Iso Extractions by _oakley_

I just wanted to post a pic of some qwiso i made using this method, i used kiefy shake on the bottom of my jars, i did this to see if it would work and to try to get something too get me through til friday (this being wensday). I am super happy with this, it was super easy and the end result taste better than the bho i usually buy. Thx for this thread, youve made a monster here! :) 000_0004.jpg000_0005.jpg000_0006.jpg Also i didnt have a dish to put it in so i used an old kief container, the flakes u see are kief from the container.
I just wanted to post a pic of some qwiso i made using this method, i used kiefy shake on the bottom of my jars, i did this to see if it would work and to try to get something too get me through til friday (this being wensday). I am super happy with this, it was super easy and the end result taste better than the bho i usually buy. Thx for this thread, youve made a monster here! :) View attachment 2033919View attachment 2033920View attachment 2033921 Also i didnt have a dish to put it in so i used an old kief container, the flakes u see are kief from the container.

!!! thanks for posting this :D:D glad to see someone fully read the guide and tried it out like said... your results speak for itself, same kind of results i get!
the better you get at cooking, the better flavors you can get from it, keep at it man, AWESOME start :)
haha yup, its why you dont use papertowel to clean windows (leaves streaks)

What?!?! Really??? That's all I ever used to clean I was just told to always clean them when the sun wasn't shining directly on them.

nope and ill tell yah why, Dust.

i dont care what you do, i dont care what you try, when you leave a dish that size in the open for that long, it gets a SHIT load of contaminates in it.. ESPECIALLY when you have forced airflow over it, all it does is suck all the free floating particles in the air towards your dish, and then blows it right through the vapor thats evaporating which condenses and drops back down, and when it gets towards the end when its sticky, gonna get Alot worse :)

I use a fan, and some fabric I bought at the store which is probably 10 or 15 threads per inch. So I just lay that over it and I'm dust free....i think.
so. i think i overcooked it, and it's more of a cherrywood colour as opposed to cherry, but it's still the clearest errrrrrl i've ever done -- thanks oakley!!
Oakley I was reading back...and it seems you seem to think there is a preference on micron size for making qwiso? Isn't this false due to the fact that the cannabinoids are literally dissolved into the alcohol. There for leaving behind the trichome...husk if you will. So gland size/micron size really doesn't matter. RIght?
I have quite a bit of material to process and am curious if the same alcohol can be used to wash several batches of herb? I dont want to end up insane amounts of alcohol to evap. Kind of like dissolving salt into water, there is a point where the water
cant hold anymore and the salt just sinks..... Can you tell when the alcohol reaches that point?
imd doing a guide on that soon summit. i have a copy paper box full of trim/buds to process, i will show the world how its done ;)
Oakley I was reading back...and it seems you seem to think there is a preference on micron size for making qwiso? Isn't this false due to the fact that the cannabinoids are literally dissolved into the alcohol. There for leaving behind the trichome...husk if you will. So gland size/micron size really doesn't matter. RIght?
the screen acts as a filter, cleaning debris from the dissolved cannabinoid solution.
Wait...what? Doesn't a coffee filter do that?

the point behind the reusable coffee filter is the mesh size allows trichomes to pass through while minimizing if not fully eliminating green plant matter thats carried through as well, as a result of this contact time with the plant matter is reduced, and contact time with the trichomes is extended, then the regular coffee filter is used to remove the trichomes themselves.
because there dangerous to make... and there realy not that good for you. Ice and Water is way cleaner imo. Mabey i would take a little dab of that goo tho... it would be hard to turn down. ( all I was stating is that I stopped making oil concentrates. )