Mit Romney is a serial killer...

beans davis

Well-Known Member
And now he wants to throw a bunch of money in NASA to get men on an asteroid so we have practice to do like in the movie "Armageddon" if we ever need to.
Give ME some money first.
Shaggy how come you always wantin people to give you shit for free?
In the jail house you get free kickins..and more.


Well-Known Member
Shaggy how come you always wantin people to give you shit for free?
In the jail house you get free kickins..and more.
When have I EVER asked for anything free? :lol: :lol: :dunce:

And just now it was just to prove a point. I don't really want Obama to hand me money, or think he will.

But he should give it to the PEOPLE, before he gives it to companies :dunce:


Well-Known Member
WE as America got him killed, by supporting those people, that we had NO business supporting.
And Obama was cool with it.

Bin Laden was killed on Obama's watch. That's the other leader.
And if we actually take out Al Quida, we will cripple entire countries.
Al Quida exists BECAUSE we crippled those countries in the first place during/after Desert Storm.

NOOO I don't feel closure.
I didn't want that done. Bin Laden didn't attack us because he's evil. He attacked us because WE ARE :dunce:
And why should we have killed him now?
Bush 1, Clinton, and Bush 2 ALL had opportunities to kill him, and did not...
Clinton could have gone to war, instead of us waiting for the terrorist attack, but we don't need to be fucking with broke ass sand niggers in the cradle of civilization...Which no president since Clinton has understood. (Might I add that Clinton's administration was 1 of 2 administrations in America's history to REVERSE some of the deficit, instead of plummeting us further)

Yes it was terrible what happened on 9/11.
But by the end of year 1 of the war in Iraq/Afghanistan, we had caused more damage to their countries, and economies than they could have ever hoped to do to ours.

Obama is better than the republicans, but he is a sneaky fucker, a back door dealer, and he didn't do what he said he would...But that is partially our fault, he wanted American's to stand up for themselves as well...But still. There is the crazy, and sneakyness to worry about...and He won't hesitate to murder a world leader...Which is probably going to just add on to the hate for America that the world has been building for around 200 years now.

Ron Paul, and Newt are the conservative candidates.
Even though Newt has had 3 wives, asked for an open marriage, and shit talks Spanish as "The language of the ghetto", and those are some of the most conservative, family oriented people.
I disagree with some stuff you are saying , the world evolves , even in a dog eat dog way , 3rd world countries , Islamic religious countries are in a different culture , the point is , goverments voted in by its people are making decisions, Al'Quida and other terrorist groups can not claim this , Dictators like Gadaffi and Assad , can not survive in the modern world nor can groups like the Taliban etc,

I am not from your country , so i am out of my depth , but it's my view that Only countries with a modern goverment , voted in by it's own people can only really be players .......

Bin Laden deserved what he got , the man was a tyrant and a coward.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with some stuff you are saying , the world evolves , even in a dog eat dog way , 3rd world countries , Islamic religious countries are in a different culture , the point is , goverments voted in by its people are making decisions, Al'Quida and other terrorist groups can not claim this , Dictators like Gadaffi and Assad , can not survive in the modern world nor can groups like the Taliban etc,

I am not from your country , so i am out of my depth , but it's my view that Only countries with a modern goverment , voted in by it's own people can only really be players .......

Bin Laden deserved what he got , the man was a tyrant and a coward.
But just because they came into power without a vote, doesn't give us the right to come in and remove them...Voting is new, just because we do it, doesn't mean everyone has to.
And we shouldn't be taking people's heads over it. That's not "evolved".

Bin Laden wasn't a tyrant.
He wasn't the leader of a country, he was the equivalent of the middle eastern Donald Trump.
Providing jobs, money, and food to the people THAT AMERICA LEFT TO DIE, after they spent ALL OF THEIR MONEY helping us in Desert Storm, expecting some war spoils. But being left with nothing but guns, tanks, helicopters, and empty stomaches....What would YOU do?

Al Quida was just mad about the position we left their countries in, so they formed, and decided that if we are going to act like we do, they need to take us down.
The same way we felt AFTER they attacked us, they have been feeling for OVER 15 YEARS, CONSTANTLY.

And I know the Taliban is bad.
But that doesn't mean we need to pick sides.

We are SHAPING HISTORY, and for the highest BIDDER, or for our own personal stolen reward, not for the good of the world.


Well-Known Member
Middle eastern Donald Trump?? Hardly. Bin laden was a sociopathic murderer plain and simple. And even though it was belated, he got what he deserved, and maybe that's a SMALL bit of solace for those who lost loved ones, and for our country in general which did suffer grief and trauma because of this cowardly attack. Regardless, it WAS justice being served

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Al-Qaeda was founded August 11, 1988.
Desert Storm started August 2, 1990.

No Afghans helped out in Desert Storm either. Unless you are somewhat confused and referring to when the US gave aid weapons to the Afghanis during the Russian invasion in the 80's. Nobody was left to die, or "spent all their money helping us". The US supported them trying to defend their homeland. It was never their responsibility to feed them as well.


Well-Known Member
Middle eastern Donald Trump?? Hardly. Bin laden was a sociopathic murderer plain and simple. And even though it was belated, he got what he deserved, and maybe that's a SMALL bit of solace for those who lost loved ones, and for our country in general which did suffer grief and trauma because of this cowardly attack. Regardless, it WAS justice being served
No he wasn't.

They started after America left like 3 countries IN SHAMBLES.
Bin Laden is from a ruch family (like Trump), and used his trust fund money (like Trump), to start an empire (like Trump). But in the Middle East...

Al Quida opened farms opium, and regular.
And I'm sure retail stores, but haven't heard of them doing that.
Which provided FOOD, MONEY, and LIFE to his people.

I'm not saying he's a saint, or even that he chose the BEST way to handle everything.

But we are at least 10X more evil of an empire than Al Quida could ever WISH to be :D


Well-Known Member
But just because they came into power without a vote, doesn't give us the right to come in and remove them...Voting is new, just because we do it, doesn't mean everyone has to.
And we shouldn't be taking people's heads over it. That's not "evolved".

Bin Laden wasn't a tyrant.
He wasn't the leader of a country, he was the equivalent of the middle eastern Donald Trump.
Providing jobs, money, and food to the people THAT AMERICA LEFT TO DIE, after they spent ALL OF THEIR MONEY helping us in Desert Storm, expecting some war spoils. But being left with nothing but guns, tanks, helicopters, and empty stomaches....What would YOU do?

Al Quida was just mad about the position we left their countries in, so they formed, and decided that if we are going to act like we do, they need to take us down.
The same way we felt AFTER they attacked us, they have been feeling for OVER 15 YEARS, CONSTANTLY.

And I know the Taliban is bad.
But that doesn't mean we need to pick sides.

We are SHAPING HISTORY, and for the highest BIDDER, or for our own personal stolen reward, not for the good of the world.
You have a shrewd caveman type attitude without wishing to offend ,
we see things differently ,
that much is clear,
Bin Laden , Gadaffi and Saddam were all tyrants , cowards and had the backing of people who were brainwashed or those who were kept rich,

There must be law , Order and Civil rights, without this you get Libiya , Iraq and Egypt , the evidence is right in front of you,
the world evolves and moves forward,
I expected you to be a little more home grown ,
some of your words are shocking,
was interesting none the less,


Well-Known Member
Al-Qaeda was founded August 11, 1988.
Desert Storm started August 2, 1990.

No Afghans helped out in Desert Storm either. Unless you are somewhat confused and referring to when the US gave aid weapons to the Afghanis during the Russian invasion in the 80's. Nobody was left to die, or "spent all their money helping us". The US supported them trying to defend their homeland. It was never their responsibility to feed them as well.
Just because Al Quida was a group 2 years before, doesn't mean that that wasn't their platform :dunce:

And you're talking about the wrong country :dunce:
I'm pretty sure it's Pakistan, but not positive. I KNOW it wasn't Afghanistan, and I never said it was.


Well-Known Member
You have a shrewd caveman type attitude without wishing to offend ,
we see things differently ,
that much is clear,
Bin Laden , Gadaffi and Saddam were all tyrants , cowards and had the backing of people who were brainwashed or those who were kept rich,

There must be law , Order and Civil rights, without this you get Libiya , Iraq and Egypt , the evidence is right in front of you,
the world evolves and moves forward,
I expected you to be a little more home grown ,
some of your words are shocking,
was interesting none the less,
YOU have a caveman mentality.

"That tribe doesn't agree with us. Kill their leader, and take their women"

Who the fuck ARE you?

We SHOULD NOT be going around the world killing people, because we think we are "helping".

It doesn't matter what we think we are doing.

If it gets bad enough there. THEIR people would have come together, and if it was bad enough it would have been an international effort of the people (within the middle east, not America's business) And their could have been some REAL shit go down, that made some REAL change.

Instead we come in like Britain in India, and take that shit over by force, since imperialism is banned.

You're similar to George Bush in ideals :D

Just because we do it, doesn't make it right :dunce:


Well-Known Member
YOU have a caveman mentality.

"That tribe doesn't agree with us. Kill their leader, and take their women"

Who the fuck ARE you?

We SHOULD NOT be going around the world killing people, because we think we are "helping".

It doesn't matter what we think we are doing.

If it gets bad enough there. THEIR people would have come together, and if it was bad enough it would have been an international effort of the people (within the middle east, not America's business) And their could have been some REAL shit go down, that made some REAL change.

Instead we come in like Britain in India, and take that shit over by force, since imperialism is banned.

You're similar to George Bush in ideals :D

Just because we do it, doesn't make it right :dunce:
I said i didn't wish to offend , it's my opinion , that does not give you reason to swear at me , keep it real , we have different opinions, no need for that.


Well-Known Member
I said i didn't wish to offend , it's my opinion , that does not give you reason to swear at me , keep it real , we have different opinions, no need for that.
I didn't even notice I swore, and it's the internet. Don't take it personal.


Well-Known Member
And I just read back.

I didn't swear at you.

I said "Who the fuck are you?"

Not "Fuck you" or "you're an asshole" or "Suck a cock" or "You're a cunt"

That's swearing at you :D


Well-Known Member
At least we had an interesting convo , which is more than i normally get from the Gonzo's in here ,

On a better note my new nute truncheon and ph stick will be here tomoz :)