Voidlings First Cab

Hey bro. I would think any cal/mag supplement would do. Once you get into some top quality nutes you shouldn't need any supplements like that. Remember if the ph is off (too low) the cal/mag won't be absorbed by the plant anyways so your first step is to get your water/nutes ph'd properly. Feed/supply stores sometimes have a few gardening supplies if you cant find what you want around town. The ph test drop kits are accurate and very inexpensive.

Good luck man!
I personally hate the test strips. I always have this doubt and I hate that feeling. I have em as back ups cause they are cheap and do work.

at least get the strips, but one thing to remember w. them testers. You also need to buy calibration solution ... probe solution....When I first got mine, 28$ ..I walked out with 30$ in fucking bottles, small bottles to add! I reuse my solutions and change them out every so ofter. I didnt wanna contaminate the whole bottle, So i pour a little into another container and use outta that.

I use a Flora 3 part, never had a problem w/ cal-mag. The micro formula is pretty good. Thats why I like three part hyrdro nutes...If i see a def. I just bump one of the numbers to fix. Aint got that power with all in ones...and most all in ones cant put some micro's in the mixmwith out making a imbalance and actually causing lockout. So some nutrients, especially all in ones Might need a different product to supplement some micro nutes. And a Cal-Mag bottle from botanicare is cheap and every grower should have a cal-mag source laying around for emergencies LOL
Yeah next go around I'll probably try the three part and follow the lucas formula. Once I get used to the plants I'll pull out my general organics and get some sub-b and sub-m and try organics.

I've got a long trip to get to the hydro store and they only have the general hydroponics calmag and it's $20 for their smallest bottle.

I'd have to go elsewhere or buy online for the strips. The ones here don't go low enough for coco grow. Some of the meters on ebay come with the solutions to calibrate the meter. I also need ph up and down.

I need to go to the next town to the feed store to see if they have some seed I want to get for the yard so I'll check when I go.
Oh and maxibloom has 5% calcium and 3.5% water soluble magnesium plus I'm using tapwater that's hard water
Clone 5 and 8 in the coco are done for, neither showed roots. The ones that have yellowing leaves, does that indicate roots? Should I do light feed with root nutes or regular nutes at low strength?
Probably Ph issues but one plant has half of first leaves turned crunchy crispy. There has been no nutes.

Got my ventilation gear in. The 4in filter is much bigger than expected. Will have to blow through it and have it outside my cab.

Both types of fans make lots of air noise, need to see if I can throttle them back.

Any ideas on mounting duct boosters? They're just cylinders no mount points
you would have to browse around a hardware store and get creative to mount that booster.

If you dont have venting tube on both ends of inlines, in and out noise is alot more.

They do sell controllers to adjust speeds.

Was it a clone that turned crunchy?

Yellow leaves dont always mean roots, Usually it means its about to root, and that its taking all the energy stored in its leafs to grow roots. Water when dry , using nutrients at a low strength.
Yeah these fans are bigger than expected. Think they're too big to mount in my little 2x4x2 box as it'll be in the way for the lights I believe. This cab is in no way stealth so should I be ok mounting it outside the box and use ducting to pull air from inside?

My other cab was meant to be stealth and I could mount it but the air noise will make it not so stealthy, but the air pump for the bubble cloner and the pc fans are already noisy.

Guess I'm saying screw stealth. No one comes over even when I try bribing them.

Not a clone, was the bb seedling.

I'll use that GH rooting bottle I got, real low ferts but supposed to help with root growth.
Pulling the cord when unexpected visitors knock is pretty stealth lol and turning off fans before expected guests arrive will help keep it stealth. Just keep heat in mind.

is it that gen hydro genorgaics root booster?
I used it , but I usually mix it in my water that is in my bubble cloner, but once my clones root i give em big boy nutrients
Can you upbuild that cab to house the fans? You can insulate the inside to reduce noise.
You know like a little box ontop of a box, Link them with a 6in hold in the bottom of the new box and the top of the old one Run your venting threw that hole? Its a nice picture in my head but I have hard times trying to explain what I see.

I was considering buying that stuff before but now I remember, the price!
Yeah I wouldn't of bought it but a guy at the hydro store tossed me a sample bottle.

My cab that's in the first pics couldn't be built up like that. The second could be but I plan to put a bigger cab on top of it for flowering
Hey guys, been a minute.

Voidling, if you put the flowering cab onto the top of your other cab, you could still box in the fan and get some of the soft ducting and split it in half partially and roll those into smaller ducts like a "Y" shape and airflow both boxes on the one fan. Just a thought really, but I can see a setup like it in my head.

Sucks about the BB seedling- did it die completely?

Alright, off to another page!
Yeah I'm thinking about doing something like that to vent the air to outside the house.

No, They're all having individual problems unfortunately
Good idea, is there any way to tie into your dryer exhaust vent? Likely not close enough.
If you have and older home, you could go into a hollow wall under the house.
Slap a carbon filter in there somewhere and shouldn't have any issues.

Just thinking. You'll figure something good out, surely.
But anyhoo, keep on keepin on !
Too far for dryer vent. There's no way to go up or down, only in room or out the window.

Another cutting in coco is done for. Cutting number 1 I see a little tiny root. The bubble cloner isn't showing any roots.
make sure you dont go over 75ish or yul end up with rotten clones ... i left my heating mat on too long last week when it got cold and payed a price