Active Member
Hello RIU,
this is a second grow, well One is an Onyx and other is a Snowryder (SR)
Onyx is a normal grow while SR is a trial grow to see how home made nutes can be used instead of ferts for growing and also has been LST'd
I also wanted to see the effect of transplanting during flowering so in the future it is a trump card, whether to transplant or not.
Well firstly as I always do I take great pride in thanking RIU for learning the art and also a certain group whose been teaching me by passing the knowledge.Firstly
Kevin Murphy, Momapug (lots of advice during seedling), Ocalli, Llamamontana, Joey, Bluejeans,Cherrybomb,Kona, panteras, midamber, fender, wiimb, goten and if i forgotten anyone i will edit. and last but not least the thread which is more like University of RIU, DN and its CREW.
OK lets get to the topic now.
Its what I call a Very poor mans grow, low budget entirely, reflectors made up of cardboard and layered with A4 stuck with bluetag.
One oscillater, One grow heater, and 200w cfls with supporting CFLs
dual spectrum bulbs.
yeast CO2
Since the SR is purely EXPERIMENTAL . Im not advising anyone to use it yet, as it is a trial for cheap nutes.
Nutes (all diluted)that are going to be used for SR are :
Match heads.
Unadulterated rolling tobacco ash potting mix. not ciggie ash, has too much additives.
Melted Sugar water
Potato skin ash / water
Lentil Starch
Urine for VEG only - Ewww..but wait... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/10/071008093608.htm and this
here is a little handy site ull benefit greatly if ure looking for household material for nutes, even includes Fresh turkey
View attachment 2035305
the SR was planted a week after onyx and both took their sweet time to break surface, they were placed in soil direct.
Here they are below the Onyx is 23 days old and SR is 16 days old and got LST done. Onyx got nutes of 7-7-7, and non for SR yet.
View attachment 2035309
Below she is on day 30 with Onyx. Here she is fed with match heads diluted in water
View attachment 2035310
Day 33, didnt actually see much stress, vigorous.
after 3 days
View attachment 2035366
after 10 days
View attachment 2035317
onyx is below SR same as above.
View attachment 2035318
Magnified trich of Onyx yesterday, 200x

onyx pistillate below
View attachment 2035387
SR had to be transplanted from her 1.5 litre ice cream tub to a bucket, long story short couldnt find the ideal size pot ideal too big or too small, so used a bucket.
but not an easy task there as it was already flowering and not enough soil for a 8.5 litre bucket. The elevation was vital so had to push the surface up somehow coz bucket is too deep.
So First drilled holes in the bucket then stuffed with bags and Soda cans, then placed soil over a shopping bag with pores for drainage and placed it in bucket and taped the edges.
heres how it was done.

back in position.

Please leave your valued feedback.

this is a second grow, well One is an Onyx and other is a Snowryder (SR)
Onyx is a normal grow while SR is a trial grow to see how home made nutes can be used instead of ferts for growing and also has been LST'd
I also wanted to see the effect of transplanting during flowering so in the future it is a trump card, whether to transplant or not.
Well firstly as I always do I take great pride in thanking RIU for learning the art and also a certain group whose been teaching me by passing the knowledge.Firstly
Kevin Murphy, Momapug (lots of advice during seedling), Ocalli, Llamamontana, Joey, Bluejeans,Cherrybomb,Kona, panteras, midamber, fender, wiimb, goten and if i forgotten anyone i will edit. and last but not least the thread which is more like University of RIU, DN and its CREW.
OK lets get to the topic now.
Its what I call a Very poor mans grow, low budget entirely, reflectors made up of cardboard and layered with A4 stuck with bluetag.
One oscillater, One grow heater, and 200w cfls with supporting CFLs
dual spectrum bulbs.
yeast CO2
Since the SR is purely EXPERIMENTAL . Im not advising anyone to use it yet, as it is a trial for cheap nutes.
Nutes (all diluted)that are going to be used for SR are :
Match heads.
Unadulterated rolling tobacco ash potting mix. not ciggie ash, has too much additives.
Melted Sugar water
Potato skin ash / water
Lentil Starch
Urine for VEG only - Ewww..but wait... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/10/071008093608.htm and this
here is a little handy site ull benefit greatly if ure looking for household material for nutes, even includes Fresh turkey

View attachment 2035305
the SR was planted a week after onyx and both took their sweet time to break surface, they were placed in soil direct.
Here they are below the Onyx is 23 days old and SR is 16 days old and got LST done. Onyx got nutes of 7-7-7, and non for SR yet.
View attachment 2035309
Below she is on day 30 with Onyx. Here she is fed with match heads diluted in water
View attachment 2035310
Day 33, didnt actually see much stress, vigorous.
after 3 days
View attachment 2035366
after 10 days
View attachment 2035317
onyx is below SR same as above.
View attachment 2035318
Magnified trich of Onyx yesterday, 200x

onyx pistillate below
View attachment 2035387
SR had to be transplanted from her 1.5 litre ice cream tub to a bucket, long story short couldnt find the ideal size pot ideal too big or too small, so used a bucket.
but not an easy task there as it was already flowering and not enough soil for a 8.5 litre bucket. The elevation was vital so had to push the surface up somehow coz bucket is too deep.
So First drilled holes in the bucket then stuffed with bags and Soda cans, then placed soil over a shopping bag with pores for drainage and placed it in bucket and taped the edges.
heres how it was done.

back in position.

Please leave your valued feedback.