad copy, put glossy ads in magazines, hold overhyped "competitions" in exotic places naming some strains "the best", well, these things go a long way towards inflating demand, and hence prices.

Learn how to clone and a pick & mix of 10 seeds +freebies for 100bucks. = Never having to buy a seed or plant again. = Priceless.
you wouldn't have to change your number, the SECOND you copped an attitude, i'd tell you to fuck off and die.

so many schwag growers... so little pride in QUALITY and nothing but love for money. my shit's better than yours... and it's 100% FREE!

anyone want some
jack's cleaner 2
thai skunk
el dorado
sour cream
haze skunk x C99
LSD x C99
super cali haze x C99
super lemon haze

auto jack
(cinnamon girl)
amnesia haze?

that's the kind of shit that makes ME wanna dance till i get dehydrated. no couchlock and PURE pride

i;m not holding my breath that i'll create a backlash against greed and inspire OTHERS to tell the greedy to go fuck themselves, but i know somewhere buddy232 is feelin' me
Me personally, I'm not a (heavy) indica person - but I have my reasons. Mainly because I have clinically diagnosed neurological problems... I'm sure you know enough at med's as to why sativa's help me better. I had the same issues with my "old" dealer before I became legal. A few times I would get a good sativa and request that he ask for it again. He would yell at me giving me all kinds of shit about how it wasn't that good, and sativas take too long to grow, are stringy with no bag appeal, etc.
you wouldn't have to change your number, the SECOND you copped an attitude, i'd tell you to fuck off and die.

so many schwag growers... so little pride in QUALITY and nothing but love for money. my shit's better than yours... and it's 100% FREE!

anyone want some
jack's cleaner 2
thai skunk
el dorado
sour cream
haze skunk x C99
LSD x C99
super cali haze x C99
super lemon haze

auto jack
(cinnamon girl)
amnesia haze?

that's the kind of shit that makes ME wanna dance till i get dehydrated. no couchlock and PURE pride

i;m not holding my breath that i'll create a backlash against greed and inspire OTHERS to tell the greedy to go fuck themselves, but i know somewhere buddy232 is feelin' me
pics or it didn't happen
it hasn't happened YET... it's in the process, but i'll get some pics when it happens and maybe even get some in the works pics too though my camera is acting up always saying my batteries are dead. i might have to buy another camera.

even when you DO post pics though... haters will try and say your pics are stolen even if they can't find the originals. i'm going to make sure to find some sort of way to "tag" my photos like holding up a sign that says "hazey grapes" or something to shut those calling me a liar up. no kidding, i'd rather be called an asshole and have my mother called a whore than a liar.

if you knew me at all, you'd know i DESPISE indicas and ONLY grow because i have to as that's the only way to get high. in the meantime, i'm going to go upload the pic of the last beans i bought so i can at least show i have this gear... oh yeah... i have some 50% columbian gold i want to test too as well as some masterkush i'll be growing for fun because it's fast & short.

i'll BRB with a pic of my latest score. i wanted to share it on the seed collectors thread anyways.
oh yeah... i'm trying malawi gold too. i REALLY hope that shit turns out as nice as it's rep. both of the mulanji's didn't make it, but i think both of the mozambiques are in the mix right now too without doing a headcount. i'm going to SCROG it all and if i manage to get at least 350 or so grams, then i'll have some smoke to try and tackle REAL sativas like highland thai or maybe some of the "rare" gear i've seen on some auction site here.

trust me, if i fuck shit up, i'm HONEST about that too. getting high is such a rare treat for me that i fuck up almost every grow i start because i can't resist the lure of leaflet trim like a junkie. if i were a liar, i wouldn't go around admitting TRUTHS that make me look like a fuckup now would i? i've got nothing to hide from anyone but officer fiendly. (sic)

here's my latest score... not a lot of indica in there is there? any stoner bud other than the masterkush was a freebie.

oh shit! now you can upload pics DIRECT from your PC here! about freakin' time!

i'll also admit that i fucked up EVERTHING in my first attempt at growing this year and lost a lot of beans to both mold and drying out my second attempt ESPECIALLY all of my 8 miles highs, haze skunks & "extinct" joey weed C99 x A11s.

it really sucks that i'm without a connection as i told BOTH of my last 2 connections to go fuck themselves for acting flaky on me. i need a headstash to be able to grow. i HOPE i can restrain myself this time as it's my last chance until next fall. if i knew someone that had some bud, i'd buy an ounce right now. i've never bought more than 1/2.

i think i have one surviving C99 x A11 i want to use as my male. if it survives (the root is bent and i buried it deeper so hopefully it recovers) it will be my breeder. otherwise, i'm hoping that my joey weed grape pheno C99BXes pop as those will be my breeders and if that falls through, then i'll spray everything with jack's cleaner 2 as that's the strain i expect to be my favorite for buzz & fast flowering time.
OK... i had to go to the corner store and buy alkaline batteries to get my camera working as it no longer likes rechargeables, but i had to do it to prove i'm not lying.

february 2012 starters.jpg

starting with the back row left to right...

jack's cleaner 2 (3x), C99 x A11, sativa trans love

3-4 masterkush with 1 possibly being something else as the peat pellet i started one of them in had something that didn't pop the 1st time start with the MK & 1x thai fantasy

malawi gold (4x) & sour cream

haze skunk, thai skunk (3x), C99 x A11

auto jack, amnesia haze, sweet haze, mozambique poison

PLUS i have C99 crosses i made popping in my humidity dome and more beans soaking waiting to join them. the last 50% columbian gold might be a gonner as the center of it's stem looks dried out with some root fuzz higher up. i'm NOT liking what i'm guessing are cocoa coir pellets as nothing likes to root properly in them. i'm REALLY psyched though that at least 1x super cali haze x C99 popped and looks healthy. i'll be transplanting those and the jack i'm worried about that sprouted upside down and might be dried out too.

if you like getting high... ADMIT IT... you'd really like to taste that malawi gold and see if it's for real or not. i decided to roll the dice on holy smoke seeds there AND got 2x each malawi, mozambique & mulawi freebies for it.

as the last of the haze skunk didn't fare well and the one that is still growing looks a little mutated, i dropped the last of the thai skunks as a replacement so there should be 4-5 of those soaking for transplanting tomorrow along with the el dorados i lost some interest in because they stretch like mofos.

go ahead and hate on me all you want, but if you hate on my gear... then you just don't like getting high.

plan 1: breed everything with a C99 x A11 male
plan 2: jack's cleaner 2
plan 3: super cali haze x C99

i think i'll save the rest of the SCH x C99s for next falls grapes & fruits breeding session. THAT is the cross i'm most excited about though as joey weed's C99s are grape pheno and @ 45 days flowering, could only speed up the grapey haze lowryder. i'm not keen on using it to create the home seedbank i'm going for here as pure SCH is a slow 120 day strain, but really nice.

everything will be growing on 2 3x3 SCROG screens hanging from 2x4 light rails i made & under a 400w halide and another 400w sodium. i'm still learning as a grower and hope i don't fuck this shit up, but i have total faith that most of these strains will make me smile from ear to ear as C99, 8 miles high & haze skunk already have. my 2nd lemon skunk freebie dried out sadly, but the 1st one was a lot better than i expected. just keeping it 100% real AS ALWAYS.
super lemon haze sucked 6 times for me. fired from the garden!
purples dont get me hard either.
tga subcool has never failed at perfection, imo

some real fire genetics are here:


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