Club 600


Well-Known Member
Well met my new neighbor today 2 older chicks and her husband drives truck and one chick helps the other out while the husband gone me some side work building a fence and some other gardening so that's cool""...and about time I get some cool neighbors there all about smoking bud all day everyday

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Well met my new neighbor today 2 older chicks and her husband drives truck and one chick helps the other out while the husband gone me some side work building a fence and some other gardening so that's cool""...and about time I get some cool neighbors there all about smoking bud all day everyday
Ive been living with the same neighbor for over 5 years, and didnt talk to him (we have a few acres so there space between us). I was washing dishes last summer when I thought I saw a huge weed tree in his yard. I climed on my roof and sure as shit, hes got a full blown garden. Turns out hes been growing OD as long as Ive lived here and he was always sweating me. :lol: we both took huge monkeys of the others back that day. Its a sweet thing when your neighbor is all about weed too.


Well-Known Member
Well met my new neighbor today 2 older chicks and her husband drives truck and one chick helps the other out while the husband gone me some side work building a fence and some other gardening so that's cool""...and about time I get some cool neighbors there all about smoking bud all day everyday
Be careful! My general rule is, don't talk to my neighbors lol.


Well-Known Member
I know about every neighbor I have lived in the same house for 23 years I am the original of this street everybody moved on but me we own our house and not planing on gong anywhere


Well-Known Member
Most of my neighbors smoke pot too. They either wanna smoke for free, or wanna steal My other neighbor is a snitch, cant win in a mobile


Well-Known Member
Cool. Thanks for the info guys. Going out this afternoon to grab one. I've never dealt with them before so I was unsure how the their ratings work. I'll probably just do Wally World and was thinking of getting maybe a 30 gallon pump, maybe with 2 or 3 outlets. Is 30 enough Shwag?

Good mornafterevening everyone!
Are you looking to just run (1) 12" airstone or so? The bigger the better within reason depending on budget. I use something like this, not sure if this is my exact model or not though. It works like a tank and REALLY rips a shit ton of air.


Made my GH - I think its 25 liters/minute. It works great for teas, I can mix a 10 gallon batch and run 2 stones nicely off this unit. It would run you about 60 - 70 bucks though and I'm sure there are ones that can do the job for cheaper.

I would aim for one that is more than 15 liters per minute to really get that shit going :D


Well-Known Member
Most of my neighbors smoke pot too. They either wanna smoke for free, or wanna steal My other neighbor is a snitch, cant win in a mobile
My thoughts are... I have enough friends, I don't want one knocking on my door everyday because he needs to escape the evil talons of his wife LOL


Well-Known Member
Haha... this is like me. I made a friend in my town a couple years ago. I fucking hated it. Dropping by and shit. And I have glass doors, so I couldn't hide. I'd just stand there and say, I'm busy, sorry bro. I had to tell him eventually I don't like having friends.

It's nice having them a couple hours drive away. If I ever want to chill... I can. But they don't stop by... EVER. It's nice.


Well-Known Member
Haha... this is like me. I made a friend in my town a couple years ago. I fucking hated it. Dropping by and shit. And I have glass doors, so I couldn't hide. I'd just stand there and say, I'm busy, sorry bro. I had to tell him eventually I don't like having friends.

It's nice having them a couple hours drive away. If I ever want to chill... I can. But they don't stop by... EVER. It's nice.
ahaha, you and I are weirdos though Jig.... My gf (she doesn't live with me) would love for people to just drop by. Me? If you don't call first don't expect a pleasant welcome lol. I have a handful of very close friends that I am happy to see most anytime, but each of them knows to call first and they know I would extend that courtesy to them as well.

On a different note, a tip that all of you know already but my dumbass was just reminded. Don't go fucking around in your flower box right before you leave the house. My arms are covered in sticky stanky resin lol.


Well-Known Member
Haha... this is like me. I made a friend in my town a couple years ago. I fucking hated it. Dropping by and shit. And I have glass doors, so I couldn't hide. I'd just stand there and say, I'm busy, sorry bro. I had to tell him eventually I don't like having friends.

It's nice having them a couple hours drive away. If I ever want to chill... I can. But they don't stop by... EVER. It's nice.
Watch, Im a come knocking on your door for a surprise visit, just for posting this, lol. ;)


Well-Known Member
Come knocking at my door unannounced and you WILL be sent away. Even my own brother. No reason in this day and age that you can't call first. I would never do it to anyone else.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I know bill. I wasn't directing that to you, I was just responding in general to the conversation. Sorry bill. Just happened to follow your post


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Jeezo, glad I don't live round you lot, lol, so bang goes the 600 Hippy Commune when the world ends in 2012!!! hehehe.

I use to have a friend that got annoyed when I use to turn up at his house. I mean I lived over an hours drive away and he knew I was always going to be through, sometimes I would manage to call, sometimes not. However I was always dropping by to give him hash for my friend who was doing a little bit of time. So he get's all antsy one day and tells me I should really call before coming round. Now I had noticed this guy was becoming a fukking retarded waster, and then I met him one day at a petrol station not far from where I lived, and quite far from where he lived. At this point I had stopped going round altogether. Turns out he's into the brown all that time. This was one of my best mates ffs. Anyway, he died from herion so I don't know. You live near me, I may just pop round for tea!!! So always have the kettle ready!!!! lol.


Well-Known Member
600 hippy commune! lol that would be cool.... Would we ever run out of herb? what would we do if we did? lol

Any friend of mine is more than welcome to pop on over anytime! But not just anyone is a friend of mine ;-)


Well-Known Member
600 hippy commune! lol that would be cool.... Would we ever run out of herb?
Are you crazy, would we ever run out, lmfao.....

whodatnation said:
what would we do if we did? lol
get our 600's out and grow some more, lol.

whodatnation said:
Any friend of mine is more than welcome to pop on over anytime! But not just anyone is a friend of mine ;-)

Now everyone get back to welcoming unexpected friends round for cucumber sandwiches and nice cups of tea in bone china!!!! With the odd pound of smoke thrown in.....

Peace, and good night night my friend, please pop round anytime!
