Mit Romney is a serial killer...


Well-Known Member
Who's Mit Romney? heres a vid while I google :lol:



Well-Known Member
I see him alot on uk news bbc 24hr , i don't trust him 1 bit with his fake shiny teeth smile!!!


Well-Known Member
I see him alot on uk news bbc 24hr , i don't trust him 1 bit with his fake shiny teeth smile!!!
He's a horrible person.

He makes 10,000 dollar bets AT debates, in front of the American people.
While also being asked questions like "What would you like to see done with welfare?"

He is too far gone, and it's been for too long.
He is NOT a representation of the American people, he is a representation of the super wealthy in America..
Same with Newt. They are too far from the real issues to ACTUALLY understand them...
It sucks, America is a circus...And we're just picking the handsomest spokesman, to sell his words to the crowd...

He's only gonna beat Newt because women HATE Newt...
But both choices SUCK...


Well-Known Member
I agree with you , and that's exactly how it looks over here on TV , kinda like how many other fakers can i get to follow me , Who should be the candidate ?
I have seen Santorum and i didn't like him either , Their is that Newt guy , he seemed to talk sense ? am i way off ?
soz i just follow the news ,
while i'm on it , do you think Obama has at least delivered on Getting your troops home , i kind of like him , he seems human if you get that :)


Well-Known Member
I agree with you , and that's exactly how it looks over here on TV , kinda like how many other fakers can i get to follow me , Who should be the candidate ?
I have seen Santorum and i didn't like him either , Their is that Newt guy , he seemed to talk sense ? am i way off ?
soz i just follow the news ,
while i'm on it , do you think Obama has at least delivered on Getting your troops home , i kind of like him , he seems human if you get that :)
I don't think any of the Republican's should be the candidate.
And I'm afraid of Obama...

He was supposed to be the president of peace, and 2 leaders were assassinated on his watch, on the other side of the PLANET.

Ron Paul isn't "bad", but he wants an America that the Quakers would be proud of...
And I don't...

Colbert isn't running any more.
But that would be like a New Age Reagan.
Reagan was an actor, looked kinda the same, and is still an adored president.

There would be so many amazing stories to tell our kids if Colbert was president...
And all he would be able to do is ask us..."What do you want me to do now that you elected me America?"
And the other branches wouldn't let him do ANYTHING anyways, so all he would get to do is veto...

Another candidate that looks good is Gary Johnson, or Johnston or something...
He has already proposed how he can almost eliminate the deficit in America.
And was known as "Governor veto" in his state, for the amount of veto's he did as governor...

Either would be nice...
But Mit or Newt will end up winning...

And probably Mit since women hate Newt for his past...

Then it's him against Obama...


Well-Known Member
Reagan even added an 11th commandment that is being completely ignored by the Republican's today...But was as good as gods word in the past...

Which is:
Republican's will not attack other republican's.

Newt and Mit aren't very Reagan friendly, and shouldn't even be CONSIDERED by the republicans...

But they're being charmed by Mit's smile and fat wallet, and Newt's old fashioned racism, and woman hating...


Well-Known Member
I do not think that Gadaffi would have fallen any other way , there was never going to be a peaceful end , that man unleashed so much hurt on his people , despite all the political lies,
The no fly zone was crucial , Gadaffi's planes would have levelled Bengazi (soz for spelling),
I agree the way he was killed was animalistic , but troops were kept off the ground,

Syria worries me , this is a much different cake , but i like the way he is handling Iran ,
Sorry i like Obama and his wife , i hear so much racist stuff over this side of the atlantic and it's all petty ,
I for 1 think it's underestimated that a black man is in charge of the worlds biggest super power,
this for me was a huge step,

Most countries in Europe have a huge deficit issue , due to the 2007-8 boom , it seems there is no quick fix,
Capitalism means to fix this , the poor get poorer, and to achieve growth , the rich get more powerful , then the economy picks up,
real shit but it always seems this way,

As i do not have the insight of an American , again after Bush,to me Obama is down to earth and human , your troops are home from Iraq as promised and may be leaving Afghanistan a year sooner than he stated when elected 2013 instead of 2014,

has he not earnt another term ?


Well-Known Member
Obama is ok, but I'd like another choice. Unfortunately whoever the republican candidate is, IMO Obama is still a better choice


Well-Known Member
I do not think that Gadaffi would have fallen any other way , there was never going to be a peaceful end , that man unleashed so much hurt on his people , despite all the political lies,
The no fly zone was crucial , Gadaffi's planes would have levelled Bengazi (soz for spelling),
I agree the way he was killed was animalistic , but troops were kept off the ground,

Syria worries me , this is a much different cake , but i like the way he is handling Iran ,
Sorry i like Obama and his wife , i hear so much racist stuff over this side of the atlantic and it's all petty ,
I for 1 think it's underestimated that a black man is in charge of the worlds biggest super power,
this for me was a huge step,

Most countries in Europe have a huge deficit issue , due to the 2007-8 boom , it seems there is no quick fix,
Capitalism means to fix this , the poor get poorer, and to achieve growth , the rich get more powerful , then the economy picks up,
real shit but it always seems this way,

As i do not have the insight of an American , again after Bush,to me Obama is down to earth and human , your troops are home from Iraq as promised and may be leaving Afghanistan a year sooner than he stated when elected 2013 instead of 2014,

has he not earnt another term ?
No he didn't earn another term.
He has achieved a lot. But he's like the political equivalent of the godfather.

He promised CHANGE, he promised HOPE.

Jobs were created, but that's not the only change we were looking for, when he told us all we had to do was hope.

Even black people in America are turning to Ron Paul...

And just because Kadafi wasn't going down any other way, didn't mean we had to do it.

And the no fly zone was ok.
But when he started shooting down our planes we shouldn't have got mad.
Because DUH he was gonna shoot down some planes if HE can't fly.

Obama was just like "Do it", and he did, and he killed him...President of peace? Hope? Change?
Maybe for the Middle East, but that's not what he said when he asked us to vote for him the first time...


Well-Known Member
And now he wants to throw a bunch of money in NASA to get men on an asteroid so we have practice to do like in the movie "Armageddon" if we ever need to.
Give ME some money first.


Well-Known Member
He's been handing it out.

I don't see why he can't hand it out to us too...
if you actually worked, instead of spamming the boards, you would have received thousands of dollars in tax breaks under the ARRA.

of course, that is not "handing out money", as you would so love. that is just keeping more of the money you EARN.


Well-Known Member
if you actually worked, instead of spamming the boards, you would have received thousands of dollars in tax breaks under the ARRA.

of course, that is not "handing out money", as you would so love. that is just keeping more of the money you EARN.

I worked this past year, and I'll be getting tax returns...

And it wasn't like an easy register job, or anything.

I worked at an avocado warehouse, and made like $1500 a month.
So my tax return should be the best it's ever been :dunce:

And I have/had no idea what the ARRA is, so unless they automatically do it for you, I wouldn't have received those tax breaks anyways...

Why do you act like you know who I am/what I do?


Well-Known Member
And just because Kadafi wasn't going down any other way said:
Why do you think "WE" (not me lol) killed Gadaffi ?

American warplanes were not really used , it was mainly french and British jets , the americans took more of a covert stance with their operations , he was captured and killed by his own people , after his convoy was hit by a french jet ,
i was impressed that Obama let the U.N run most of the operation,

Who was the other leader who was killed also ?

If i were American i would have to credit Obama with the Death of Bin laden , you must surely feel some closure , at least he got it done,

I remember 9/11 , i was in my Office at work , with the news channel on , watching live as they hit, i remember the tears running down my face as those ppl jumped,

I have not seen 1 republican candidate that even seems half as human as Obama ,
Money should not be the deciding factor when selecting candidates , ie how much campaign funds they had , that's not really democracy,

8 years is not so long in such a massive post , btw i have not seen any conservative candidates so cant comment on them , do they have a hope and is it a 2 horse race in america ?


Well-Known Member
Why do you think "WE" (not me lol) killed Gadaffi ?

American warplanes were not really used , it was mainly french and British jets , the americans took more of a covert stance with their operations , he was captured and killed by his own people , after his convoy was hit by a french jet ,
i was impressed that Obama let the U.N run most of the operation,

Who was the other leader who was killed also ?

If i were American i would have to credit Obama with the Death of Bin laden , you must surely feel some closure , at least he got it done,

I remember 9/11 , i was in my Office at work , with the news channel on , watching live as they hit, i remember the tears running down my face as those ppl jumped,

I have not seen 1 republican candidate that even seems half as human as Obama ,
Money should not be the deciding factor when selecting candidates , ie how much campaign funds they had , that's not really democracy,

8 years is not so long in such a massive post , btw i have not seen any conservative candidates so cant comment on them , do they have a hope and is it a 2 horse race in america ?
WE as America got him killed, by supporting those people, that we had NO business supporting.
And Obama was cool with it.

Bin Laden was killed on Obama's watch. That's the other leader.
And if we actually take out Al Quida, we will cripple entire countries.
Al Quida exists BECAUSE we crippled those countries in the first place during/after Desert Storm.

NOOO I don't feel closure.
I didn't want that done. Bin Laden didn't attack us because he's evil. He attacked us because WE ARE :dunce:
And why should we have killed him now?
Bush 1, Clinton, and Bush 2 ALL had opportunities to kill him, and did not...
Clinton could have gone to war, instead of us waiting for the terrorist attack, but we don't need to be fucking with broke ass sand niggers in the cradle of civilization...Which no president since Clinton has understood. (Might I add that Clinton's administration was 1 of 2 administrations in America's history to REVERSE some of the deficit, instead of plummeting us further)

Yes it was terrible what happened on 9/11.
But by the end of year 1 of the war in Iraq/Afghanistan, we had caused more damage to their countries, and economies than they could have ever hoped to do to ours.

Obama is better than the republicans, but he is a sneaky fucker, a back door dealer, and he didn't do what he said he would...But that is partially our fault, he wanted American's to stand up for themselves as well...But still. There is the crazy, and sneakyness to worry about...and He won't hesitate to murder a world leader...Which is probably going to just add on to the hate for America that the world has been building for around 200 years now.

Ron Paul, and Newt are the conservative candidates.
Even though Newt has had 3 wives, asked for an open marriage, and shit talks Spanish as "The language of the ghetto", and those are some of the most conservative, family oriented people.