The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
White bait is just small fish typically deep fried.. I'm lost as to why crab sticks and slimey sushi is being mentioned.
when its me who's posted being lost is very common ive heard. i was just sayig crab stiks is the closest ive come to stuff like that and was refring to ttts post the other week wer he had sushi or sum shit......................
u see i do remember some things

white fish,jellied shit,,,just doesent appeal to me but im just a muppet sumtimes so i prolly dont know WHAT im missing but everrytime them words are mentioned in tandem im a celebrity withhh jordan aand that fish eye pop comes to mind..puts me rite off .



Active Member
You can't put a price on health Miss B, and the only person bursting through your door is that stalker you keep in the garden. Poor fuckers probably freezing out there, invite him into your warm, curtainless home.
Health?! You're a pair of foodies, you and TTT :D (I'm a shameless foodie so I'm not judging ya)

Hey TTT - this one's for you [link]

You may mock, O Griffon, but behind one of the thickest bushes were some takeaway wrappings and a couple of soda cans and stuff this morning. Mind you, to give a balanced view of this, I should add that I've probably nosed around behind that bush no more than twice since we moved here. Could have been there for 4 months. But I reckon at least the paper wrappings would fall apart pretty quickly in the rain. Anyway. Who cares? I saw my fairy for a very teeny tiny sample taste of his new harvest. Not bad. Ferocious munchies. I'm going to ...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
when its me who's posted being lost is very common ive heard. i was just sayig crab stiks is the closest ive come to stuff like that and was refring to ttts post the other week wer he had sushi or sum shit......................
u see i do remember some things

white fish,jellied shit,,,just doesent appeal to me but im just a muppet sumtimes so i prolly dont know WHAT im missing but everrytime them words are mentioned in tandem im a celebrity withhh jordan aand that fish eye pop comes to mind..puts me rite off .

I ent had sushi in a long long time. Are you saying you've never eaten fish and chips? Battered deep friend fish is a hell of a lot closer to whitebait than crab sticks given that they are essentially the same thing just one is a big fihs one a small fish.


Well-Known Member
I ent had sushi in a long long time. Are you saying you've never eaten fish and chips? Battered deep friend fish is a hell of a lot closer to whitebait than crab sticks given that they are essentially the same thing just one is a big fihs one a small fish.

well yteh ive obvioulsy eaten fish n chips what self respecting yorkshireman aint? DUH!

so essetially ur saying this white bait stuff is just a smaller version of cod or haddock? i always thought the only diffrence between cod and haddock was thers no bones in the cod and ther is in haddock?

and sushis fukin orrible the sheer thought of that and yup the jordan eyeball comes to mind

looking at this for tonite havent seen the 1st but they say sequels suk so if this is good the 1st will ber awsome no?130006974361916211828_gantz2-nt1.jpg

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well yteh ive obvioulsy eaten fish n chips what self respecting yorkshireman aint? DUH!

so essetially ur saying this white bait stuff is just a smaller version of cod or haddock? i always thought the only diffrence between cod and haddock was thers no bones in the cod and ther is in haddock?

and sushis fukin orrible the sheer thought of that and yup the jordan eyeball comes to mind
Um, cod and haddock are different fish.... Like salmon and shark.

And yes, whitebait i a small fish that get' battered, tempuraed, breaded, and then fried.


Well-Known Member
Um, cod and haddock are different fish.... Like salmon and shark.
yeh but the only diffrence is one has bones and one dont,,thats what the chippy(asian) says?

bloody hate my home town i wanna get bak home to york/scarborough sides :( yes i grew up les than 20 mins from scarborough and know absolutely fuck all about fish
before u all jump on that one!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
ukrg if u wanna tasty fish go for thin sea bas. its the nuts man. everybody ive cooked it for hammers it n half my mates n family dont normally eat fish

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I used to do the butchery for the Fat Duck. All i really think about it is 1. he is a gimmick and 2. he buys the exactly the same meat as most well-to-do £20 a course resteraunts/gastropubs, I'm not one for paying an extra £130 because it came with bacon flavour porridge on the side and a fancy television personality doing the prep in the kitchen. I'll take the £20 lamb shank and mash with gravy in the pub with a pint any day :) I have the majority of the London Michelin star resteraunts cook books and handful more from various world class chefs, most of the recipes are pretty cack, half of them seem to add fancy ingredients purely so it can have fancy ingredients, doesn't actually do anything for the dish.
Heston doesn't actually cook at The Fat Duck, he has 15 chefs working there for him. It has a £2.000.000 a year turnover and doesn't break even, it makes a loss!

My dad is a Chef of over 30 years who trained at The Box Tree with Marco Pierre White. My good friend Sam Wilson is the dessert chef for the Gordon Ramsey restaurant
at Claridge's Hotel, London.
The finest meal I have ever eaten, hands down was from the Alain Ducasse restaurant at The Dorchester Hotel, London.
You don't earn 3 stars for having fancy ingredients just for the sake of it. Having 3 stars means exactly what it should, you have achieved culinary perfection. This is why there are only four restaurants in England with 3 stars (The Fat Duck, The Waterside, Claridge's and The Dorchester), Marco Pierre White gave his back.

I'm a Master Bartender myself, I'm 32 and I've been in the industry seventeen years (I started waiting silver service tables at 15 years old). I've just spent the last seven years training staff for Europe's largest casino chain. I specialise in Molecular Mixology (what Heston does but with booze) and I'm the fastest, working Bartender in the north of England.
I can do amazing things with drinks and take great pride in my chosen field but I know there are MANY more Bartenders all over the world that are far better than I'll ever be, I'm good but I'm no Eben Freeman!

I would happily pay £250 a head for a meal and an evening I will never forget, no matter how many cookbooks and recipes somebody has they'll never be able to cook those recipes like a 3 star chef and THAT is what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
ukrg if u wanna tasty fish go for thin sea bas. its the nuts man. everybody ive cooked it for hammers it n half my mates n family dont normally eat fish
OH OH I had scate once froma chippy in london asked for 1 of each like proepper yorkshirman does and the chipp(yup u guessed it asian again) gives me it,its looked like cod, tasted like shit

y do asians take oru age old methods and fuck em up i mean do u see many british owned indian takeaways? no coz we just cant do that shit they should leav the fish n ships to the ones that know it best

cuee.....TTT with his crytz

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So you simply believe him? LMAOAs i say, they are different fish, like a dolphin is different to a shark.I'm sorry but i'm having a hard time working out whether to call you ot for trolling like a retard or simply being a retard :p

do you know what skate is UKRG?

Skate looks NOTHING like cod..

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
ttt wots roe?or row? had it once wen was a kid at a chippy? is it a type off fish or a style u prepare and cook fish??
thought i wood jump on the fish bandwagan haha


Well-Known Member
So you simply believe him? LMAO

As i say, they are different fish, like a dolphin is different to a shark.

I'm sorry but i'm having a hard time working out whether to call you ot for trolling like a retard or simply being a retard :p
not propper noticebly diffrent like seahorse and cod tho?

to a fish n00b like me i woulldnt tell the diffrence,well as i say that my limit 1 has bones the other dont call me uncultured w/eva il stik to me steak n chips blue thanking u very much

yes thats another question how do u like ur steaks i like its blue i dunno why tried it once and loved it

TROLL TROLL I'll TROLL you rite on the kisser!"!"seriously i dont know fuk all about fish apart froom the chippys and deadliest catch

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Heston doesn't actually cook at The Fat Duck, he has 15 chefs working there for him. It has a £2.000.000 a year turnover and doesn't break even, it makes a loss!

My dad is a Chef of over 30 years who trained at The Box Tree with Marco Pierre White. My good friend Sam Wilson is the dessert chef for the Gordon Ramsey restaurant
at Claridge's Hotel, London.
The finest meal I have ever eaten, hands down was from the Alain Ducasse restaurant at The Dorchester Hotel, London.
You don't earn 3 stars for having fancy ingredients just for the sake of it. Having 3 stars means exactly what it should, you have achieved culinary perfection. This is why there are only four restaurants in England with 3 stars (The Fat Duck, The Waterside, Claridge's and The Dorchester), Marco Pierre White gave his back.

I'm a Master Bartender myself, I'm 32 and I've been in the industry seventeen years (I started waiting silver service tables at 15 years old). I've just spent the last seven years training staff for Europe's largest casino chain. I specialise in Molecular Mixology (what Heston does but with booze) and I'm the fastest, working Bartender in the north of England.
I can do amazing things with drinks and take great pride in my chosen field but I know there are MANY more Bartenders all over the world that are far better than I'll ever be, I'm good but I'm no Eben Freeman!

I would happily pay £250 a head for a meal and an evening I will never forget, no matter how many cookbooks and recipes somebody has they'll never be able to cook those recipes like a 3 star chef and THAT is what you pay for.
To each their own mate, i've eaten far better from far lesser chefs.


Well-Known Member
So you simply believe him? LMAOAs i say, they are different fish, like a dolphin is different to a shark.I'm sorry but i'm having a hard time working out whether to call you ot for trolling like a retard or simply being a retard :p

do you know what skate is UKRG?
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Skate looks NOTHING like cod..

it was battered so i wouldnt have a clue what it looked like under the batter tbqf