The Weed Nerd~

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'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
thanks for playing some black sabbath mate...

I have been cranking it for the past week...and then to hear some on a weed nerd was weird (in a good way)...have been doing a catch up of the weed nerd...about to light up a fat one for the latest one.



Well-Known Member
I highly doubt it. Subcool believes in growing good large size plants, with good veg times. Ive never seen a mini or small female plant from subcool, anywhere.

you also produce better seeds and buds when plants are allowed to mature.(i.e. two-three month veg)
if you want top quality genetics. it needs to be done properly, not rushed.
I guess you didn't see the video of the harlequin pollinated for test seeds.. Veg time doesn't matter either, a plant won't flower until mature. Small plants or big plants makes no difference to the genetics.

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
I know there was some discussion on Weed Nerd number #31 regarding CBD and Hemp before I was banned from that video. As you know Hemp is very high is CBD, almost exclusively CBD. Northern Feral hemp is SUPER hardy and fast and can add a lot of vigor and CBD to your good cannabis. I've made backcrosses to Cindy 99 for up to 6 generations experimenting for CBD which people use for pain that don't want to get high per say. I've unsubcribed to Subcool 420(don't want to be tempted to comment) and will no longer giving my 2 cents there because some fellow is pissed off at my comments. I don't want to screw with Subcools channel in any way out of respect for him.

However I would advise Subcool to revenue share with Youtube. Why? Because it's easy to click here to shorten the add and I think Subcool deserves the support more than Youtube. Youtube will slather with adds regardless.

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
Erie Genetics, that's very interesting regarding Colorado's cannabis laws. Can you talk a little more about it works? Colorado seems to control everything from seed to sell. How do dispenser's get there meds? I heard you can't even grow if there's a dispenser within 30 miles or something? Wow, that's harsh.


New Member
I guess you didn't see the video of the harlequin pollinated for test seeds.. Veg time doesn't matter either, a plant won't flower until mature. Small plants or big plants makes no difference to the genetics.
I have seen every video he has. multiple times. he didnt ask about test seeds. he asked about pollinating a shit load of smaller plants to hurry up the restocks.
test seeds are different then seeds he wants to sell and give to public. would you really wanna make thousands of test seeds? (NO, never)
have you seen his seed making room? they are all big ass plants.

it does matter about veg time.

a plant will flower before 'mature'. you need the veg time, it does matter. they build up terpens and essentials needed for 'better' buds/plant.
you need like 8weeks + of veg time for fully 'mature' plant.

edit: I (and i think subcool) believe its better to let plants veg longer.
all im trying to get at i guess, is, there are countless ways that work. and produce same results.

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
*I think Sub removed #31 temporally because of all the trolling and swearing. Sub already has 3 Sort of chill out period perhaps. In any event I'm gonna leave it alone and just post here.


Well-Known Member
just received my order of nug jars!!! almost pissed myself when i saw how many stamps were used! kudos TGA merchandise team lol made my day...thnx Sub!



Well-Known Member
Steep Hill was not impressed with the negative comments and they are releasing there own video soon so Wilson asked me to take it down.
There equipment is amazing and it can be set up anywhere. The small room in the back of the VR was kinda dingy even though the store itself is nice its just very small.
In there video they will address many of the viewers negative concerns.



Well-Known Member
I have seen every video he has. multiple times. he didnt ask about test seeds. he asked about pollinating a shit load of smaller plants to hurry up the restocks.
test seeds are different then seeds he wants to sell and give to public. would you really wanna make thousands of test seeds? (NO, never)
have you seen his seed making room? they are all big ass plants.

it does matter about veg time.

a plant will flower before 'mature'. you need the veg time, it does matter. its fact, they build up terpens and essentials needed for 'better' buds/plant.
you need like 8weeks + of veg time for fully 'mature' plant.

Your response to him about the restocks went into narrow minded thoughts about how veg time means quality. Better seeds are not produced through longer veg time. You have the same quality seeds from a few dozen 2 week vegged 1 foot plants as you do trees, all depends on your grow style.
I (Ccoastal) attempted to warn posters on YouTube about the bickering and personal attacks toward each other. Unfortunately it made little difference and the video was marked private, rendering it unviewable.

while a plant will flower before it reaches maturity, the size of the buds will NOT be comparable to buds from a mature plant. the only way to check genetics is to veg a plant to maturity before flowering, or u run the risk of thinking a possibly amazing plant has light buds.


Well-Known Member

  • I (Ccoastal) attempted to warn posters on YouTube about the bickering and personal attacks toward each other. Unfortunately it made little difference and the video was marked private, rendering it unviewable.



Well-Known Member
why can't everybody just smoke a bowl, chill out, and act like adults. always has to be a dick swingin competition


New Member
Your response to him about the restocks went into narrow minded thoughts about how veg time means quality. Better seeds are not produced through longer veg time. You have the same quality seeds from a few dozen 2 week vegged 1 foot plants as you do trees, all depends on your grow style.
IMO its always 'better' to let a plant go 8weeks veg. even if its for seed production.

agree to disagree it is.

sucks about 31. i have nothing to do today...


Well-Known Member
Right.. there are more then a few ways to skin a cat.. I might not skin mine the way you all do but it really comes down to what works for you.... if it will it will.. and if it won't it won't.. Different Strokes and all that jazz...

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
yeah that sucks that it is on private...

was looking forward to watching it...

can we maybe lock the comment section for future videos? or direct comments here where they can be better moderated?
it is indeed a shame we all can not get along, some it seems need to frequent the pipe more often to keep their angers in check.

i also consider it desrespectful to bicker back and forth, while others are there to learn and increase their skills with the good herb.

im sure the community will settle down eventually. unforunately some newcomers often post before reviewing videos which leads some to post short, often rude responses and the conversation degrades from there into mindless jibber jabber of trying to poke holes in other posters comments.

always keep it constructive, friendly and green.
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