Help me- Help FDD

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alright, I wouldnt think fdd to mail his deals.... ever... I'll give him that one for sure. I believe the fbi is involved bc it is an interstate issue; its federal, so the federal bureau of investigation has the first priority over the case. Thats just my opinion though.
alright, I wouldnt think fdd to mail his deals.... ever... I'll give him that one for sure. I believe the fbi is involved bc it is an interstate issue; its federal, so the federal bureau of investigation has the first priority over the case. Thats just my opinion though.

I have no information about it what so ever. But in crimes that involve the mail and going over state lines, that would explain FBI involvement. They generally don't involve themselves in someone selling a few pounds otherwise. Maybe if we are talking about some gangster or hard core criminal, but I seriously doubt FDD is like that. Mail over state lines is the only thing that explains it.
Well if it goes to trial someone should tell him to go to court in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank like the old mob bosses do.
hopefully i will be able to send a little more support to his family in the next few days, even if it is just for groceries or cat food. cats have to eat too.
Chong went to jail for selling glass....across state lines

That's plausible as well. Who knows. I guess it's pointless for me to continue to speculate.

The only thing I'm certain of is the FBI isn't going to show up at a RIU BBQ so they can find some guy and bust him for a few plants in his backyard. That's not what they do. I don't think that should be a serious concern for anyone planning on attending the next one.

And whatever the reason these guys got snatched up, I hope they get out of this! FDD might rub some people the wrong way, I know I have definitely had it out with him to the point where shit got out of hand on more than one occasion. But no one can deny he's got mad skills, is responsible for making some of the best threads in the history of this forum, has been extremely helpful to many people, and is definitely an important member of our community here.

Free FDD!
Roll It up Should send a limo full of lawyers and film crew and get us fdd out or his story for us to find the rat:lol:
Roll It up Should send a limo full of lawyers and film crew and get us fdd out or his story for us to find the rat:lol:

Yes, the multi-million dollar mega hit website RIU should Fund to have the top 200 RIU members Flown out of state, to protest & troll FDDs case. (hotel & food provided of course) But yes! We Can !
Yes, the multi-million dollar mega hit website RIU should Fund to have the top 200 RIU members Flown out of state, to protest & troll FDDs case. (hotel & food provided of course) But yes! We Can !
Lol, would only make this site grow if they did that ;-)
Dont hold out if ya know something that might save someones ass or give heads up......Peace

I am not........ I am trying to figure it out to save mine I am getting weird stuff in mail saying I have a package at post office.......this whole this is trippy says I need $3.00 to pick it up I have never ordered anything that needs to be paid to pick up?????
I am not........ I am trying to figure it out to save mine I am getting weird stuff in mail saying I have a package at post office.......this whole this is trippy says I need $3.00 to pick it up I have never ordered anything that needs to be paid to pick up?????

Here in cali they make you pay to pick up an item that was "attempted" to be delivered. if you were not home & did not answer they take it back & charge a few bucks to get it.
I am not........ I am trying to figure it out to save mine I am getting weird stuff in mail saying I have a package at post office.......this whole this is trippy says I need $3.00 to pick it up I have never ordered anything that needs to be paid to pick up?????

Paranoya strikes deep ner ner ner enr ner Into your life it will creep

It's all fun and games till it ain't.
Lessons to be learned here my friends.
The box they want u to pick up is from me it's flowers for you to start the weekend off right, just wish I could be your guard dog.....woff woff woff
so what does a 1/2 drunk redivider do on a friday night after a long week?

Post on RIU of course...

ok, so we can let FDD's story slide below the headlines. we can let it be 12th page news, right in front of the op-eds, yet after the movie showtimes..... this guy can't just become another faceless statistic.

this story needs to be told. anybody and anybody who knows the details please come forward. this guy has nothing to loose, but anybody who hasn't dealt with the feds does.

the community at RIU will benefit from having FDD's story told. let's stop the nonesense and have this guy become some sort of poster-child of the bullshit that is marijuana laws.

i mean, everybody here can just let this guy sink into obscurity, but his story will repeat itself unless we organize, we start documenting the harm this policy does, and until we gain support...

you may do whatever you want.... letting this guy sit in jail for who knows how long with nobody remembering or talking about it is a lack of empathy for every grower in america.....
Anybody that says I don't have ties with these people is bullshit so all I ever did was express my concern for people I KNEW and spoke with on a personal level !!!!!!! I stay praying for them, that is all I can do!!!!!!!!!
There are no new details to be told. I have not been able to find anything about it on a search, and neither has fdd's wife. I talk with her daily, and she doesn't know any more than this. She was talking with fdd daily, and 5 days ago the calls stopped. She doesn't know what happened to him. She suspects they shipped him to Illinois, but she won't know until he is able to call her again.

I don't believe he's even been arraigned yet, and certainly has not spoken with a lawyer. It's been 17 days.
I know a lot of places keep you locked in for the 1st 72 hours,no phone calls or nothing for them first 3 days,transporting him to Illinois could of took 2 days so maybe she'll hear from him tomorrow.
man i really don't know fdd at all but just knowing that somebody on this site is dealing with bullshit like this is too much...I hope to hear some good news soon..
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