Club 600


Well-Known Member
is there music on it, I don;t get any music.....

So peopl gotta have a sale before we they open shop, what's the world coming to, lol. I reckon the followers of the 600 will be offered discount but I am sure we will not be able to discuss that matter here otherwise it will go against website rules I think.
:wall: My bad hypothetically speaking i meant


Well-Known Member
Well brownie update .....I cut them up into 9 squares a nd pan was 9x9 I ate one At 11 and took one small bong rip wich didn't do much and haven't smoked since, I feel ripped as hell the past hour n half . Now Ime thinking I probly felt them all along but was smoking so dam much weed I never really truly felt the edile


Active Member
bahhahahahah austrian death machine......tim lambesis is a beast.

So, the "aliens" are silicon-based life forms...
... and they've already assumed control...

Next up are Terminators to eradicate the fleshy infestations, or "fleshtations™".
Or a melding of silicon and carbon to create a race of cyborgs...



Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to do one too! I tried one this fall with some LED's and I failed :( I'm back to perpetual for the time being. When you grow in super soil how often do you administer tea? Do you still use it ever watering?

BAAAAAaaAaAAd man haha
No ive been using my tea every 3rd watering with Super Soil. Its still a relatively new thing to me but ive seen no ill effect from watering them as much as every 2nd watering but this is later in flowering i wouldn't go nearly as much with a newly transplanted plant into S.S.
Anyway i dont wanna go to work tonight YAWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
DST I cant wait to get my hands on some Sour Cherry. Tax times coming :D and im gonna get some new bulbs for the T5s, get a few more fans, Probably a replacement 600 bulb just in case. I wanted a new tent but my wife said i should save my money........... Sigh what to do what to do
JIGGG i shall try not to disappoint i catch on pretty quick and ive read alot today about scrogs


Well-Known Member
Hey there Gorbzzz, welcome to the 600 and sorry to hear about the herm. Whats signs is the plant showing? Can you rescue it? I just say FUK IT, and pull them nanners out. If I get a couple of seeds here and there, well that can be a bonus in some situations.

My old man is in WA, was on skype to him the other day and he was groaning about the 39degree temps, and they haven't got aircon, then the lecky has been going out, ffs. welcome to the outback eh!
Thanks DST, Well this is my first REAL grow, ive done a couple before but only with cfl's = fluffy light buds. Now i have the 600w and a decent tent i built, im hoping to get some better results:lol:
The plant is 12 days into flower and its got some nice hairs showing, Im still waiting to see what the plant does because it looked like it had some young balls on it but the next day it had hairs coming out so maybe im just overreacting. I hope it stays female cos its my last one out of 6! In big need of some good clones, or take this risk with a seed website


Well-Known Member
COF, I planted some Kale today in my garden, and the label read in large letters, CCOF... made me think of you. Yeah, there was an extra C, but I feel it fit the bill.


Well-Known Member
hehe, juyst chill Gorbzz, it will come through, sounds like some early growers jitters which we have all had. IF you relax, your plants relax, stand back and let them do their things, they are very clever!!!:) Keep us posted and throw some pics up of these suspect balls, we'll have you right in no time.
Thanks DST, Well this is my first REAL grow, ive done a couple before but only with cfl's = fluffy light buds. Now i have the 600w and a decent tent i built, im hoping to get some better results:lol:
The plant is 12 days into flower and its got some nice hairs showing, Im still waiting to see what the plant does because it looked like it had some young balls on it but the next day it had hairs coming out so maybe im just overreacting. I hope it stays female cos its my last one out of 6! In big need of some good clones, or take this risk with a seed website
Morning everyone, another chilly day in Paradise. One less day to wait until holidays!!!! YAh!!

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I can't even imagine how much you are looking forward to getting out the freezing and right into summer. You'll probably be complaining bout the heat soon, lol.

Hey gorbzzz, DST has you covered. You are in the right place... we'll make sure things go as well as possible.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be happy unless I was moaning about the's part of my culture don't you know, lol...what else is there in life to talk about????


Well-Known Member
hehe, juyst chill Gorbzz, it will come through, sounds like some early growers jitters which we have all had. IF you relax, your plants relax, stand back and let them do their things, they are very clever!!!:) Keep us posted and throw some pics up of these suspect balls, we'll have you right in no time.

Morning everyone, another chilly day in Paradise. One less day to wait until holidays!!!! YAh!!

Peace, DST

Well my mate left his expensive camera here so I took some photos with it but they were huge in pixels so I had to make them really small to upload.
You might have to zoom in on your computer to see it :dunce:

and I made sure i deleted the photos before he picked the camera up 8)ballz.jpg

:edit: How does everyone else upload big pics?


Well-Known Member
Top of page Blue line with Community on it. Click on that and on the drop menu click, My albums. Click that. Then create album, give it a name and then save that. Then on the blue line (it's hard to see so you need to hover over it with your mouse) you have an option to upload pictures. A new window will open with the pic manager. Then press Browse and a window will open to your PC, then select file, and upload then save changes. You then have pictures in your album. Highlight and copy the BB code then paste that into your posts and you will have large pictures. You can uipload to around 2mb I thinnk, or possibly more now.

Good luck.


that pic is really small I am not sure my eyes are that good in the moring, hehe.


Well-Known Member
Top of page Blue line with Community on it. Click on that and on the drop menu click, My albums. Click that. Then create album, give it a name and then save that. Then on the blue line (it's hard to see so you need to hover over it with your mouse) you have an option to upload pictures. A new window will open with the pic manager. Then press Browse and a window will open to your PC, then select file, and upload then save changes. You then have pictures in your album. Highlight and copy the BB code then paste that into your posts and you will have large pictures. You can uipload to around 2mb I thinnk, or possibly more now.

Good luck.


that pic is really small I am not sure my eyes are that good in the moring, hehe.
Ok well I uploaded photos but it said it needs to be approved first, I had another look at it before lights out and it really looks like it could be hermie :(
I'll have to wait till after work tomorrow to have another look, its gonna be a loooooong 10hr shift.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Ah right, you got to get things approved when under a certain amount of posts. No worries, fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
Hey DST. I see you are still spreading the good word around. Congrats on the new venture. I have already signed up. As soon as I get my tax return back i will be ordering. I cant wait to grow some of the same stuff i have seen up here. Be live it or not it is cold in the lone star state right now. Even my dog said f it about going out this morning with the rain and all.
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